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Pro Bowl Talent at Practice Squad Price


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Tank Johnson came in and did well for the Cowboys.

Intergrity is important don't get me wrong, but W's and rings are well worth a little trouble here and there. I mean, look at The U, the school that everybody on this board loves. I think winning is much more important then intergrity there.

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If they don't keep spring they are so f'n stupid its unbelievable. Cutting Springs saves 2.5 million dollars. Tell me one Cornerback close to as good as springs for 2.5 mil. You can't so we can't cut him. If they do I'll pitch a freekin fit and lambast the skins at every opportunity. Keeping Springs is my prescription for success. DOCTOR OUT.

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Jamal Lewis made one mistake, paid the price, learned his lesson, and has never repeated it.

Totally different situation.

There are some prices I wouldn't pay to win, and Pacman is one of them.

You can't put a price on a Franchise's integrity.

Find players with character.

ok, i don't really feel too strongly about pacman, but i wouldn't be mad if the we gave him a second chance for a cheap price and a very short leash. now you say there are some prices you wouldn't pay to win, so let me ask you this. if pacman jones, or a player with a past like pacman jones was the missin piece to us winning the superbowl, would you sign him? now i don't think we need him, but if pacman jones = winning, i wouldn't mind havin him. it's not like we've never had a player with character issues.

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I would never ever want this punk on our team!! Obviously character means nothing to some of you. A guy like this should never be allowed in the league again! Hopefully, Goodell will make this happen. He does not deserve to make millions and millions of dollars. He should be flipping burgers somewhere!

Well, maybe some of you are right and we could be like the Bengals and bring in everyone that cannot stay out of trouble. Let's trade for Lewis, Little, and Perry. We can also see if Vick and Lawrence Phillips can be released early. It is only fair that they get to make their millions too!! It could be like the Longest Yard!!!

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If we can bring Jones in for cheap and he stays out of trouble, I dont see why not. It's just a chance, its not a longterm contract.

Exactly. Bring him in, keep him on a short leash, and make it clear to him that if he even thinks about placing another dollar in a g-string he's going to get cut.

Nothing to lose really.

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I wanted Adam Jones coming out of WVU before he got picked up by Tenn. Now that I've seen his ability and what he's capable of, I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot stick. I really hope for his own sake he gets his life together, and becomes as good of a person as he is a football player. I just don't want him doing it in Burgandy and Gold.

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I'd rather go 9-7 and be a mediocre team than have a player like Pac-Man Jones on my team.

we need more players like Art Monk and Darrell Green.

Wait, wait, wait. You would rather have a bad/mediocre team, than a good/great team with a player who has legal problems. If thats the case, lets go down to the local church and make a team full of deacons.

If, and I mean if, Goodell gives him a second chance, do you honestly think he would try and mess it up again? Even he knows he could run the risk of getting banned for life. This guys is too much of a talent to pass up, and we'd be lucky if the opportunity to get him came our way.

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