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Come on DM all those are just comments about Pac from Floyd. The issues I had there where actually in negotiations and they broke off because of those issues. Floyd has some blame in all this I just hate when people try to act like it's one sided when the fight was done until one refused testing.

DM cannot hear you. Dont bother lol.

He is still posting on his camera phone, so its tough for him to respond to messages.

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Lol...I guess it flew right over your head. Providing links can be frustrating using a phone.

Here's a little tidbit I just found out concerning HBO/Showtime. They're negotiating 2 broadcasters from each network work the fight. There WILL NOT be a 24/7 or All Access. They don't think they're needed for this fight. Each network will produce a special for their fighter.

Would post a link, but I'm on my phone. But it is from the LA Times.

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First of all, guys please stop arguing with DM. Love his enthusiasm but it's a waste of time for a whole litany of reasons. (even tho I do give in to temptation more often than not lol).


Secondly, I've been saying for months THE FIGHT IS ON,...period


Third, I've recently informed everyone that there are really no issues as far as the fighters are concerned. The only remaining issues are network issues. Arum is in HBO's ear big time and he has them playing hardball. Which is cool. But as far as Floyd's demands for the fight, no issues exist. Mayweather is being a diva and doesn't really want the HBO crew (more specifically, Jim Lampley); among a couple other issues to be worked such as rebroadcast rights, etc. These are small ingredients to a big recipe. However we know that even the most trivial ingredient can alter the taste of the dish and Mayweather wants it perfect.


Lastly, Ben Thompson did some good reporting on getting to the bottom of the infamous "halftime confrontation" everybody keeps speculating about:




Edited by Rexx1240
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First of all, guys please stop arguing with DM. Love his enthusiasm but it's a waste of time for a whole litany of reasons. (even tho I do give in to temptation more often than not lol).

Secondly, I've been saying for months THE FIGHT IS ON,...period

Third, I've recently informed everyone that there are really no issues as far as the fighters are concerned. The only remaining issues are network issues. Arum is in HBO's ear big time and he has them playing hardball. Which is cool. But as far as Floyd's demands for the fight, no issues exist. Mayweather is being a diva and doesn't really want the HBO crew (more specifically, tJim Lampley); among a couple other issues to be worked such as rebroadcast rights, etc. These are small ingredients to a big recipe. However we know that even the tiniest ingredient can alter the taste of the dish and Mayweather wants it perfect.

Lastly, Ben Thompson did some good reporting on getting to the bottom of the infamous "halftime confrontation" everybody keeps speculating about:



Now why should Floyd give a damn if Lampley's calling the fight or not? Now we done got past Arum, now it's Lampley? When does it stop?

Now from what I heard, there was no "stop lying." You guys even admitted that Thompson is a Mayweather guy and fighthype is pro Mayweather. So is it a surprise that they made Mayweather look like a lion and Pacquiao like a kitten? And you guys complain about me?

Edited by DM72
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Now why should Floyd give a damn if Lampley's calling the fight or not? Now we done got past Arum, now it's Lampley? When does it stop?


It has been well documented that Floyd and Lampley have had issues for years. Also everyone who watches boxing knows Jim Lampley's best days are well behind him. He has been called out several times for calling shots that clearly aren't there and visa versa always in favor of the favorite in the match. I can post vids if u need me to. He got the enhanced Rx in his glasses a couple yrs back but it doesn't seem to be helping any. I like Max Kellerman and I hope they do a face-off but are you gonna tell me that, for the biggest fight of this era, you'd rather have Lampley and crew vs Paulie and crew?? Be honest. . . . 

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It has been well documented that Floyd and Lampley have had issues for years. Also everyone who watches boxing knows Jim Lampley's best days are well behind him. He has been called out several times for calling shots that clearly aren't there and visa versa always in favor of the favorite in the match. I can post vids if u need me to. He got the enhanced Rx in his glasses a couple yrs back but it doesn't seem to be helping any. I like Max Kellerman and I hope they do a face-off but are you gonna tell me that, for the biggest fight of this era, you'd rather have Lampley and crew vs Paulie and crew?? Be honest. . . .

And do you really think Pauline would be impartial? Dude cannot stand Pacquiao. And I don't know why Floyd hates Lampley so much, dude used to ride Floyd's jock bigtime when he was on HBO if remember right.

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Now why should Floyd give a damn if Lampley's calling the fight or not? Now we done got past Arum, now it's Lampley? When does it stop?

Now from what I heard, there was no "stop lying." You guys even admitted that Thompson is a Mayweather guy and fighthype is pro Mayweather. So is it a surprise that they made Mayweather look like a lion and Pacquiao like a kitten? And you guys complain about me?

BT: Really? So you're disputing the fact that Floyd Mayweather said something to the effect of "stop lying" and "lies are being told"?

MK: No, I'm not disputing that. I'm disputing the comment that I was stuttering and said I'm only repeating what Arum told us to repeat. I never said that.

MK is Michael Koncz. Please go away DM.

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And do you really think Pauline would be impartial? Dude cannot stand Pacquiao. And I don't know why Floyd hates Lampley so much, dude used to ride Floyd's jock bigtime when he was on HBO if remember right.

I wouldnt have Paulie on there either, even tho he the best color guy in boxing. He been critical of Manny over drugs, so whats fair is fair.

Id have a mix team with Maruo, Max, and Al Bernstein.

But Lampley cant see anymore and is very biased. The Haymon stuff last year probably ended any chance he does this fight. Then going out this week and saying Cotto/Mayweather 2 was happening when it clearly isnt finished the "probably" portion.

You clearly hear and watch what you want to see.

Edited by JoeWolf990
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 I don't know why Floyd hates Lampley so much, dude used to ride Floyd's jock bigtime when he was on HBO if remember right.

What u have to understand is that Lampley's a company man. He works for HBO, he was just doing his job. That's what he does. Exactly what the HBO execs instruct him to do.

For example 2 years ago (obviously post-Mayweather) on a live HBO telecast I heard Jim Lampley say "Guillermo Rigondeaux is one of the top 2 in the sport when it comes to using footwork to get out of trouble, next to only the one, Manny Pacquiao. No one else is even close in that regard."

Now do u honestly think he believes that bull****??......NO

But like I said, he's the true definition of a company man.




To be fair, when Lampley said "Floyd is gonna fight Cotto", I'm sure it wasn't from insider information. It was simply his opinion. It's not as if he's the only one that thinks it.

Sure lots of ppl think it. Ppl in the know even acknowledge Cotto as Plan B. Where Lampley messed up is that he didn't speak it as his personal opinion, he spoke it as gospel truth.

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TMZ saying its a done deal



Others saying it will be formally announced during the superbowl



Iole, Stephen Espinoza, and other boxing writers throwing cold water on the report on twitter. Saying that while close, no deal yet.

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This whole drama has gotten worse than a reality show



I keep razzing the guys in this thread about this fight never happening. I hope they know I'm just kidding but I will say that to give either of these fighters credit for being "braver" is just silly. I just don't think it's going to happen.


Even if they announce a contract on Super Bowl sunday, I don't care. One of them will break a hand in training. It's not happening.  :)

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It will still shatter every PPV record known to man.


Yeah, while I'm not as excited about it (assuming it actually happens) as I would have been a few years ago, as it gets closer and they get the hype machine going I'm sure it'll break the record.


It's been a few years since I bought a boxing PPV but this is the one fight I would actually pay for. It will become an event and you'll get a lot of casual or non-fans of the sport getting in on it.

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