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Howard Eskin on Skins coaching search


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On my drive home today Eskin commented on the Skins coaching search. He is apparently good friends of Spagnuolo from his days serving under Jim Johnson with the Eagles.

Anyhow, he ran down the list of candidates and commented briefly on each one. Notable was that he was very critical of Mooch, saying that he was a total fraud. He also said that Fassel was a fraud (this is typical Eskin speak) but was not as emphatic about him as he was with Mooch -- who he clearly felt was not a good candidate.

Regarding Spagnuolo, he felt he was clearly the cream of this crop. He didn't get too much into detail, but mentioned that Spagnuolo was a great guy, and did a great job instituting his system with the Giants after the team essentially bailed on him following week 2 and was a major factor in their SB win over Belichick and the Patriots.

Most interesting was that he had talked with Spagnuolo and that while the Redskins have their coordinators set already and it's not ideal, it was in no way a major deterant for him. Howard said this is a phenomenal once in a lifetime opportunity and he hopes he'd get it -- and that Spagnuolo felt the same and was very, very exited for the chance. He also said that he regrets the opportunity is with the Redskins, because he feels that they would be getting a heck of a coach.

Personally, I have to think that if the talks go well, the job is his. I like him too... young, energetic, tough, mentored under Jim Johnson, served under Reid and Caughlin, and knows the NFC East. He's a little wet behind the ears and that scares me, but has all the intangeables to be the next great coach.

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now the question is, is Dan serious about Spagnuolo.

Well, he put off naming a new head coach for two weeks to talk to him. That must say something. (And before anyone says it, I don't think Mooch was a serious candidate. It seems obvious now that any talks they had were out of respect and that the media drove those rumors.)


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Eskin is a fraud. There, said it.

He probably is just hoping to have another close contact on another team to keep himself in the know. Since George Michaels' gig dried up for him, he hasn't been able to torment DC viewers for a while.

Having said all that, I hope he's not just blowing smoke.

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Interesting read, not sure what to make of it though. Eskin sucks up to Ried and McNabb all the time, but for the most part his opinions are pretty much spot on when it comes to the Iggles (except when he was sure they were going to beat NE in the SB:laugh:). So I guess its somewhat comforting news for us, should he become our next HC.

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Wow. This and all other indications I've seen indicate that Spagnuolo really wants this job. If we hire Fassel over this guy, I have a feeling the Extremeskins blowback will be tremendous.

Do you want a guy who just stymied the undefeated Patriots in the Super Bowl (Spags), or do you want a guy no one else in the league wants to touch with a 20-foot pole (Fassel)?

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Well, Spagnuolo's good friend thinks he's the best coach of the bunch, huh lol...there's a shock. :)

That's really not the news here, though. The news is that Spags is apparently not deterred by the fact a staff is in place.

If we pass on Spagnuolo, five years from now I can easily see us all saying, "I can't believe we didn't hire that guy while we had the chance." Somehow I can't see us saying the same about Fassel if we pass him up.

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That's really not the news here, though. The news is that Spags is apparently not deterred by the fact a staff is in place.

If we pass on Spagnuolo, five years from now I can easily see us all saying, "I can't believe we didn't hire that guy while we had the chance." Somehow I can't see us saying the same about Fassel if we pass him up.

I just thought it was funny, that's all lol...

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Interesting read, not sure what to make of it though. Eskin sucks up to Ried and McNabb all the time, but for the most part his opinions are pretty much spot on when it comes to the Iggles (except when he was sure they were going to beat NE in the SB:laugh:). So I guess its somewhat comforting news for us, should he become our next HC.

True...Eskin isn't an Eagles apologist and praise whatever they do. He was always critical of Buddy Ryan and just slamed the guy and the way he ran the team...ditto with Rich Kotite...he pretty much knew both would be losers early on and he turned up dead right on both.

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I think Mooch and Fassell are media type guys and would love the limelight. Especially after getting fired by 2 legit franchises in Ny and Sfran.

We need a young energetic coach to build with and not afraid to bring the pain. He also understands the importance of a DL that would help our wobbly secondary now that Taylors gone and Landry on the rise. It's a gamble, but atleast I know he came up under some very aggressive DC's that didn't sit back and let the defense get jack hammered an entire game. This guy was brought up from the likes of "Bring the pain" academy and it all starts up front with the DL.

Now where's that damn contract SNYDER :mad:

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I thought he would be a great coach as soon as I heard he was in the running and the great defense he had with New York and the superbowl proved it even more. Dan should hire him

One interesting fact i heard on Redskins radio was his first NFL related job was with the Redskins.

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One other interesting thing in JLCs column is apparently Gibbs has been in Zorns ear about keeping on Breaux and Burns ... I was thinking the next head coach would be offensive to help out the over matched Zorn but with Buges still about and the Don at least he will have experienced people to fall back on ...

Thinking about this again ... Has Buges had his title changed because it was assistant head coach offensive line ..does that outrank an offensive coordinator ?

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Well dispite my hatred of the Giants I've been a Spags fan since about the middle of the season when I heard he was from my home town in Mass. I've lived in the DC area since I was 4 started watching the Skins in 1980, I'm a Washingtonian, always will be even if I leave the area someday...but only natural to take an interest in someone having some success from that was born the same place you were.

Anyway started doing some research into his career and kind of started to like what I was seeing. This was after the Giants had stopped the Skins 7 times on the goal line. And I started thinking to myself man this guy seems to be doing a pretty good job with the Giants, did well with the Iggles, from Mass. what the hell...be nice if maybe in a year or two when Greg (who then certainly was the next head coach after Gibbs, whenever he left) became the HC, maybe the Skins would be smart enough to try to pull this guy in if he was still available as DC.

But I thought that was a mostly silly notion, really just based wanting to see someone from my town do well..and why not do well for us! lol

Well things have changed a bit now haven't they? hahaha Hell even early on in this coaching search I didn't think Dan would ever go for someone that didn't have the "name". But maybe......maybe Snyder had learned something from Joe.

The Skins are now in the position to get this relatively young fresh coaching prospect that could if things work out be here for a bit.

The fact of the matter is. Just because a coaching search has never gone down quite like this does not mean it will not work. The key here I think (hope) in Dan, Joe and Vinnie's mind here is to bet more on the players that we already have...and maintain that over all chemistry, while bring in some fresh perspectives, and maybe some people that will utilize said talent in a more efficient way.

Of could this could all change over the next few months if the team is completely dismantled, but maybe that is the idea here. Maybe....please....I hope...Dan is actually trying to conduct a full search which includes finding the best people that are willing to work with a lot of pieces already in place.

If Spags is willing to do it, it seems like a really good fit to me. But I'm just biased...hehehe

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Some of the talk about "he really wants it" is pretty silly. Why wouldn't a one-year DC want to be HC for the Redskins at about $5 mil per year for 4 years? He's worked with little attention for years and this may be his one shot. Who knows maybe Strahan retires, Osi gets hurt, and all of a sudden the defense isn't so good any more and he's not in demand any more. That doesn't mean he would or wouldn't be a good choice - just that of course he wants it because you have to strike while the iron is hot.

There's only a few guys who could turn down a spot like this - even with their coaches already picked out for them. Cowher obviously can call his shots, Mora was promised the HC job in Seattle next year and he's from there so he wasn't giving up that much to say no. And who else could really say no? Oh and Pete Carroll too - he's got a great gig and can go to the NFL any time he wants.

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Couple of tidbits from the Riggins show and Bram who is at the park.

It was noted that spags does have some WCO experience through Andy Reid.

Bram, along with a few other reporters, did get a chance to ask Snyder a couple of questions.


On time it has taken to make a decision - To complete his list of candidates they had to wait until after the SB to interview.

What he thought about the Giants D and if that had any bearing on Spags - Wouldn't it for anybody wanting to interview him

Bram said a friend of his caught Snyder cheering for the Giants at the SB. Bram originally thought it was because Snyder was ticked at the Pats for running up the score. Now he thinks he was cheering for Spags.

Asked about Grimm not getting in the HOF and Snyder said he had talked to him a couple of days ago about it. Bram thinks he slipped up by saying he had contact with him.

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So, if Snyder does hire Spagnuolo as the next HC, would all the talk about how Snyder has "drawn out" the hiring process be considered invalid, since he couldn't have interviewed Spags until now anyway?...

I think he redeems himself in the eyes of most of the mass media, and for some of us fans who would prefer to see a young energetic HC as opposed to a retread or college coach.:2cents:

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