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Golf Channel announcer suspended for remark about Tiger Woods


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It seems to me like people are looking for reasons to keep stirring the pot instead of educating and just squashing it. If you dont know that lynching is wrong and that it was wrong when it happened then you are a waste to society anyways and I dont want to know you. Every race has been a slave to another at one time or another. It should be used to educate and move past, not criticize and continue to denounce for it.

I honestly think she made a stupid mistake. I think we all agree with that, but it is getting almost as much coverage as Jimmy the Greek's stupidity did. Foot in mouth disease is terrible, but I dont think that racism is the leading cause. I think not thinking is.

To the man who said that without Malcom, MLK, Jesse and Al we wouldnt be where we are now, I agree with you to a point. Malcom and MLK were great, great men. Jesse and Al should be on a list of their own. I really dont believe that you can compare those men to trailblazers like those 2. I have read the Autobiography of Malcolm several times, even before Spike did the movie, and I was so impressed with his ability to educate and further himself in life. And MLK, well any man that can face what he faced and NOT only NOT fight back, but teach tolerance gets my love and admiration. I think that Jesse and Al are opportunists who just wait for something to be mad at and jump right on that bandwagon. And in my opinion, Jesse is like the pot calling the kettle black. "Hymie town". nuff said.

I have been the minority growing up as the ONLY white boy in NE during the 80s/90s and let me tell you I have been called "white boy" "Vanilla Ice" "Bill Lambeer" "Larry Bird" or whatever white person was popular in white culture that time I learned that it exists on both sides. Martin Lawrence made his career off of it.

I can say that I believe that both sides here need to just take a step back and just see things for what they are, not what they "could" have meant. She wasnt being racist, she was being dumb. So no need to pull the race card, just the stupidity one.

My 2 cents..take it for whatever you want..

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Im still up in arms about The Golf Channel, along with every other network and media outlet, referring to Tiger as black while completely ignoring his Asian heritage.

FWIW, 2 weeks seems about right. No intent, but still deserves punishment.

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Im still up in arms about The Golf Channel, along with every other network and media outlet, referring to Tiger as black while completely ignoring his Asian heritage.
How often do they actually say, "black golfer Tiger Woods..." - I don't think they generally refer to him as any color except for "Tiger Woods in red again on Sunday."

Earlier in his career, there was a whole discussion about him being black, and he came out with the statement that he was "Cablinasian," but I think people mostly ignore his race today, because Tiger himself doesn't talk about it much.

The only people talking about Tiger's race are people like Al Sharpton. :2cents:

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Isnt it odd that all black coaches have white QBs and black QBs have white head coaches?

The Irony is interesting isn't it?

Another Irony I found interesting....

The Patriots and the Colts have the most players they drafted on their teams.

Which is proof positive that drafting is the best way to build your team.

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Their is reality and their is fantasy land...

You sound like someone who has not walked a mile in someone else's shoes. Try living under oppressive, racist and demeaning situation for over 200 years before you so easily dismiss things.

you aren't using the 200 years arguement on me are you?? I don't want to get into that, since that just leads into my point of it not being about hurt feelings or offended, but sticking it to the "MAN" for the past.

You do realize that when you hear that your grandfather was hanged or your great uncle was lynched that does effect you no matter if it happened to you or not. You do understand that their are still a lot of black folks living that experienced the horrors of lynching and hangings and they pass this information from generation to generation. Why don't you go tell them to get over it and move on.....good luck with that.

Well as I stated before, there is remembering the past in order to learn from it and moving on from it. Two different things. People can move on without it becoming something that is a cancer, which is what I believe looking at everything as against someone or racist as being, a cancer.

The other reason it is very hard to simply dismiss is because it is racism is still happening today. It is not as blatant but it is alive and kicking. Racism now exists in the institutions, hearts and minds of people and most of the time they don't even realize that they are doing it.

True, we agree on something, but that doesn't change the fact that if a people let it affect them, how can they expect to move forward, when everything is being lived in the past.

Take for example religions and churches....Let's use the catholic church as a test case. The Catholic religion is the largest in the world and it has a MASSIVE amounts of minority and woman members but how many minorities and women are in the upper echelons of the faith? This is what I mean by institutionalized racism.

This may hold water with someone who isn't religious but for me, the bible forbids woman from being pastors or priests whatever the case my be. It's not men being racist or antiwoman, it merely believers following what God has set forth as the way it is. So for you that may be a good point, but for me or other religious people, it really doesn't

If you are still in doubt look in the board rooms of most fortune 100, 500 and 1000 companies for black faces. Their are a lot of educated and qualified black folks out there not getting those opportunities so it is rather hard for them to listen to folks like you saying get over it.

Lets take college football for another example...how many black players are in division 1 college football right now versus coaches? This is why black folks do cannot simply get over stuff like you wish. When they look at America they see something completely different than you.

IMO I just find this arguement just outrageous. Unless you can convince me that there are numerous black candidates overlooked every year just becuase they are black or minority I don't buy it.

I find it hard to stomach that if there are so many QUALIFIED candidates of minority status that institutions are looking the other way just becuase they are black. Sorry, don't buy it. Doesn't mean I may be wrong, but I just don't buy it.

FYI it was less than 40 years ago that it was illegal for a black man and a white woman to marry in Virginia. Their are black people still alive that lived through much worse and they talk to their kids, grandkids. Before they get over they need to see more in the form of positive change.

Laughable. the difference between 40years ago and now is night and day. If you look at the music industry, black music dominates almost every aspect of our society. Your average white kid wants to be black or at least act black.

Most sports are dominated by a black athlete. I could go on, the fact that a community lives in the past, not to remember in a poitive way, but to see only what the "MAN" has done to them is sad.

My friend and I were talking about this subject today, and he is a pastor of a church, and he thought what she said was innapropriate, but what is going on and how the media and black leadership are reacting is just silly and sad.

As he stated "When someone says," He's going to get crucified for that comment" He doesn't get offended becuase his lord and saviour was crucified and call a press conference for that person to be suspended or fired because of it.

I mean neither of us were there or experienced the crufiction of christ personally yet we don't take it personally or get offended like other communities when things are said about them or issues that might affect them.

I'm not saying that it wasn't rude or offensive. I'm not saying that they should forget what happened either. But this other guy who posted brought up a really good point, and I think it illustrates why the black community is stuck in the past and not moving forward. He said when he heard the comment, he thought of John Wayne when they would try to catch the bad guys and lynch them. Which, is what I thought of also when I heard the comment.

Which shows that IMO it's a perspective issue with the black community. Their perspective is slightly blurred by past events. Aother example. the halloween decoration craziness. with the hanging man. I can understand how these things can be taken the way they are, but IMO they are seen automatically by the black community in a certain way, rather than being given the benifit of the doubt.

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It seems to me like people are looking for reasons to keep stirring the pot instead of educating and just squashing it. If you dont know that lynching is wrong and that it was wrong when it happened then you are a waste to society anyways and I dont want to know you. Every race has been a slave to another at one time or another. It should be used to educate and move past, not criticize and continue to denounce for it.

I honestly think she made a stupid mistake. I think we all agree with that, but it is getting almost as much coverage as Jimmy the Greek's stupidity did. Foot in mouth disease is terrible, but I dont think that racism is the leading cause. I think not thinking is.

To the man who said that without Malcom, MLK, Jesse and Al we wouldnt be where we are now, I agree with you to a point. Malcom and MLK were great, great men. Jesse and Al should be on a list of their own. I really dont believe that you can compare those men to trailblazers like those 2. I have read the Autobiography of Malcolm several times, even before Spike did the movie, and I was so impressed with his ability to educate and further himself in life. And MLK, well any man that can face what he faced and NOT only NOT fight back, but teach tolerance gets my love and admiration. I think that Jesse and Al are opportunists who just wait for something to be mad at and jump right on that bandwagon. And in my opinion, Jesse is like the pot calling the kettle black. "Hymie town". nuff said.

I have been the minority growing up as the ONLY white boy in NE during the 80s/90s and let me tell you I have been called "white boy" "Vanilla Ice" "Bill Lambeer" "Larry Bird" or whatever white person was popular in white culture that time I learned that it exists on both sides. Martin Lawrence made his career off of it.

I can say that I believe that both sides here need to just take a step back and just see things for what they are, not what they "could" have meant. She wasnt being racist, she was being dumb. So no need to pull the race card, just the stupidity one.

My 2 cents..take it for whatever you want..

:applause: :applause: :applause: :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

couldn't have said it better myself!! BRAVO

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Just curous, but who says they have to be fairly represented. You go to church to worship God, not move up the Church corporate ladder!

Who says they don't?

You go to church to worship God, but that church is likely in your neighborhood. Let's say for the sake of argument that you are Hispanic. If your community is hispanic then you would want the church in your neighborhood to cater to the majority of your people who happen to be hispanic. If you have a preist that does not speak spanish yet you are paying to keep the church going then their is a disconnect.

If you take that local problem to a grand scale you could say their are millions of hispanic catholics yet their is no one representing them in the highest levels within the church.

IMO Common sense dictates that if I have a large population of worshippers that I would want someone to represent them at the highest levels of the religion to make sure these folks are being taken care of.

To me this is common sense...not corporate anything

Question: Women make up the VAST MAJORITY of membership within the catholic church but women are not allowed in the highest levels of the religion. It does not make sense to you that women be represented in the highest levels of the catholic church?


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Question: Women make up the VAST MAJORITY of membership within the catholic church but women are not allowed in the highest levels of the religion. It does not make sense to you that women be represented in the highest levels of the catholic church?

that reminds me of a good joke:

how many women does it take to vote for president?

Who cares!! what are they doing out of the kitchen anyways??:laugh:

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Who says they don't?

You go to church to worship God, but that church is likely in your neighborhood. Let's say for the sake of argument that you are Hispanic. If your community is hispanic then you would want the church in your neighborhood to cater to the majority of your people who happen to be hispanic. If you have a preist that does not speak spanish yet you are paying to keep the church going then their is a disconnect.

If you take that local problem to a grand scale you could say their are millions of hispanic catholics yet their is no one representing them in the highest levels within the church.

IMO Common sense dictates that if I have a large population of worshippers that I would want someone to represent them at the highest levels of the religion to make sure these folks are being taken care of.

To me this is common sense...not corporate anything

Question: Women make up the VAST MAJORITY of membership within the catholic church but women are not allowed in the highest levels of the religion. It does not make sense to you that women be represented in the highest levels of the catholic church?


Well I answered you last part of this post already. The bible doesn't allow women to hold high positions, like pastor or priest. You may disagree with that, but that is probably why you don't like church or religion, that's how it is.

To answer you first part question, You are thinking of the church like a government. It isn't, it's a church. Your logic is correct but alittle ignorant.

If the church is in a hispanic neighborhood, the likelyhood of a priest being or speaking spanish is very high. I've known even regular christian churches in minority areas which tend to have a pastor or leader who is of that race.

Like I said you point is taken but from my experience with churches unfounded.

To add to that, again you go to church to worship God. I don't go to a church and say, wow, that pastor isn't black or insert whatever race or gender and want to leave and go to another church where there is what I want. However, if that is the case, than that is that persons perogitive. God doesn't work like our PC society. He doesn't care what race leads the people, cause it's not about race but about him.

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