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I love the Redskins and ES.


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Whoever gets the job, it will be slightly disapointing to me because they arent Joe Gibbs. No one is. But what the Redskins have to do right now is take their time and pick the guy that ownership is the most comfortable working with for the next 5 or more years. I want that. I want Snyder and Cerrato to exhaust all options. Jim Fassel? Sure, bring him in. Mora? Of course.

Want to blame someone for the state of flux the team is in? Blame Joe Gibbs. Somehow, through all this media and fan fueled madness Gibbs has escaped all blame. He caught the Redskins completely off guard with his resignation. Not that I dont understand his reasoning behind leaving, his priorities in life are clearly in line. Fact is though, when you are suddenly thrown into the position of trying to replace a legend, it makes sense that you should take your time and get all your ducks in a row before making any kind of official announcement.

I think the most important advice that Gibbs has given Snyder is not who the next head coach should be but that Dan should make sure that whatever the choice is he has to be completely comfortable with it and it has to be made as free from outside influence as possible. Seems like Dan is following that to me.

Couldn't agree with this more. I'll just reiterate something I posted earlier:

I think people would not be freaking out so much had we not all assumed for the past few years that Gregg Williams was the heir to Gibbs' throne.

I think the combo of Joe leaving before his contract was up, and the Redskins having so much talent but not being able to quite capitalize over the past few years has put Dan in a tough spot.

So let us take a step back and realize that we are not in the situation that the Dolphins, Ravens, or Falcons are/were in. This is a team that has been on the brink for a couple years now, and finding a coach that will potentially take them to the top is a decision that should not be rushed. No matter how frustrating it is to us fans.

I'll be the first to say that I'm tired of the waiting game, the mediot-induced circus, and the rumors that have flooded the boards the past week or so. Fact is though, only time will tell whether Dan is doing the right thing.

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Sorry that you don't like what is posted on here anymore, but no one will lose sleep if you stop coming here. This maybe the most hypocritical post I have ever read, you sit here and voice your displeasure with the actions of members on this board (which you can't control), why? Because they voice their displeasure with the teams owner (which you have mentioned they have no control over). Starting to see the trend here? What do you think this thread does? Offers us all deep insight into the redskins?... no you are whining about others whining, so rather than add another post to filter through why don't you stick to breaking news where you can't respond sounds like thats much more suitable for you.

BTW I enjoy voicing my opinion with my fellow fans, whether it be positive or negative, we are all in this together. It feels good to know that other people are as upset as I am about what is happening, its called human nature.

However, I hope that you do continue to come here and post about the REDSKINS NOT THE MEMBERS. Everyone has an opinion, why not hear different views?

Also just wondering why this is in the stadium? How is this relevant to redskins information what so ever?

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Im just tired of the mindless spending on "names" and the constant state of flux.

Not giving Marty more time... Giving Norv too much time... Letting Spurrier set us back three years... Jumping on Gibbs as desperation. What has Snyder actually done that has been positive?

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I can't go along with the blame Gibbs mentality.

Sure, he did us no favors. But was he not allowed to take off at the age of 67 and having given us way more than he ever had to? It was brought up when he retired that he had told associates he couldn't coach anywhere but here. Are we too spoiled to realize that he is a pretty rare breed in today's sports world?

If anything, I blame him for never being willing to tell someone like Snyder and JKC exactly what he thinks should be done with a little force. I feel as though both times he left (which again, I believe is fine) he had enough clout to set the direction straight if chose to be forceful enough with ownership.

But dangit, he's too nice of a guy when it comes down to it.

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I'm willing to let this play out, but for those who thought that Gibbs left a legacy of franchise stability, this really looks discouraging. It feels like a giant step backward.

Maybe. That's one of the concerns I suspect every Skins fan has.

Thing is, it's also entirely possible that come September, when the new coach and his team hit the field, the fact that there were a few weeks of uncertainty way back in January when Gibbs unexpectedly bailed may have been long forgotten. Particularly if the team hasn't spiked itself in preseason.

Regardless ... having been around this site for going on 8 years now, one thing I CAN promise is that if the team wins a few games early, the mass hysteria on the board will be just as loud, just in the other direction. :)

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The word is "Continuity". It can be crucial to a team that is putting something together. As of now we have NO continuity. Expect a made exodus by FAs

Heck, go read VinceGeorgeJoe's thread over here...


Really not such a bad version of things. You've got heavy defensive continuity, assuming Blache is worth his salt (I regret to say I have no idea). You get o-line continuity on offense if Buges stays, which is good. Past that, what do you really want to stay the same? Was Campbell progressing like you'd like? Did ARE and Moss remake the Smurfs? Was Portis grinding out Redskin football style yardige on a consistent basis last year?

After reading Jethro's post and settling down a bit from before, I've got to agree on several counts. The future isn't necessarily dark. And the posts here on the boards have really been pretty sorry lately. I'm blaming much of the sorry posts on the bulliten board system. No offense ES, but for a group this large and active, it stinks. Let me know if you'd like some help customizing the code. I'd really like it to be a little easier to catch replies to your own posts, which takes way too much time as is, especially sorting through the riff-raff being posted. Still, you've got to blame many posters, who fire five and forget, cluttering up the board, never returning to see if they've contributed to the *conversation* because they never really had contributing to something continuing in mind.

Can't say I wholly agree with Om. No matter what's going on behind the scenes, Gibbs seems to have asked GW not to withdraw, and gotten him to stink around at least once. GW was disappointed enough with the way the coaching search has gone that he's wanted out for a while. That's bad decision making by Snyder. So is sending Coles (iirc), a fellow who played his proverbial guts out for this team, ice cream and a TV. So was all but forcing season ticket holders to grab obstructed seats site unseen. So was outlawing pedestrian traffic at FedEx for as long as he could do it.

Snyder's priorities appear to be ego first, then dough, then winning. That's embarrassingly backwards. Even if the appearance that Snyder if a creep is arguably flawed or inaccurate, he's got to start realizing that his moves invite misinterpretation by his market (I'd rather say "fans"). No matter what's unknown, Snyder and friends have consistently dropped the ball with respect to public perception and many of the team's coaches. For this, Snyder is rightfully catching flak.

Not sure I'll be renewing my worst seat tickets this year, but I'm still looking forward to catching a few beers and watching the preseason. Thanks for the thread, 'thro.

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I dont think there is anything he could have done to make this transition any easier.

Not true. He didn't have to resign a day after losing the wild card game.

He COULD have stayed and helped our incompetent FO through the hiring of his replacement. They could have still kept it quiet. Then when the new guys were decided on and in place he could have announced the change.

What a difference that would have made. All the coaches would have known what was going on, no blow up in the media and with fans. :2cents:

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I can't go along with the blame Gibbs mentality.

Sure, he did us no favors. But was he not allowed to take off at the age of 67 and having given us way more than he ever had to? It was brought up when he retired that he had told associates he couldn't coach anywhere but here. Are we too spoiled to realize that he is a pretty rare breed in today's sports world?

Joe Gibbs is one of my idols. His wanting to leave football is something I cant control and is extemely dissapointing to me.

I will continue to oblige his acceptance of the responsibility for leaving the Redskins in a tough spot. I also understand his reason behind leaving and continue to hold him in the highest regard as a football coach and as a man.

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Maybe. That's one of the concerns I suspect every Skins fan has.

Thing is, it's also entirely possible that come September, when the new coach and his team hit the field, the fact that there were a few weeks of uncertainty way back in January when Gibbs unexpectedly bailed may have been long forgotten. Particularly if the team hasn't spiked itself in preseason.

Regardless ... having been around this site for going on 8 years now, one thing I CAN promise is that if the team wins a few games early, the mass hysteria on the board will be just as loud, just in the other direction. :)

Its funny how winning does that.

It even calmed down after we went on a 4 game winning streak to make the playoffs. People went from HATING Gibbs and the game has passed him by to praising the organization and feeling we were in the right direction.

I believe that once we get a HC in place and we get as adjusted to seeing him there as much as he has to adjust to being there we will be just fine.

A Lombardi trophy would make the transition ALOT smoother..

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Thing is, it's also entirely possible that come September, when the new coach and his team hit the field, the fact that there were a few weeks of uncertainty way back in January when Gibbs unexpectedly bailed may have been long forgotten. Particularly if the team hasn't spiked itself in preseason.

I'm keeping that hope alive. Even more, I hope that's the case 4 to 5 games into the season. Because if things go sour right off the bat, we'll be rehashing January/February all over again!

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It's just too soon, jethro.

I suspect there are a great many Redskins fans taking a long view of this thing, who, like you and I, agree that Gibbs didn't do the team any favors by leaving the way he did.

And who don't think the fact this thing is taking several weeks to play out necessarily means the owner's a moron or the team's going to completely tank on the field.

I just think most of them, as I've generally been doing, know that they're going to be shouted down if they try to say so.

But things will settle down at Ashburn ... and then they'll start to settle down on the boards ... and eventually we'll get around to talking about specifics instead of assumptions, generalities and absolutes as so many are doing now.

And for those about to jump down my throat for not being pissed enough ... no, I'm not saying some of the concerns people are voicing aren't valid. I have some too.

I just live by the credo that it's good to know what one doesn't know. And I know that there are factors at play here I'm simply not privileged to that would throw a whole lot more light on all of this than what I get from the irresponsible, almost gleeful media and the frustrated venting of other fans.

There'll be a long summer to sort it all out though, once we actually have some facts to dissect and the loudest screamers have generally shouted themselves out. :)

This essentially sums up exactly how I feel. As fans our only ability is to speculate on the information given to us. While we all have our own opinions and are entitled to them, the fact is we are basing them on half truth or percieved media perspectives. With raw facts can we only truly voice our accurate opinions, and raw facts are not what we are reading and hearing everyday.

Without a backstage pass, our only option is to sit down and enjoy the show. (Doesn't mean we cant ***** and moan about it though:silly:;))

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By the time the fans were made aware, irrational indignation had spread into thousands of computer servers across the planet. Ordinary computers in office buildings, dorm rooms; everywhere. It was software; in cyberspace. There was no host server; it could not be shutdown. The outrage began at 12:36 PM on January 26, just as he said it would. Judgment Day, the day the Skins Nation was almost destroyed by the fan sites they'd built to express themselves.

I should have realized it was never our destiny to stop Judgment Day, it was merely to survive it, together. The Moderator knew; he tried to tell us, but I didn't want to hear it. Maybe the future has been written. I don't know; all I know is what the Moderator taught me; never stop fighting. And I never will. The battle has just begun.

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He COULD have stayed and helped our incompetent FO through the hiring of his replacement. They could have still kept it quiet. Then when the new guys were decided on and in place he could have announced the change.

Uh, actually that probably is mostly how it happened. Gibbs and Snyder spent a lot of talking after his retirement announcement and I'm sure went over the search for his replacement.

In the end, tho, the call on who replaces Gibbs is Snyder's, which Gibbs made clear in his retirement speech.


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I can't go along with the blame Gibbs mentality.

Sure, he did us no favors. ..............

Not sure if I'm among those you are referring to, but just in case ... I did use those words, but I hope you didn't read into them that I don't think he should have left. Fact is, I do think it was time. In fact, I've been thinking recently that Gibbs II should probably have ended---and arguably DID end---the day his grandson was diagnosed w/ leukemia. Why? Becuase he was never the same afterwards.

In the end, I'm glad he stayed on the past two seasons, but also I think he did the right thing by leaving now. But I digress. That's a column for later.

My point was more a comment on the position his leaving left the team in ... not a commentary on whether or not it was justified or proper.

Can't say I wholly agree with Om. No matter what's going on behind the scenes, Gibbs seems to have asked GW not to withdraw, and gotten him to stink around at least once. GW was disappointed enough with the way the coaching search has gone that he's wanted out for a while. That's bad decision making by Snyder. So is sending Coles (iirc), a fellow who played his proverbial guts out for this team, ice cream and a TV. So was all but forcing season ticket holders to grab obstructed seats site unseen. So was outlawing pedestrian traffic at FedEx for as long as he could do it.

Snyder's priorities appear to be ego first, then dough, then winning. That's embarrassingly backwards. Even if the appearance that Snyder if a creep is arguably flawed or inaccurate, he's got to start realizing that his moves invite misinterpretation by his market (I'd rather say "fans"). No matter what's unknown, Snyder and friends have consistently dropped the ball with respect to public perception and many of the team's coaches. For this, Snyder is rightfully catching flak.

Not sure I'll be renewing my worst seat tickets this year, but I'm still looking forward to catching a few beers and watching the preseason. Thanks for the thread, 'thro.

Not sure I follow how you derived what follows the bolded part from what I wrote before, brother. I have no problem with people disagreeing with me (I can't--I'm married), but I generally like to at least know what it is I've actually said they disagree with. :)

Help a brother out?

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welcome to the offseason.

I've only been through 1. But, this Site is always in the pits when something bad happens.

When Taylor died, this site was down for half a day. When we lose, people go crazy. When we win, ppl go crazy.

Nothing has changed. Just wait it out.

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A couple of weeks ago I posted a question asking who out of the following would not be back next season: GIBBS, SAUNDERS, WILLIAMS.

ES veterans laughed at my post and made comments suggesting I knew nothing about football. They even got be banned from ES for a couple of weeks.

Where are you trolls now!!!????

All I can say is I told you so.

The skins will continue to operate as a dysfunctional cast of misfits until the fans start revolting by not giving a dime to Snynder. Support the team from home. don't go to the games, don't by their merchandise.

I for one will be cancelling my season tickets this year. This is last time I'm giving a cent to Danny-Boy and Vinny C.

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Sorry that you don't like what is posted on here anymore, but no one will lose sleep if you stop coming here. This maybe the most hypocritical post I have ever read, you sit here and voice your displeasure with the actions of members on this board (which you can't control), why? Because they voice their displeasure with the teams owner (which you have mentioned they have no control over). Starting to see the trend here? What do you think this thread does? Offers us all deep insight into the redskins?... no you are whining about others whining, so rather than add another post to filter through why don't you stick to breaking news where you can't respond sounds like thats much more suitable for you.

BTW I enjoy voicing my opinion with my fellow fans, whether it be positive or negative, we are all in this together. It feels good to know that other people are as upset as I am about what is happening, its called human nature.

However, I hope that you do continue to come here and post about the REDSKINS NOT THE MEMBERS. Everyone has an opinion, why not hear different views?

Also just wondering why this is in the stadium? How is this relevant to redskins information what so ever?

You do know you just did the very same thing that your so upset about other people doing, right?

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I live one day ahead of all of you, and on the other side of the world, I love my skins and i love being an active part of extremeskins, this is the only place I get my skins news from, but I must agree with Jethro that lately the standards have fallen as people become frustrated and angry with the way the team has been treated by DS and others, as a big fan of JJG I must;alas: blame him to some extent as to being the cause of all this, he could have (should have?) told DS about 5 weeks ago that he had had enough of HC that his life priorities had changed and at the end of the season he would be leaving, instead all season he kept saying I have a 5 year contract and I will see it out, forwarned is forearmed. People have been saying that GW committed a wrongful act by running on 10 men on the first defencive down against the Bills, anyone who knew the Sean Taylor had passed knew that was going to happen, if he had not told JJG then who cares, what was JJG going to do throw in an offence player to make up the 11, this is nothing more than "Coffee house dunny fodder". Call me cynical but doesnt DS save a million dollars if he sacks GW.

Some people want to burn DS in effigy some praise him, so far I actually think that he has done ok as an owner, now he needs to run the team his way, which is what I thinks he wants to do, he has been quoted as saying that the team will have a head coach next week, then lets leave this all here and pick it up again when we all know who the new HC is going to be.

I have no Idea who the candidates are, sometime ignorance is bliss, I would however prefer a young coach with new ideas, and something to prove.:2cents:

Hail to all things redskins

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A couple of weeks ago I posted a question asking who out of the following would not be back next season: GIBBS, SAUNDERS, WILLIAMS.

ES veterans laughed at my post and made comments suggesting I knew nothing about football. They even got be banned from ES for a couple of weeks.

Where are you trolls now!!!????

All I can say is I told you so.

The skins will continue to operate as a dysfunctional cast of misfits until the fans start revolting by not giving a dime to Snynder. Support the team from home. don't go to the games, don't by their merchandise.

I for one will be cancelling my season tickets this year. This is last time I'm giving a cent to Danny-Boy and Vinny C.

Dude, you are so in the wrong thread. I think you're looking for this:


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Its coming to the point where I love ES so much, and don't have the will to keep away that I may just have to gouge my eyes out with all of these threads...

That being said, I will always be here, I will always support my skins, and I will always be at every possible redskins related event I can attend, because I can't get enough. I think at this point with all that redskins fans have gone through, they can be called obsessive compulsive for still loving this team... :laugh:

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This is a deep discussion, I have a lot of the same emotions going on here especially loving our Redskins and ES. I read all posts, but reply to only a few...I don't want to get NNTed or anything for not thinking before I type. Feel me?

I posted a reply earlier about Joe Gibbs' retiring for so called "family reasons", but last week I think it was, I see him on the internet wearing an Interstate Batteries shirt (just in time for Daytona)...so is my thinking he meant "Racing Family" wrong? Would a Redskins' lover or Christian for that matter deceive us all?

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