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Obama would hold Muslim summit: interview

US presidential hopeful Barack Obama has told a French magazine he wants to organise a summit of the Muslim world if he makes it to the White House.

Muslim and Western leaders would be invited to the summit for "a discussion about how we can prevent the widening misunderstandings and gaps between the Muslim world and the West," Obama said in the interview to Paris Match.

"I will ask them to join us in battling terrorism but we should also be willing to listen in terms of some of their concerns," he said in the interview to be released Thursday.


Anyone else disturbed by this? Closet Muslim anyone?

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I am not disturbed by this at all. I am slightly disturbed that you'd call him a closet Muslim and try to make it out to be a disturbing thing that he would want to attend this.

So hes only going to be appeasing to the Muslim nations concerns? How about the Hindus, Jews, Bahai's, etc.... ?

It would be great if he would have called it a "Multi-faith" conference or whatever... But only Muslims?

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I think this is a brilliant idea. I think he's tried to distance himself from his Islamic upbringings because it'll affect his vote, but I just might vote for him BECAUSE he has a Muslim background. After all, he would understand best why Islamic extremists feel the US is a threat to their goals, and he would be in the best position out of all the candidates to do something about it.

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I think this is a brilliant idea. I think he's tried to distance himself from his Islamic upbringings because it'll affect his vote, but I just might vote for him BECAUSE he has a Muslim background. After all, he would understand best why Islamic extremists feel the US is a threat to their goals, and he would be in the best position out of all the candidates to do something about it.

I wouldn't say he would understand best

I am Muslim and have spoken to pushtons in Pakistan and have no clue why they feel the way they do except they are quite ignorant and uneducated and have no idea of the world except for what is right in front of them. Most Muslims don't have a clue as to why anyone wants to strap a bomb to their chest

However, just bringing leaders together is a good step 1

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I wouldn't say he would understand best

I am Muslim and have spoken to pushtons in Pakistan and have no clue why they feel the way they do except they are quite ignorant and uneducated and have no idea of the world except for what is right in front of them. Most Muslims don't have a clue as to why anyone wants to strap a bomb to their chest

However, just bringing leaders together is a good step 1

Sorry, I wasn't insinuating that all Muslims would want to become terrorists. I was just saying that having that background would at least enable him to understand where extremists and non-extremists differ in their interpretation of the Quran. I mean, this is probably better than Dubya going around calling Muslims "the enemy" and "evil."

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What is this I keep hearing about Obama refusing to stand for the pledge of allegiance or national anthem or something?

Honest question... I keep hearing it, people are saying it like it is fact.

Hey Zoony, I had heard the same thing, too. Here's an article from snopes.com (maybe not the most credible site, but not the least credible either): http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/anthem.asp.

As for respecting the flag, I remember that during high school, we were given the option to either stand and respect the flag while the Pledge of Allegiance was stated each morning, or we could stand quietly in the hallway. One of the main reasons students chose to stand in the hallway was because of the words "under God" in the Pledge. I don't know if Obama is so strongly in favor of separation of church and state that he doesn't want to acknowledge the Pledge, or if he's just being casual.

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What is this I keep hearing about Obama refusing to stand for the pledge of allegiance or national anthem or something?

Honest question... I keep hearing it, people are saying it like it is fact.

Not true, he addressed this directly at one of the debates. These emails use certain pictures taken that make it appear that way but he often leads the pledge of allegiance during Senate meetings as well as prefers to sing the national anthem with his hands behind his back instead of on his heart. He also swore in on a Bible . . . unlike what these mudslinging emails would have you believe.

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Sorry, I wasn't insinuating that all Muslims would want to become terrorists. I was just saying that having that background would at least enable him to understand where extremists and non-extremists differ in their interpretation of the Quran. I mean, this is probably better than Dubya going around calling Muslims "the enemy" and "evil."

I understood what you were saying. God knows we need someone in the higher levels of government that understands different people may have different beliefs . . . especially since this administration has done such a great job in understanding this :doh:

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What is this I keep hearing about Obama refusing to stand for the pledge of allegiance or national anthem or something?

Honest question... I keep hearing it, people are saying it like it is fact.

Snopes: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/anthem.asp

There is a photo of him without his hand on his heart while others behind him do, but there are also photos of him with his hand over his heart.

The senator himself said that ""My grandfather taught me how to say the Pledge of Allegiance when I was 2...During the Pledge of Allegiance you put your hand over your heart. During the national anthem you sing."

From the Obama campaign: http://www.barackobama.com/factcheck/2007/11/12/obama_is_a_patriot.php

sked whether Obama normally puts his hand over his heart while listening to the national anthem, Obama spokesman Bill Burton replied by e-mail: "Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. In no way was he making any sort of statement, and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous."

Also, for the Muslim stuff:


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