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Mort will be on ESPN Radio in a couple minutes to give the update about the Skins


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The only way to salvage all of this chaos now is to hire either Meeks, Singletary or Cowher. Fassel is not going to cut it with the fans or the players. The other 3 have a shot with both.

****, I don't know if I'd want any of those guys. For Instance, what has Singletary done to make him a HC candidate?

He's only coached since 2003. In Baltimore he coached Inside Linebackers, guys like Lewis who were already the best in the league too.

In SF his defense has ranked 30th, 32nd and 20th in 3 seasons. Hmm, there are only 32 teams in the league, right? And this also answers the trivia question of whose defense ranked worse than our 2006 defense, yep 32nd in the league to our 27th.

He is known as a great motivator, right? How come his defenses are consistently below average-horrible?

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This is all about the 10 men on the field thing and not getting it approved by the HEAD coach. It did make Gibbs look bad that day, so I am sure that pissed Snyder off big time.

If true, and who knows if it is, but this seems a little shallow to me. I mean, who cares. I sure hope the owner did not bring this up. First, I thought it was a nice gesture and was talked about during the week. I remember reading the posts about it and looked for it on the first play. I can't believe Gibbs didn't know about it and if he didn't, who cares. I can't believe Gibbs would have been mad and the owner should not get involved in something like that.

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If the 10 men on the field was that big an issue, then why interview Gregg four times? If this bothered the powers that be then why put coach Williams through all of those interviews and lack of communication for such a long time? I don't get it. From a pr standpoint the front office just undid the last four years.

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If true, and who knows if it is, but this seems a little shallow to me. I mean, who cares. I sure hope the owner did not bring this up. First, I thought it was a nice gesture and was talked about during the week. I remember reading the posts about it and looked for it on the first play. I can't believe Gibbs didn't know about it and if he didn't, who cares. I can't believe Gibbs would have been mad and the owner should not get involved in something like that.

I didn't get the impression that Gibbs was mad about it. But it did look bad that he did not know about it. Snyder idolizes Gibbs, so anything that makes Gibbs look bad will not sit well with him.

I am also sure that is just the tip of the iceberg as far as Danny not feeling comfortable with GW. My point was not the GW is not getting hired because of that one incident, but that the supposed "smear" campaign is just a mention of that to the media getting out of hand.

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The saddest part is that with all this drama, and how dissappointed I am about it, I will still fight for the Redskins next year. I've been a fan since birth, with the help of my father and uncle force feeding it to me. And now here I am, a 28 year old man, an everybody knows diehard Redskins fan, and I have to just bit my tongue on all this. Such an emotional season made me proud to be a Redskins fan, and knowing where we were heading had me more excited about next year. Great young talent, solid defense, lots of core-Redskins. And now here we are again, players will be upset about this coacing carousel, remarks will be traded back and forth between our beloved teammates and the front office, Snyder will buy something, and we will not build on what we have. Well, there is always the year after next, or maybe the one after that, but if not that one, the one after that. Ahhh, thats why I love this game.


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Danny must think we're stupid. He comes up with this "Williams dissed Gibbs" garbage as an excuse to remove Gregg from HC consideration and then expects us to buy into it and side with him.

The biggest problem is that it is being leaked to the media on purpose so Danny doesn't actually have to give an interview or talk directly to the press.

Danny, we understand you hate speaking to the media but there is NO WAY you can come out of this smelling like a rose unless you grow a pair and tell your side so the fans can hear it directly from your mouth. If you don't want Gregg then fine, JUST SAY SO! Quit jerking us around with this mystery candidate crap. Quit sending Gibbs to do your dirty work. BE A LEADER!!!!

This post has ALL THE TRUE.

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Originally Posted by RustyShark

i think snyder is trying to make GW look bad so the fans will side with him

I think this comment is dead-on accurate. I think that's exactly where this whole thing is headed.

I couldn't agree more. When Snyder has a beef with someone, watch out...He get's his man and turns the fans against him. Just ask LaVar, L. Coles, and the list is growing by the day.

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And its time you just woke up.

You are fake. Point blank.

Go jump off the ledge with the rest of the lemmings

thats your comeback?


you must have been a debate major in HS. And I won't say college because it appears you didnt take it after HS..

that was probably the weakest retort I think I have ever seen. We are all dumber for reading that, and may God have mercy on your soul...

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