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Golf Channel announcer suspended for remark about Tiger Woods


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But would he get suspended?

I'd bank on nobody even noticing he even said it. :2cents:

If a black person said it and did not get suspended then that would be the fault of the Golf Channel executives wouldn't it?

They should have someone within that organization that has the balls to uphold an across the board standard for on-air professionals.

Across the board standards would go along way to solving these problems.

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If a black person said it and did not get suspended then that would be the fault of the Golf Channel executives wouldn't it?

They should have someone within that organization that has the balls to uphold an across the board standard for on-air professionals.

Across the board standards would go along way to solving these problems.

are there black announcers on the golf channel?

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So you mean it wasn't a moment of pure racial hatred?

Well there ya have it, folks...nothing more to see here!

Good points.

Nobody is saying it was a "moment of pure racial hatred," dude. But it WAS an inappropriate comment, given the historical significance of that word.

Let me put it this way - if Tiger was Jewish, and she said "The only way to beat him is to throw him in an oven," would that be worse? Better? The same?

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The "fried chicken" comment would not have been made if Tiger Woods was white.

The "lynching" comment could (not saying would) have been made if Tiger Woods was white.

I've seen plenty of threads where the word "lynch" was used referring to Joe Gibbs and Mark Brunell and Gregg Williams and whoever the scapegoat of the week was.

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I think what some of you need to realize is that some things are just topics that you don't play with.

Even if she didn't mean it as a derogatory statement, the perception is extremely negative. Imagine is Tiger were Jewish and she said, those who want to challenge Tiger should just "throw him in a gas chamber". That's not very funny. It brings back dark imagery and has a negative connotation to it. What if she said, those who want to challenge Tiger should just fly a plane into his office building? Would that be okay?

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LMAO @ you guys arguing over a golf anchor getting suspended for two weeks. :doh:
Yeah, a two-week suspension (during golf's offseason) is really just a slap on the wrist, which seems appropriate in this case. She probably had no ill intent, but if I'm in charge of the Golf Channel, I would want to make it very clear to her that she needs to think twice before making on-air jokes the next time.

She shouldn't be fired, but we also don't want to send the message that golf announcers should feel free to make lynching jokes whenever they want. A two-week suspension seems reasonable to me. :2cents:

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Let me put it this way - if Tiger was Jewish, and she said "The only way to beat him is to throw him in an oven," would that be worse? Better? The same?
Imagine is Tiger were Jewish and she said, those who want to challenge Tiger should just "throw him in a gas chamber". That's not very funny. It brings back dark imagery and has a negative connotation to it. What if she said, those who want to challenge Tiger should just fly a plane into his office building? Would that be okay?

Great minds....;)

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I think she made this comment out of naivety alone and didn't realize how that single word is offensive to some people. I saw the actual clip and it seemed like that comment was a spur of the moment thing and was not something that was pre-planned or scripted.

Try being on the air for 3-4 hours a day, 5 days a week and see if anything stupid comes out of your mouth. I'd probably say something really stupid every day.

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Has anyone in this thread suggested that what she said was cool?
hmpff, dont see anything wrong with it, she speaks the truth. I also can't see and derogatory or racial remarks in what she said.
Stupid. There was no intent in her words. I use the term lynching all the time. Sharptons a media whore.
Hypersensitive political correctness rears its ugly head once again. :(

It had nothing to do with his race, it had to do with the fact that he's such a great golfer that that is the only way they are going to challenge him. If you look beyond pettiness of our society, you might see that it was actually a compliment to how good he is. :doh:

People have defended her from the jump, Henry.

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Jewish people are a religion, not a race, so that's is slightly different, but similar.

I just think every race should present a list of words to be stricken from the English language so everyone can just get along and stop being so hyper-sensative. I'll start:

Cracker. No more. I'm white and that offends me. You can no longer refer to the saltines as crackers. Saltines or you will offend me.

I'm also Irish and blonde. No more drunk jokes and no more dumb blonde jokes. I will not stand for it.

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Jewish people are a religion, not a race, so that's is slightly different, but similar.

I just think every race should present a list of words to be stricken from the English language so everyone can just get along and stop being so hyper-sensative. I'll start:

Cracker. No more. I'm white and that offends me. You can no longer refer to the saltines as crackers. Saltines or you will offend me.

I'm also Irish and blonde. No more drunk jokes and no more dumb blonde jokes. I will not stand for it.

Oh and everyone named Lynch has to change their name. It's offensive.


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Guest sith lord
For those who think the word has no harm.Maybe some pics of victims of lynchings should be posted.

I had a relative lynched in Alabama in the late 20's.So yes, its a sore spot for me.But as another posters wrote, I too am disappointed in Woods non-reaction.

We all should be disappointed in Woods' non-reaction. Some people will never get it.

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I think she made this comment out of naivety alone and didn't realize how that single word is offensive to some people. I saw the actual clip and it seemed like that comment was a spur of the moment thing and was not something that was pre-planned or scripted.

Try being on the air for 3-4 hours a day, 5 days a week and see if anything stupid comes out of your mouth. I'd probably say something really stupid every day.

Many professional on-air personalities do it all the time without making mistakes like this so what was your point again?


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No. But many are acting as if it's no big deal.

I'm not one to take bigotry lightly. I certainly won't shed a tear for Don Imus or Michael Richards, or people who have gone out of their way to make specifically derogatory comments.

I do think, though, that not all insensitive remarks are created equally. Given the context in this particular case, I don't think the reporter was even thinking in racial terms when she said what she did.

That doesn't make it 'cool,' but I wouldn't put it on the same level as people who go off on lengthy rants.

Again, when Cosell called Garrett a 'little Monkey' he got raked over the coals for it, even though there was footage of him calling a diminuative white player the same thing a few years earlier. Sometimes people just pick their words badly. And yes, we should point it out and expect an apology. But let's not overstate things either.

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When will 'BET' be called racist? I'm not racist but I think there are things that are racist towards white people (who dont get all up in arms over it, but Al Sharpton seems to get mad at every little thing) If they are going to do something about decreasing racism get rid of Black Entertainment Television. This issue works BOTH ways.

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