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Has Michael Wilbon completely lost the his Redskin fanbase?


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He doesn't care about young black kids and crime, if he did he'd do something about it besides talking out his backside about a young black man that did absolutely nothing to cause this incident. He had an opportunity to paint a picture of a young black man who changed his life dramatically for the better and instead tried to cast a shadow on this change. What do you think would do the black community more justice? Saying Taylor brought it on himself because he refused to divorce himself from that "lifestyle" or giving young men a role model by telling how Sean did in fact divorce himself from that "lifestyle" and instead embraced the lifestyle of a loving father. A man with a huge heart that was obviously an asset to society and was doing positive things for his community and for the young black men in America. What contributions has Wilbon made? Spewing BS from his mouth and pen? Yea, he really cares.

Did Sean "change" his life? A lot of people say he changed his life away from a lifestyle that would lead to his death. This implies that he did live a life that could lead to a situation like this.

And I don't buy the "what would do the black community more justice" angle. The facts should be the only concern.

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Did Sean "change" his life? A lot of people say he changed his life away from a lifestyle that would lead to his death. This implies that he did live a life that could lead to a situation like this.

And I don't buy the "what would do the black community more justice" angle. The facts should be the only concern.

Well the facts are Sean was living the life of a family man and didn't go out to strip clubs and make it rain. He didn't run around with guns on probation like others do. He wasn't out "flossing", rubbing his wealth in peoples faces. There's no indication that Sean was ever that way. The change people are talking about was his devotion to his family and him coming out of his shell being more outgoing and less of a recluse around his team. No one has talked about a Sean Taylor that was submersed in a dark, felonous world with shady characters.

You don't have to buy the "what would do more justice angle." I wasn't selling it. I was just making the point that Wilbon acts like he's concerned about the black community and I don't buy that. As far as facts, he didn't report them. He reported baseless speculations and wild assumptions a mere 12 hours after the incident. Then when he knew about the facts he chose to arrogantly ignore them and stand by his original article. That's what I'm selling.

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Wilscum is a Uncle Tom and thinks he is smart. Wilscum is the type of "black man" that gives us all a bad name. As a matter of fact Wilscum is the type that if he heard noises in his house he would send his wife out to see what the noise is. I personally refuse to read or watch anything he is on. I would love to get him into a boxing ring for 5 minutes.


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I sent this to Mr. Wilbon prior to his chat the week after Sean died. I never heard back from him. These comments bothered me greatly and have led me away from reading his work.

Mr. Wilbon-

During last week’s chat you included the following in an answer to a question about Sean Taylor, who at the time was in a Miami-area hospital fighting for his life, a battle he ultimately lost:

“Whether this incident is or isn't random, Taylor grew up in a violent world, embraced it, claimed it, loved to run in it and refused to divorce himself from it.”

And then this in response to a question about the multitude of insiders making statements about the change in Taylor since the birth of his daughter:

“Sorry, but I'm not in the habit of having companies with their own public relations agenda tell me about black men and what they feel or don't feel. Pardon me if I'm not that easy.”

Your statement about him refusing to “divorce himself”” from negative influences is greatly at odds from the testimony of those closest to him. Your insinuation that those people only offered their thoughts because of some “public relations agenda” put in motion by the Redskins organization is intellectually insulting to many.

Carelessly casting about baseless accusations is a dangerous past time. One, frankly, I had thought you were above.

Please share with us your basis, the proof, of why you wrote these things. I would like to simply believe that you have some but pardon me if I am not that easy.

In my opinion he was wrong on both counts and should of been man enough to admit it. I'm positive that he considers himself a professional. He didn't act like one through out this ordeal. :2cents:

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My view on this is that someone as close as Wilbon is suppose to be to this team/area, he should have known how ST had changed his life. The "brought it on himself" was a completely out of line comment made publicly before the facts where known. It is not so much this comment but the fact that he and felt as if he did nothing wrong and it is obvious that he completely doesn't get it. On the Redskins Report he had an arrogance about him and stated that it needed to be said. No ******* it didn't "need to be said" on the day he died. If what he assumed turned out to be correct there was plenty of time in the offseason to reflect on the problem of black role models in general where he could have used this incident to hammer home a point.

It is the fact that he doesn't see where he is wrong or that his timing was very poor to say the least is why I don't read any of his work.

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The overwhelming majority of stories about Sean Taylor up to that point hadn't painted him in a good light, proper or not. I don't believe that it is Michael Wilbon's responsibility to alter readers' perceptions of a Taylor especially when Wilbon's perceptions seem mostly to have been the same as his readers'.

It surely is not Wilbon's responsibility to alter his reader's perceptions but it is absolutely his responsibility to get his facts right.

Writing about what you think is correct without bothering to do any research is not journalism. You'd think he would of learned that at a school such as Northwestern.

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Personally I no longer read any of Wilbon's stuff and refuse to watch him on TV.

I also have tried to boycott ESPN as much as humanly possible and have turned more towards the fox sports shows to get my updates and highlights.

Of course you have to watch certain things on ESPN, but I have tried my best to steer away from all the talk shows and sportscenter. Its just the same biased opinions every time. They pick their babies and they play to that side.

After their coverage of the Sean Taylor death as well as Wilbons I turned away. Maybe the most sickening part for me was when he was still fighting for his life and they were rubbing his name through the mud while he was in the hospital dying. Just disgusting.

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He's alright, for a Bears fan.

Well we all know Bear fans suck :laugh: It seems to me that as pressed and one sided as Wilscum is with his Chicago teams if he has the pull so many think he does why not go back to Chicago? I am willing to bet he burned bridges there as he has here. Shoot too bad I can't have anything to do with it, I would send him to Alpena Michigan and he can report there!


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I tend to avoid Wilbon on most subjects, especially on the tough subject that he probably is the best to speak on: race... The problem I have is that whenever a topic of race comes up, he is often obliged to speak on the issue (compelled out of his own sense of responsibility, no doubt). Unfortunately, I've heard him speak on the issue so much growing up in Washington that I tuned him out when I was younger on this and other topics. I know others think that the topic is so vital that it trumps sports, but that's not the reason that I follow sports. If I'm ever curious about the subject of race (which I admit, I am not really curious about it), then I'd prefer to not have to confront the topic on my sports page. I don't hold it against him, but I'd probably enjoy reading what he has to say more if I hadn't grown up with him dealing with that topic repeatedly on the Sports page.

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Wilbon was wrong to write the article, but to not apologize and correct the mistake makes him an *******. I did read his latest article, but in the same way I read La Canfora's work. I read them like I would read any article about my team, but I know shots are going to be taken. I don't take much from their opinions and I feel 80% of the members of this site could do a better job.

I install Dish Network and use NFL for small talk with my customers whenever possible. When Taylors death comes up, I usually hear something that echoes Wilbon's comments. I correct people, but the damage is done. So many people rely on ESPN coverage only, and think Taylor was a thug. I live in NY, so it's guys like Wilbon on nation TV that caused this.

It seems like a dream job to get paid to write and talk about sports, too bad he is so irresponsible. I will stop clicking on articles from Wilbon from here on out. I'll vote with my mouse.

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I fail to understand how anyone can support that article that Wilbon wrote.

Let me sum up. Wilbon in the article expressly says he was not surprised one bit that Taylor was shot. Im sorry? Raise your hand if YOU were surprised. I know I was. He then assumes throughout the entire article that this was a result of his past. We know for a FACT that this had nothing to do with his past. So how then can you reasonably and rationaly say what Wilbon wrote in this article was true, when we know it WASNT.

He then proceeds to ignore all thats been said about Taylor by everyone that knew him, and admitting he didnt know him at all, stereotyped him, denying his individuality. The last thing we need in this world, is Michael Wilbon writing articles.

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I install Dish Network and use NFL for small talk with my customers whenever possible. When Taylors death comes up, I usually hear something that echoes Wilbon's comments. I correct people, but the damage is done. So many people rely on ESPN coverage only, and think Taylor was a thug. I live in NY, so it's guys like Wilbon on nation TV that caused this.

I get the same thing at work from non Redksin fans. All they know is what the mediots were ramming down there throats. You know the headline stuff. So the majority of America knows that Taylor was black, shot, spit in a guys face, charged with brandishing a weapon and dui. They don't know how long ago any of this happened, they don't know that he had dedicated his life to being a father and they weren't suprised because people like Wilbon weren't suprised and who would know better than a mediot who's supposed to be in the know. Wilbon and the likes of him cast a shadow over ST's legacy with his remarks and most people outside of ES or Redskin nation will never know the difference. :doh:

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Wilbon IS a jerk. And he doesn't give a damn about anyone's opinions on his writing, just like any good writer. But you have to respect him for that. Personally, I don't really like the guy; just because of the arrogant attitude he always displays. But he is a great writer and I enjoy reading his stuff. (Sometimes :))

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Wilbon also can no longer make any comments about Imus.

He stereotyped Sean Taylor just as Imus did with the players on Rutgers Women's Basketball Team.

But I have to give props to Imus.....at least he was MAN enough to apologize.

Wilbon.......he is standing his ground.

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