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Golf Channel announcer suspended for remark about Tiger Woods


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I'm not one to take bigotry lightly. I certainly won't shed a tear for Don Imus or Michael Richards, or people who have gone out of their way to make specifically derogatory comments.

I do think, though, that not all insensitive remarks are created equally. Given the context in this particular case, I don't think the reporter was even thinking in racial terms when she said what she did.

Well I said the same thing - but an inappropriate comment is an inappropriate comment. You can't have "levels" of inappropriateness...it sets a bad precedent.

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Well I said the same thing - but an inappropriate comment is an inappropriate comment. You can't have "levels" of inappropriateness...it sets a bad precedent.


Do you judge all offenses that have ever been made against you equally?

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Come off it. You know she was saying he's so good the only way to beat him is to knock him out of competition. It was a joke. Would it really have been any different if she had said take him to a back alley and slit his throat. Or Put a cap in his head.

Would you feel the same way if she had said the only way to stop Woods is to fly a plane in to his house.

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When will 'BET' be called racist? I'm not racist but I think there are things that are racist towards white people (who dont get all up in arms over it, but Al Sharpton seems to get mad at every little thing) If they are going to do something about decreasing racism get rid of Black Entertainment Television. This issue works BOTH ways.


That was by far the most poorly thought out post I've seen today.

I am going to give you a moment to think about it before I respond to this.

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I'm not sure what opinion I should have on this.

It just seems like Sharpton and Jackson are always there to stir something up and make it a bigger deal than what it really is.

Much like other opportunists (Dr. Phil, Heraldo, Bill oh' Really, Ann Coulter) Sharpton and Jackson use issues of race to make a living for themselves.

They should be taken as seriously as....Coulter (not at all)

Contrary to popular belief they are not the official spokespersons for black people.

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It just seems like Sharpton and Jackson are always there to stir something up and make it a bigger deal than what it really is.



Sharpton however is going too far in demanding a firing , especially when Tiger isn't offended by the comment at all. Suspend her for 2 weeks , then bring her back.

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Seems when pretty young things spout foolishness the calvery arrives to save the day.

What she said was stupid and she should get called on the carpet with it.If Mike Trico, or Jason Whitlock said the same thing,I want them called out also.

Remeber when Micheal Irvin said that mess a few seasons back? He was properly dismissed.

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I was waiting for the first reaction from someone. The point I was trying to make in both posts were to show how ridiculous people can be with some things. She apoligized and was suspended for 2 weeks. I watched Sharpton's live interview last night and the one thing that bothers me about him is his unwillingness to come to a compromise. He's all or nothing. He'd rather ruin someone's life/career for his own agenda. He hasn't been in the news lately so this mistake allowed him to be back in the limelight again.

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Many professional on-air personalities do it all the time without making mistakes like this so what was your point again?


No, NOT true. :doh:

EVERY on-air personality has said stupid things while on the air. They may not have necessarily said somthing racially insensitive, but a mistake is a mistake. Hell, even the king of all liberals Dan Rather made a sexist remark recently on the air.

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I'm not sure what opinion I should have on this.

It just seems like Sharpton and Jackson are always there to stir something up and make it a bigger deal than what it really is.

My problem is that we are blaming the people putting a spotlight on the issue (Sharpton) rather than focusing on the real issue. The real issue is her saying what she said. In 2007, she should know you can't say lynch (insert black person here) on the radio and not suffer consequences.

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No, NOT true. :doh:

EVERY on-air personality has said stupid things while on the air. They may not have necessarily said somthing racially insensitive, but a mistake is a mistake. Hell, even the king of all liberals Dan Rather made a sexist remark recently on the air.

Prove it....You said all of them so now the ball is in your court genius...

Do not make claims you are not prepared to back up with facts.

Thanks again for exposing yourself and your lack of facts to justify your flawed posts.

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Prove it....You said all of them so now the ball is in your court genius...

Do not make claims you are not prepared to back up with facts.

Thanks again for exposing yourself and your lack of facts to justify your flawed posts.

Yeah, like I'm going to list every on-air personality and every stupid thing they've ever uttered. :doh: But I guess in your warped little world, they're ALL perfect. They NEVER say stupid things. Keith Olberman - PERFECT, Chris Mathews - PERFECT, Bill O'Reilly - PERFECT, Sean Hannity - PERFECT, Tim Russert - PERFECT.

All you need to do is watch one of their shows to hear them say stupid things. So, that's your little project, genius. Think you can handle it.

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Lynching is a strong word ,and the atrious act still occurs.Remember James Byrd? Do a GOGGLE search.

It is reallly trying when folks say boneheaded comments aimed at the African American community and we're told to "get over it". Yet its never I mean never aimed at other communities.

But lets take a step out of our American reality and look at the furor over in Austrialia with their cricket team and India.Seems a player on India side called the lone Black Auusie a "monkey" .


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Yeah, like I'm going to list every on-air personality and every stupid thing they've ever uttered. :doh: But I guess in your warped little world, they're ALL perfect. They NEVER say stupid things. Keith Olberman - PERFECT, Chris Mathews - PERFECT, Bill O'Reilly - PERFECT, Sean Hannity - PERFECT, Tim Russert - PERFECT.

All you need to do is watch one of their shows to hear them say stupid things. So, that's your little project, genius. Think you can handle it.

I am only holding you to your claim mega-mouth.

You said EVERY on-air personality so you either need to prove it or :stfu:

Thanks again for opening your mouth just big enough for your own foot.

We are waiting for your proof genius......

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Lynching is a strong word ,and the atrious act still occurs.Remember James Byrd? Do a GOGGLE search.

It is reallly trying when folks say boneheaded comments aimed at the African American community and we're told to "get over it". Yet its never I mean never aimed at other communities.

But lets take a step out of our American reality and look at the furor over in Austrialia with their cricket team and India.Seems a player on India side called the lone Black Auusie a "monkey" .


Thanos, do you think the punishment was appropiate?
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I am only holding you to your claim mega-mouth.

You said EVERY on-air personality so you either need to prove it or :stfu:

Thanks again for opening your mouth just big enough for your own foot.

We are waiting for your proof genius......

Dude, name calling isn't necessary. :2cents:
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Lynching is a strong word ,and the atrious act still occurs.Remember James Byrd? Do a GOGGLE search.

It is reallly trying when folks say boneheaded comments aimed at the African American community and we're told to "get over it". Yet its never I mean never aimed at other communities.

But lets take a step out of our American reality and look at the furor over in Austrialia with their cricket team and India.Seems a player on India side called the lone Black Auusie a "monkey" .


I am not minimizing the use of that word. But, you also have to look at the intent. I don't know this woman, but from what it appears, what she said was out of carelessness and naivety. Lynch mobs were not unique to blacks. They were used as vigilante "justice" in the old West against white people too. Once again, I'm not minimizing how offensive that word is to blacks, but that word has been used in the context of whites too. I just believe in this particular instance, an unintentional mistake was made.

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Dude, name calling isn't necessary. :2cents:

That's the only way this guy knows how to debate. He got backed into a corner and name calling is the only way he knows how to respond.

Oh, and I'll have to get back to him on listing every on-air personality and every stupid comment they have ever made. This will take me a while. :laugh:

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To be pefectly honest.She is a result of the ESPN-ization of American popular culture.Heck her suspension may have INCREASED ratings on the Golf Channel.

Sure it was appropriate.But we can do without the pity tour of Rev. Al and others.Ler her go away and this will be forgatten by the divisional playoffs.

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