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WP - Williams Interviews For a Fourth Time,(updated JLC blog & merged)


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Williams Interviews For a Fourth Time

By Jason Reid and Jason La Canfora

Washington Post Staff Writers

Wednesday, January 16, 2008; Page E03

Washington Redskins assistant coach Gregg Williams met with management about the team's head coaching position for the fourth time yesterday, taking another step in a process that many NFL sources expect will end with him succeeding Joe Gibbs.

Although owner Daniel Snyder still is scheduled to interview candidates from outside the organization this week -- including former Atlanta Falcons head coach Jim Mora -- as part of the process to find Gibbs's successor, Williams, Washington's assistant head coach -- defense the last four seasons, remained the front-runner after his lengthy formal interview at Snyder's home Monday and another productive session with management yesterday, NFL executives said. Williams has interacted well with Snyder and team executives in numerous meetings since Gibbs unexpectedly resigned as coach and team president on Jan. 8, league sources said, moving forward in a search that could be completed soon.

Snyder and Gibbs, serving as a consultant to the owner, have stressed the importance of continuity as they search for a leader for the organization -- and Snyder's sixth coach since buying the team in 1999. Hiring Williams would best ensure that the Redskins maintain the stability from last season's playoff finish, several NFL executives and agents said. Williams, the only candidate under consideration among the current coaching staff, has strong support of Washington's coaches and players, and many in the organization said promoting Williams would be best for them after Gibbs walked away from the Redskins for the second -- and presumably final -- time.

Williams served as head coach in Buffalo from 2001 to 2003 and also was a successful defensive coordinator with the Tennessee Titans. "I know how he is as a head coach, I know how he is as a person," said middle linebacker London Fletcher said, who played under Williams in Buffalo in the 2002 and 2003 seasons. "He brings a presence. Gregg is very demanding, not only of himself but also of his players and coaches. He's detail-oriented. He's extremely meticulous about his structure . . . making sure we know everything that's going on."

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I ask again, why is this vaunted 'stability' so important, on a team that had to perform miracles twice in 4 years just to make the playoffs? We aren't a team on the precipice of greatness. In light of that, and the age we have at some positions (especially the lines), I'm not confident going with an unproven head coach. I like Williams, but the reason to hire him isn't to maintain 'stability'. Of course players favor that, because 'stability'= job security. It doesn't necessarily equal success. Williams as a head coach is no less a crapshoot than any other unproven coach, no essential difference than bringing in a Steve Spurrier and hoping he can do the job.

If thats the call we make, I'll support and root for him, but the 'stability' argument is somewhat meaningless. We can't turn over the entire roster, new coach or not, and its likely that his hire means Saunders goes and we bring new offensive and defensive coordinators in. Which would essentially give us the same level of 'starting over' we'll experience if they choose not to go in-house with their selection.

Personally, I think a lot of you guys are kidding yourselves that a Williams hire ensures success. Redskins fans, including myself, have guessed wrong over and over again. We're likely guessing wrong again here too. Join me in going Costanza here. I think we should decide exactly whats 'best' for this organization, and do the exact opposite.

Then we might have a chance at making the right choice and experiencing consistent success :)

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I ask again, why is this vaunted 'stability' so important, on a team that had to perform miracles twice in 4 years just to make the playoffs? We aren't a team on the precipice of greatness. In light of that, and the age we have at some positions (especially the lines), I'm not confident going with an unproven head coach. I like Williams, but the reason to hire him isn't to maintain 'stability'. Of course players favor that, because 'stability'= job security. It doesn't necessarily equal success. Williams as a head coach is no less a crapshoot than any other unproven coach, no essential difference than bringing in a Steve Spurrier and hoping he can do the job.

If thats the call we make, I'll support and root for him, but the 'stability' argument is somewhat meaningless. We can't turn over the entire roster, new coach or not, and its likely that his hire means Saunders goes and we bring new offensive and defensive coordinators in. Which would essentially give us the same level of 'starting over' we'll experience if they choose not to go in-house with their selection.

Personally, I think a lot of you guys are kidding yourselves that a Williams hire ensures success. Redskins fans, including myself, have guessed wrong over and over again. We're likely guessing wrong again here too. Join me in going Costanza here. I think we should decide exactly whats 'best' for this organization, and do the exact opposite.

Then we might have a chance at making the right choice and experiencing consistent success :)

Tarhog, you have said what I have been trying to say for the last 7 days.

I think this "stability" crap is overated.

I keep hearing people say we are close...........close to what? 8-8 or wild card?

I think we need some new blood. New Ideas. New systems.

With this coaching staff we are 31-34 over 4 years. No division titles and 2 late season runs to make the wild card.

Get real people and wake up. We are not close.

We need a new era. We need to find a young hungry coach, like gibbs was in 1981.

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I don't understand why we'd interview him four times...you'd think if we're just in negotiations we'd say we're negotiating. I think it's more likely that there's a major hang up in what Dan would want Gregg to do about something (OC position, perhaps) and what Gregg would want to do. I don't necessarily think that having to interview four times is a good thing for those who want GW.

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I ask again, why is this vaunted 'stability' so important, on a team that had to perform miracles twice in 4 years just to make the playoffs? We aren't a team on the precipice of greatness. In light of that, and the age we have at some positions (especially the lines), I'm not confident going with an unproven head coach. I like Williams, but the reason to hire him isn't to maintain 'stability'. Of course players favor that, because 'stability'= job security. It doesn't necessarily equal success. Williams as a head coach is no less a crapshoot than any other unproven coach, no essential difference than bringing in a Steve Spurrier and hoping he can do the job.

If thats the call we make, I'll support and root for him, but the 'stability' argument is somewhat meaningless. We can't turn over the entire roster, new coach or not, and its likely that his hire means Saunders goes and we bring new offensive and defensive coordinators in. Which would essentially give us the same level of 'starting over' we'll experience if they choose not to go in-house with their selection.

Personally, I think a lot of you guys are kidding yourselves that a Williams hire ensures success. Redskins fans, including myself, have guessed wrong over and over again. We're likely guessing wrong again here too. Join me in going Costanza here. I think we should decide exactly whats 'best' for this organization, and do the exact opposite.

Then we might have a chance at making the right choice and experiencing consistent success :)

I agree...Everybody that is calling for "stability" or "continuity", my question to you is why? With this staff and these systems we are 31-34, we've had to scramble just to make the paloffs, and the players that we call our playmakers/best players have routinely underperformed...

I like GW and what he has done while here as Defensive Co-ordinator but in my heart of hearts I feel like we need some new blood and youth to energize this franchise...At this point I don't care who the players want, they haven't in my eyes earned the right to have a say so in that decision...

With that being said I agree that we need to go in a totally different direction than we've been going and start with some fresh ideas and new voices...:2cents:

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Do you really want to blow up this team again and start all over?????

We did that for Norv....we did that for Marty....we did that for Steve......we did that for Joe.....

How many more times do you want to start over with a new coach....a new system .....and new players.

Gibbs took this team to the playoffs in two of his four years....yeah.....we were not world beaters. And even most of our victories were as painful as our close losses. And that's the real point that everyone is missing.

This team has suffered through a lot of very close losses over the last two years. This team has gotten better each year. The quality of the players and the quality of the team have improved markedly the last two years. We suffered thru an incredible number of injuries/murder to some of our best players...yet still made it into the playoffs....and we did it with the 2nd toughest schedule in the NFL this year!

We do have a lot of positives to build on and Williams is the right man for the job. I only hope he can keep Saunders and lets him more freely run his offense than Gibbs allowed....unfortunately, that may be wishful thinking. And there will be little change on defense because Williams will still run the defense no matter who his DC is...and he will have the same or at least the core of his defense returning.

In fact, I would bet most of the coaching staff returns with Saunders the only real question mark.

New blood? New ideas? New System? WE tried that 4 times and the first three were pretty much disasters. Gibbs has helped to correct a lot of the mismanagement from the front office and Snyder and instilled a strong team work ethic that can be the basis for success.

YOU may want to start over from scratch and go thru more losing seasons but I would much rather work with what we have and move on to more success. We've had more success in the past four seasons than in 10 of the 11 years between Gibbs I and Gibbs II.

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I ask again, why is this vaunted 'stability' so important, on a team that had to perform miracles twice in 4 years just to make the playoffs? We aren't a team on the precipice of greatness. In light of that, and the age we have at some positions (especially the lines), I'm not confident going with an unproven head coach. I like Williams, but the reason to hire him isn't to maintain 'stability'. Of course players favor that, because 'stability'= job security. It doesn't necessarily equal success. Williams as a head coach is no less a crapshoot than any other unproven coach, no essential difference than bringing in a Steve Spurrier and hoping he can do the job.

If thats the call we make, I'll support and root for him, but the 'stability' argument is somewhat meaningless. We can't turn over the entire roster, new coach or not, and its likely that his hire means Saunders goes and we bring new offensive and defensive coordinators in. Which would essentially give us the same level of 'starting over' we'll experience if they choose not to go in-house with their selection.

Personally, I think a lot of you guys are kidding yourselves that a Williams hire ensures success. Redskins fans, including myself, have guessed wrong over and over again. We're likely guessing wrong again here too. Join me in going Costanza here. I think we should decide exactly whats 'best' for this organization, and do the exact opposite.

Then we might have a chance at making the right choice and experiencing consistent success :)

To use a very trite and overused cliché, Rome wasn't built in a day. And it gets built even slower if you start breaking down the foundation every 2-3 years to start anew.

We know Saunders offense works. We know Williams' defense works. Patience and continuity are the keys here. The vast majority of offenses and defenses in this league have been in place for several years and are not one or even 3 year wonders. Philly, Indy, Pitt, NE. These teams have not changed their philosophies on offense or defense in years. Seattle and GB have run the basically same system with tweaks for years.

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I think we need some new blood. New Ideas. New systems.

Gods, people call Snyder an idiot, then fall into the same traps! I thought us fans had pretty much enough of major change, changing coaches, changing coordinators, changing players. I know I had enough of it.

I think we have a lot here worth building on. We were pretty much in every game last year, and some of those could have been pulled out if maybe our QB had a bit more seasoning, if we didn't have some of the major injuries.

At the same time, you shouldn't have continuity for the sake of continuity. We had made that mistake when we promoted one of Marvin Lewis' assistants to replace him, and we saw what a disaster that was. You need to make sure he is the right guy for the job. (which is why I'm glad they are doing so much talking.)

Now, let's not get stuck on that keeping Williams here means that things will stay the same here. Williams is not Gibbs. His style will be different. How he runs the team will be different. His ideas and priorities will be different. Again, that is why it is important for Snyder to know these things before hiring him.

That being said, he will be ahead of the game over anyone from the outside being brought in. He knows the players. He knows the opponents. Just make sure he is the right guy.


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