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Snyder offers Gibbs 2 yr Extension. Espn Link (merged)


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You gotta be kidding me.

If this was any other coach posting these same results, you'd be calling for his head.

This is a very talented team, there's no reason why we shouldn't be competing at the top...Gibbs' ultra conservative ways have cost us games this year.

Ever take time to think that the old fartknockers on here who're praying that he signs it are still living in the 80's and can't separate themselves from the glory days?

dead on my friend. imagine if this was some other coach, all these older posters would be comletely bludgeoning the guy, but because its legendary superbowl god joe gibbs, he gets a free pass for trotting out his underperforming team each year. completely insane.

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Microwave generation they want everything now, Superbowls take time to win. This is not fantasy football, this is real life. And all of you who were calling for Cowher are crazy. How long did it take for Cowher to win his 1st Superbowl in that weak division. Cowher is not worthy of holding Gibbs' clipboard, sign it Joe I know you'll take take us back. HTTR

Yet another foolish statement from old-timers that misperceive our gripes. I don't care about the fact that we haven't won a superbowl, I just want someone that will maximize our chances of doing so. This team is poorly coached and the games are mismanaged. Is it so wrong to at least demand competence? To at least demand someone who can maxmize our chances of winning on any given sunday? I am furious with Gibbs because he costs us wins with his poor decisions and inability to adapt to the modern NFL. It isn't that we don't have the results that we want after 4 years, it's that he's no closer - MENTALLY - to being where he needs to be than he was 4 years ago. The entire fanbase and all of the players are suffering because HE can't get it together. THAT is the problem.

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Stwasm, you know better than this. I count three games......NE, Philly, and Dallas....where the D hasn't held up its end of the bargain. For the most part of Gibbs II, we all know which side of the ball the blame lies.

What about the FIRST Giants' game and the Buffalo game? When a defense is challenged with preserving the win, it's supposed to do so, and too many times it's failed. Yes, the offense has to score points. But, the defense has let us down on more occasions than you've named and it makes me question the wisdom of anointing Gregg Williams as the next head coach.

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What about the FIRST Giants' game and the Buffalo game? When a defense is challenged with preserving the win, it's supposed to do so, and too many times it's failed. Yes, the offense has to score points. But, the defense has let us down on more occasions than you've named and it makes me question the wisdom of anointing Gregg Williams as the next head coach.

Both the Buffalo and the Giants game are on Gibbs. Giants game - how many plays did we have to score that TD? Who called one of the worst series of plays I've ever seen in my short 25 year life? Joe Gibbs.

Buffalo - how many points did we score in that game? Who sat on the lead and refused to go for first downs? Joe Gibbs. How many points did buffalo actually score? I think the D did a pretty good job in that one. After saying all that, I don't think we even need to mention the fact that Gibbs doesn't know the NFL rules and called two timeouts in a row, do we?

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so gibbs was successful in a different NFL, yet he can still be effective in a newer faster NFL? dont follow. hes done nothing to prove he can be effective in this era.

Nothing? How about our first playoff season since 1999 when this team was just about sunk. How about turning us into competitors? Where were we with Spurrier, again?

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Gibbs hasn't cut it. Not even close.

Amazing how people want a guy calling double timeouts, and being paid 5 million a year to do so.......to lead this team in the future.

High school coaches know the rulebook better than Gibbs does.

Nice guy, yes. So is my grandfather.

That doesn't mean he needs to be within 100 miles of a football field.

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Since there seems to be a 50/50 mix on whether a contract extension is good or bad, I'd be interested in hearing potential replacement candidates and the reasons why they'll succeed where Gibbs has, in some minds anyway, seemingly failed. And if you're going to throw out a knee jerk response like Bill Cowher, for example, be prepared to defend your choice when you know that most of his staff has moved on to bigger and better things and won't likely be as easy to reassemble. Thoughts?

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Please don't sign it. Please go away. I'd like a winning team one day. The old way of thinking will not win anything of significance in the modern NFL.

Hey, we're on the door of our 2nd playoff in 3 years. Our team has NEVER had such YOUNG talent. I think the nay sayers need to look hard at this. I hate saying, "give it time," but just wait and see. Great things are in our future, and real soon at that. Come on buddy, stick with us now. We need everyone together on this one.

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Hey, we're on the door of our 2nd playoff in 3 years. Our team has NEVER had such YOUNG talent. I think the nay sayers need to look hard at this. I hate saying, "give it time," but just wait and see. Great things are in our future, and real soon at that. Come on buddy, stick with us now. We need everyone together on this one.

Oh, I'm not going anywhere. I root for them every week same as you, despite the fact that I don't like Gibbs. And I love the players on this team. But, I want a coach that will properly make use of that talent. Gibbs hasn't learned anything in 4 years, and he hasn't shown me anything to prove that he will. Someone with a better coaching philosophy (and better understanding of the NFLs rules) could easily do a better job running this team on gameday.

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Really now? Aside from that kind of statement getting very old, it's fairly stupid thing to say,(and this goes for other times this is said as well). So fans who don't believe as you and others and have different viewpoints about Joe Gibbs are suddenly not true fans? Fairly narrow minded don't ya think?

You are right. That was dumb for me to state. But that is where I vote.

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dead on my friend. imagine if this was some other coach, all these older posters would be comletely bludgeoning the guy, but because its legendary superbowl god joe gibbs, he gets a free pass for trotting out his underperforming team each year. completely insane.

No, what's completely insane is despite all the injuries, despite the struggles this team has had to deal with, they are still playing tough and have a chance at a playoff shot. Where some teams probably would have packed it in already, the players are still fighting their guts out (sometimes literally.)

Meanwhile, the Giants are doing their usual self destruct right now, and all they need to do is win one game.

There are two sides to the heartbreaking losses this year. One one hand, it is frustrating that we let so many games slip through our fingers. On the other, you can see that for most of the games this season, we were only one or two plays away from wining those games. This team is close. Gibbs deserves to see it out.

What about the FIRST Giants' game and the Buffalo game? When a defense is challenged with preserving the win, it's supposed to do so, and too many times it's failed. Yes, the offense has to score points. But, the defense has let us down on more occasions than you've named and it makes me question the wisdom of anointing Gregg Williams as the next head coach.

Actually, that first Giants game is a prime example of a game that is truly on the offense. Fact is, the offense did NOTHING in the second half. Three straight three-and-outs and a lost fumble.

As for the Buffalo game, the defense pretty much shut them down, despite the fact that the offense gave them the short field a few times.

Considering that this defense was one of the worst defenses in the league, I give Williams a lot of credit for making this unit respectable again. I think he is deserving of consideration for HC once Gibbs steps down.


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Please don't sign it. Please go away. I'd like a winning team one day. The old way of thinking will not win anything of significance in the modern NFL.

Heh, this is the bottom of the first page and I see that there are many pages. One can only wonder what awaits me on the other pages.

But regardless, the thing that has impressed me about Joe this year is he's shown that he can change. We've seen the move to shotgun and no-huddle. We've seen that he's not afraid to try new things, albeit late in the year.

If he holds to this trend into next year, I think we'll be ok. He needs to delegate more to his main other coaches, Saunders and Williams, and focus on his many other duties as HC and Team President. That should be plenty to keep him busy without getting his hands too dirty in the details of the O (not as worried about him interfering with D). I think he's moved towards this late this year.

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people get so excited about the potential of winning 9 games with gibbs sputtering out 90% of our victories. completely ridiculous. we will never be a convincing winner under gibbs II.

What exactly do you want? "people get so excited about the potential of winning 9 games" - you were a fan in the 90s and early 2000s, right? You were here last year?

The Redskins are slowly being transformed into a "new-era" NFL team. Granted it's slow. Joe is learning as he goes, I believe. But I believe he's learning.

Do you want to be the Patriots? Of course, who doesn't want to be a dynasty. That's just not reasonable to expect though. I'll take "in playoff race late in the season" for now. I'd like to see some "stength/conditioning" staff changes though, to be honest.

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I'm not too excited at this point about a Gibbs extension. In fact I'm not crazy anymore about Williams taking over after either. I'd rather hire a GM and let him pick a young coach to take over. One who is more in tune with today's game and offenses. I want an aggressive coach not one who plays not to lose.

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I hope he stays only long enough to make a smooth transition to another coach who can fit in and build on what we have here. If Gibbs and the Skins need another 3 years to do it, fine.

Honestly the extension sounds like a PR stunt or morale boosting vote of confidence to me.

I just hope when Gibbs leaves for good, it's after a winning season (+500 record with at least one playoff game), he gets the praise and credit he deserves for bringing the franchise back to respectability (If we at least make the playoffs I'd say we're there now), and the Skins bring in a coach that can use the team we have without having to blow everything up and start from scratch (Spurrier's transition from smashmouth to fun-n-gun, dropping Davis for Canidate :doh: for example)

I hope we keep Saunders and Williams too. Can I have that for my Christmas wish, Santa? :laugh:

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