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Anyone else hope we dont resign Suisham?


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Really...you want to replace Suisham? You'd rather have Crosby or Vinatieri.

Got news for you. Suisham was 29 of 35 this year, 83%. That's 5 out of every 6 field goals made. What more do you want out of the guy? His 29 made field goals were tied for 6th most in the NFL, and only one person ahead of him had fewer attempts.

Crosby was 31 of 39, only 79.5%

Vinatieri was 23 of 29, only 79.3%

Suisham had a better season than either of them, percentages wise. Sure he didn't have as many field goals or extra points as Crosby, but that's a function of our offense and his lack of opportunities, not him. He made more out of his opportunities than Crosby did.

Suisham is fine; folks need to stop worrying about him and concentrate on our real problems. He's the best kicker we've had here in a long time.

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SS is mediocore at best, then again, there are not many good kickers out there. Man, I hate kickers

SS made 83% of his fg attempts. He was 29 for 35. This is way above average for NFL kickers and he is the best kicker we have had since Lohmiller.

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for goodness sakes, the guy singlehandedly beat the Jets and he had a solid season. He's easily the best kicker we've had in 15 years, we'd be stupid not to sign him. Of course you bring in some competition but, trust me, this kid is gonna win the battle. We've got to stick with him, be patient, sometimes kickers miss kicks. Adam Vinatieri misses kicks, David Akers misses kicks, even Matt Stover misses kicks...be patient.

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Its been a while ive been as set on a kicker as I am on Suisham.

First, lets remember Suisham is very young. Last year was his first full season kicking. They dont call it experience for nothing. Second, he was 29-35 last year. When was the last time we had a kicker that reliable who ALSO wasnt injured all the time? He hit 83% of his field goals(better than 4 out of 5), and that includes the one he missed against Seattle, and the one bad game he had where he missed a couple. You always take out someones best and worst games to get a real feel for how good they are, because every person and every team has a bad game.

As for crucifying him because he missed a 30 yarder, in a key game earlier in the season versus the Chargers, Vinateri missed a game winning 29 yarder wide. Do you have any problems with him?

Lets consider the last 7 years of Redskins kickers... Only once before Suisham did we have a year with 80+% FG(at 81%). Our average? In the low 70% range. Lets face it, hes our best kicker this millenium.

Bumping this because it's such an excellent post. :applause:

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Put your hand down. If you look at the stats:

Mason Crosby made 31 of 39 attempts for 79.5%

Shaun Suisham made 29 of 35 attempts for 83%

suisham is garbage. Mason Crosby was money this year
That's twice as stupid when you look at the post RIGHT ABOVE YOURS!
LOL insert pwned pics here

Skinfan2K = Uber-PWNED!!!!!!!11111

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Suisham is the best kicker we have had it a LOOOOOONG while.

Lohmiller is the last kicker we have had where I thought there was a better chance of him making a 50 yarder than missing it.

Plus didn't he hit like a 55 yarder against the Giants in that crazy wind?

We should never been kicking that 30 yarder against Seattle, he is not the reason we lost.

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Nope. Resign the kid. The kid was solid for us and he did make alot of clutch kicks. Besides we haven't had a above average kicker in a good while that has been as consistent and as clutch as him. You need to keep in mind he's young, it was his first time feeling NFL playoff pressure in a very hostile 12th man enviroment, but now he's felt it and will dwell on it and hopefully learn from it. Now here's the Kicker, he should be cheap. No pun intended:silly:

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I actually think our kicking situation is pretty good.. and def better than it has been in recent past....

I think SS will be a good kicker and hopefully we will give him the chance... but I dont think some competition in camp is a bad idea....

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suisham is garbage. Mason Crosby was money this year

This is literally the dumbest thing I have ever seen. In the post above it shows that SS was a better K than Crosby. What else do you need to see? 83% for a young K is darn good. He should only get better and more consistent at kickoffs. This is one area I think we are set at for 10+ years. We have had some terrible kickers lately, SS is a blessing. HTTR!!!

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This is literally the dumbest thing I have ever seen. In the post above it shows that SS was a better K than Crosby. What else do you need to see? 83% for a young K is darn good. He should only get better and more consistent at kickoffs. This is one area I think we are set at for 10+ years. We have had some terrible kickers lately, SS is a blessing. HTTR!!!

suisham has made how many game winners. he missed the big kick in his career in seattle. Crosby kicked a game winning FG from 50 in his first start i believe

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between the miss in Seattle (a pro kicker has to make that, it was chip shot), and the kickoffs that seem to always land on the 15yard line or out of bounds, i'm not sold on him. he's not terrible, but i don't have confidence in him.

Sure he's better than what we've had in the past, but thats relative as we have had one of the worst kicking situations in the league over the past few years.

it depends on what else is available

by no means should he have a lock on the position. bring in some competition and see how Suisham responds.

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