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I don't think we need to "rectify" anything due to the fact that the Skins were the last team to integrate...

We gave the keys to the Cadilac to Doug Williams...or shall I say, he was the BEST person for the job when he took over for Jay Schroeder in 87'...and he led us to a Super Bowl Title.

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First off I want to apologize to all who want to bash me but I have searched and really didn't see anything specifically about this.

To let everyone know first I am white and I don't care about black or white coaches, I just want someone who can do the job! Since I grew up in the area in a diverse area I know that anyone is capable of doing anything if they put their mind to it. I also know that DC has been given the nickname of "Chocolate City" so wouldn't the idea of a Black Head Coach in the Nations Capital be a sign of the Redskins moving forward and rectifying the fact they were the last team to have a black player and it was basically forced upon them.

NOW I have read this board all week of Williams, Cowher, Carroll, Grim, etc, etc, etc but no real names of Black Coaches who should get a shot. I know the rooney rule requires atleast 1 to be interviewed but are there any OCs or DCs out there that truly deserve a shot. I would love the experts of ES to pony up some names that Redskins could consider as a Black Head Coach.

At this point I could care less is Shrek was our coach, I just want a championship calibur team again as I am tired of taking sedatives so I can make it thru the 4th quarter without having a panic attack, Lord help us!

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Other than Singletary, there's Jim Caldwell of the Colts who Tony Dungy and Peyton Manning swear by. Every so often on the NFL Network, Deion Sanders says he could coach. :doh:

Yeah I think Jim Caldwell too, at least we would have a person that's accustomed to WINNING which is what we need here VERY BAD!!!!

RED06 :applause: :cheers:

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Why don't we just get the best "Coach" out there, no matter what color they are!!!

This crap about MANDATORY interviews for one specific race is a load of crap.


It's not a load of crap, everybody deserves a fair shot. Especially when you look at the rosters of NFL teams. Also if minorites didn't get a shot you will still get the same old retreads like Norv Turner and Marty Schotheimer, which neither one of them have done anything special as a head coach, but they keep getting jobs. You mean to tell me that there isn't a qualified African American out there that could do as good as those mediocre coaches if not better? Get real man.

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It's not a load of crap, everybody deserves a fair shot. Especially when you look at the rosters of NFL teams. Also if minorites didn't get a shot you will still get the same old retreads like Norv Turner and Marty Schotheimer, which neither one of them have done anything special as a head coach, but they keep getting jobs. You mean to tell me that there isn't a qualified African American out there that could do as good as those mediocre coaches if not better? Get real man.

I think his point was that we should go after the best coach, whether they're black, green, purple, tan, blue, polka-dotted, or whatever. I think there are qualified black coaches, but sometimes there aren't black coaches who mesh with a particular job (schemes don't match, differing style from what owner/GM wants), but teams still have to divert money and time to interviewing them anyway.

I think this hurts minority candidates cause now owners look at their interviews as something they have to do to keep from being fined, not as something they want to do to help the team.

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Why don't we just get the best "Coach" out there, no matter what color they are!!!

This crap about MANDATORY interviews for one specific race is a load of crap.


ding, ding ,ding,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,tell him what hes won johnny. most intelligent thing i have read today.

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Caldwell and Singletary seem like the two most likely to get interviews.

I know someone suggested Blache or Byner. IMO though, it wouldn't make sense to offer the job to one of those two guys over Williams or Saunders. If we thought they were better coaches, why didn't we promote them to begin with?

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I think his point was that we should go after the best coach, whether they're black, green, purple, tan, blue, polka-dotted, or whatever. I think there are qualified black coaches, but sometimes there aren't black coaches who mesh with a particular job (schemes don't match, differing style from what owner/GM wants), but teams still have to divert money and time to interviewing them anyway.

I think this hurts minority candidates cause now owners look at their interviews as something they have to do to keep from being fined, not as something they want to do to help the team.

If it wasn't mandatory to interview minority candiates, how many would truely get an interview? Thank about it, how many African American GM's are in the NFL, how many African American Owners?

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I think minorities should be offended that they HAVE to be interviewed. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to go on an interview where they were forced to talk to me instead of WANTING to talk to me.

It just seems like a slap in the face when a minority is being interviewed but has no legit shot of actually getting the job.

I am white and could careless whether our coach is white or black. As long as he leads us to the promised land and does one hell of a job.

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If it wasn't mandatory to interview minority candiates, how many would truely get an interview? Thank about it, how many African American GM's are in the NFL, how many African American Owners?

How about make it mandatory that each team carry one white running back and one white cornerback?

Whites are the minorities on the football field but they sure know how to coach 'em up!

Seriously though, whoever is qualified the most should get the job. Lots of people just aren't comfortable enough around people of the opposite race.

Do you mean to tell me that if there were black owners in football that there would be very many white people working for them? Would white people be able to say they think at least one white person should be interviewed for the HC job of the black owner's team?

It is all about who you are comfortable around and many of these old white guys probably are not comfortable enough around black people no matter how right or wrong you think it is.

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The front runner is Mike Singletary and Danny Boy only takes front runners.

The reason Williams is discussed frequently is he was supposedly the predetermined predecessor of Joe. Cowher is a big name and proven winner. Grimm is an ex-skin. Carroll has had tremendous success at USC but it is just talk with fans here wanting the glamour guy.

While the Redskins may have been the last team with a black player, they were the first to win a Super Bowl with a black QB. Don't look at the past with blinders.

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If it wasn't mandatory to interview minority candiates, how many would truely get an interview? Thank about it, how many African American GM's are in the NFL, how many African American Owners?
:doh: :doh: :doh:

You dont really want to go there. How many white kids dont get drafted or handed free scholarships for college because of this perception that blacks are better at football. How many Wes Welkers, Zack Thomas never get to hone their skills? The same logic applies to Head Coaches. Minorities does not automatically mean black like so many people think. Ron Rivera has been more than deserving of a shot but he cant even get an interview.

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I think minorities should be offended that they HAVE to be interviewed. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to go on an interview where they were forced to talk to me instead of WANTING to talk to me.

It just seems like a slap in the face when a minority is being interviewed but has no legit shot of actually getting the job.

I am white and could careless whether our coach is white or black. As long as he leads us to the promised land and does one hell of a job.

Where I work, we often interview for jobs that we aspire too long before we are qualified for the position. It is an encouraged practice. Why? Because it gives someone interested in a position very keen insight into what the hiring managers are looking for. Then, you go back and work on the areas you need to so you can make yourself into a viable candidate. Getting a promotion is never just about the work you do. That typically only gets you an interview. A lot more of it is about relationships and knowing what the hiring team is looking for. You can then tailor your interview to their desires.

The NFL has long been a good 'ol boys club where minorities have largely been left behind in the coaching ranks. So there are not a lot of known commodities. The problem now is getting minority coaches to a position where they are good candidates when positions open up. An interview is an intrigal part of the learning process. If a minority is a good coach and has had the opportunity to make a good impression during an interview, he increases his stock even if he's not the best candidate at that time.

So, IMO, having to interview a minority candidate is a Win-Win. The candidate gains valuable experience and teams learn about coaches that might not have been on their radar. As long as the team's select coaches that are on the right path to being a HC, and do a serious interview, everyone wins. This isn't Affirmative Action. No ones being forced to hire someone due to skin color or meet any quotas.

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I agree this minority interview is crap for the most part. Marvin Lewis wasn't hired b/c of teh rooney rule, neither was Tony Dungy, nor Dennis Green. Mike Tomlin may have been, we are not sure, if he was then the Rooney rule has worked for one occasion, and I applaud it for that, but mostly its just a hassle soem clubs, and minority coaching candidates have to go through.

That being said I think Mike Singletary is going to make one hell of a coach some day, maybe not right now, but soemtime soon.

I don't know this Caldwell guy, but I am guessing he is good.

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So, IMO, having to interview a minority candidate is a Win-Win. The candidate gains valuable experience and teams learn about coaches that might not have been on their radar. As long as the team's select coaches that are on the right path to being a HC, and do a serious interview, everyone wins. This isn't Affirmative Action. No ones being forced to hire someone due to skin color or meet any quotas.

Is it a win-win if say a Joe Gibbs comes out of retirement and says he wants to coach the Redskins, whom had an open position, but they are forced to interview a minority coach. With some jobs its just so set in stone that this person is going to get the job, then nobody wins for givign a fake interview to meet a quota.

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It's not a load of crap, everybody deserves a fair shot. Especially when you look at the rosters of NFL teams. Also if minorites didn't get a shot you will still get the same old retreads like Norv Turner and Marty Schotheimer, which neither one of them have done anything special as a head coach, but they keep getting jobs. You mean to tell me that there isn't a qualified African American out there that could do as good as those mediocre coaches if not better? Get real man.

One problem I have with the rule is this... Why is it that only blacks are considered a minority in the NFL? Why is it that only a black guy has to be interviewed for a HC job? Why don't the asian guys in the league get the same treatment? Or any other minority in the league? I think its a joke partly because of this fact. Even if there was only one asian coach in the leauge, then he should be getting a ton of interviews for the job. He would be more of a minority then the black coaches.

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