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WP - Williams Interviews For a Fourth Time,(updated JLC blog & merged)


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A process is one thing, but this is ridiculous. It's been over two weeks and now new names are creeping into the discussion (Fraizer). If I were Gregg's agent, I'd advise him to follow Mora's lead and pull his name from consideration now. The fact that Snyder is dragging his feet to such an extent based on Gregg's accomplishments here is a pretty dim reflection of their view of the guy. Also, he has to have some serious reservations about taking over a team where the football operation will be lead by Dan and Vinny. If it took Dan and Vinny this long to hire GW, there can't be much conviction. Imagine how quickly they'd move to undermine or second guess the guy if he were to be installed.

Williams is a great coach and a smart guy, he deserves more than what Snyder is prepared to provide. I'm sure there is a defense for him to spend year running before re-entering the head coaching discussion after next season. Maybe in a few years, after Danny and Cerrato have burned the place to the ground, Williams will be hired as head coach by the league-appointed GM brought in to restore the Redskins to respectability.

Thanks for 4 great years Gregg, it's sad to see you endure such disrespect.


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At least consider that they may be looking for a GM type.

Who would honestly feel comfortable with Danny/Vinny/Gregg running the draft?

And on free agency.....the track record isn't stellar.

Do we really want anymore of his "coaching friends" put on our staff? Do you want another "snitch" type of mentality in the organization?

He may just not have the right disposition for the job.

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The stability, that is the key element in Gibbs coaching philosophy. According to Gibbs (paraphrased), stability (or continuity) allows a team to improve as a unit, by repetition and practice.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost everything Gibbs has done are geared for maintaining that continuity in the team.

As for playoff being "miracles," they are no longer miracle when they are performed repeatedly. If the team does it again, then it will be the "norm." As Parcells said, the Skins are as good as its record: the Skins are 2-out-of-4 playoff team. :D

I guess my sense is that stability is less of a factor now than it was during Gibb's first go-round. First of all, you never really can attain it given the era of free agency and the pressure to win now that coaches endure. Secondly, with relative parity, talent at a few key positions can be the decisive factors, rather than coaching. I think Gibbs learned this - I believe he is truly one of the best coaches we've ever seen, but he couldn't get us back to the Super Bowl - and in my opinion, it wasn't because we lacked the coaching savvy to do it, it wasn't because there was instability in our coaching staff, it was because we just didn't have the talent to get it done. I also believe, as I've said previously, that the reason Gibb's stated he thought we were 'going all the way' this season, and resigned when it didn't happen, is because he KNEW, short of a dramatic, emotionally-inspired improbable playoff run, we didn't have the talent to win a Super Bowl before he'd have to call it quits.

So, yes, Gibbs believes in the importance of 'continuity', but it hasn't been shown to be 'the key', not in the modern era. And we may be exaggerating the extent to which Gibb's opinions 'hold sway' with Daniel Snyder now that Gibbs is out as HC. Snyder's never struck me as one who seeks a lot of 'guidance' when it comes to decision making.

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are you kidding. Your saying the coaching position should just be given and no due dilegence should be done in looking for other coaches. What if there is a contract problem and greg doesnt like the offer then your at square one

That's not at all what I'm saying.

Snyder is certainly entitled to conduct a reasonable search. The reality is, this is the same pattern he's displayed time and again. It's the "grass is greener" mentality. If we were talking about an external candidate with a big name, he'd pull the trigger instantly. There is no difference between how GW is being treated and how Ryan Clark was treated. Same for Antonio Pierce, Smoot and many other internal guys who were passed over in favor of flash external hires. The skins nickled and dimed guys like Dockery when it was time to negotiate, while Adam Archuletta and Brandon Lloyd got eye-popping deals in a flash.

The Ravens conducted a reasonable external search and have hired a coach. So has Miami. At this point, this is just Snyder being Snyder. His only conviction is that he doesn't want to hire a GM. If Snyder plans to hire Williams he would have done it by now. Problem is he's waffling around looking for a coach to fall in love with. If GW does get hired it will be because a better, splashier option didn't pan out. In that situation I have no confidence that Snyder will be able to make it through a tough stretch without panicking, calling in external consultants, or even firing Williams in a pinch.

Williams should see the writing on the wall and get the heck out.

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There is no difference between how GW is being treated and how Ryan Clark was treated. Same for Antonio Pierce, Smoot and many other internal guys who were passed over in favor of flash external hires. The skins nickled and dimed guys like Dockery when it was time to negotiate, while Adam Archuletta and Brandon Lloyd got eye-popping deals in a flash.

The Ravens conducted a reasonable external search and have hired a coach. So has Miami. At this point, this is just Snyder being Snyder.

Ryan Clark chose to leave because he didn't want to share time with AA. His exact words were "I don't feel like I should have to compete for a starting job." Huh? this coming from a guy who couldn't stay on a practice squad before coming here.

Antonio Pierce was offered a nice contract, but wanted more than Marcus Washington was given. This from a guy who played well for one season, and was below avergae the previous three. Gibbs decided against it.

Dockery was always the whipping boy around here until he signed elsewhere, now it's a huge loss he's gone. I couldn't imagine the reactions around here if we gave him what Buffalo did.

Arch and Lloyd turned out to be bad signings, but why do you assume that was automatically Snyder's idea? because it didn't work out? - I think that blame lies more on the coaching staff.

The Ravens hire could turn out to be good, but again, if we hired a db coach, this place would be going bizerk.

Everyone keeps talking about how they want Snyder to show patieince, but are upset that he's being thorough.

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Ryan Clark chose to leave because he didn't want to share time with AA. His exact words were "I don't feel like I should have to compete for a starting job." Huh? this coming from a guy who couldn't stay on a practice squad before coming here.

Antonio Pierce was offered a nice contract, but wanted more than Marcus Washington was given. This from a guy who played well for one season, and was below avergae the previous three. Gibbs decided against it.

Dockery was always the whipping boy around here until he signed elsewhere, now it's a huge loss he's gone. I couldn't imagine the reactions around here if we gave him what Buffalo did.

Arch and Lloyd turned out to be bad signings, but why do you assume that was automatically Snyder's idea? because it didn't work out? - I think that blame lies more on the coaching staff.

You can try to make excuses on each individual case, but the trend in undeniable. Snyder places more value on flashy external names than he does on the people who have performed for him in the past. In Clark's case the issue is going after Archuletta in the first place. Dockery could have been signed to a reasonable deal during the season, but Snyder nickel and dimed him until it was too late and then got blown away. A classic example of not valuing what was already in-house. Even Cooley's deal went down to the wire before Danny got smart and made it happen -- this was the exception. I could go on and on...

Just because you can make a counter argument doesn't mean that that argument is strong. I suppose you think trading a second round pick and Champ Bailey for Portis was a great deal because Champ wanted out? Or that the Redskins have a great draft record because Reed Doughty played a few games this year. Don't lose the forrest through the trees.

All I'm saying is that history is repeating itself. Snyder is sour on Saunders and Williams and is bringing is hot assistants left and right. If the guy is so proud of the job he and Vinny have done, you'd think he'd be more apt to stay the course... Anyway, my simple point is that Williams would be better off removing his name from consideration. If for no other reason than at this late stage he looks like a boob for being strung along by the team for which he coached a top 10 defense in 3 of 4 years.

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it was have already been announced by now.

I feel that if Mr. Snyder wanted Greg Williams to be the next Head Coach of the Washington Redskins he would have already announced it by now and not continues with the interviews.

You go back to how quickly Marty, Steve Spurrier and Joe Gibbs were hired on as Redskins Head Coaches. The Dolphins and Ravens have already hired new head coaches.

Yep, at this point I don’t think Greg Williams will be the next Redskins Head Coach unless the guy Mr. Snyder really wants does not come to Old D.C.

You can jump my case, like happens many times on this board, but that is how I feel.

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it was have already been announced by now.

I feel that if Mr. Snyder wanted Greg Williams to be the next Head Coach of the Washington Redskins he would have already announced it by now and not continues with the interviews.

You go back to how quickly Marty, Steve Spurrier and Joe Gibbs were hired on as Redskins Head Coaches. The Dolphins and Ravens have already hired new head coaches.

Yep, at this point I don’t think Greg Williams will be the next Redskins Head Coach unless the guy Mr. Snyder really wants does not come to Old D.C.

You can jump my case, like happens many times on this board, but that is how I feel.

Who do you think it is?

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You know that this is a Redskins Message Board and you post you opinions on this board. I am getting sick and tired of people being such smart *****es when you state you opinions or post something similar to what has been posted before.

I am not one to complain how much better things use to be but this board use to be better when it was the unofficial website of the Redskins.


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