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WP: Opinions; The Redskins Are Okay, But Their Fans Aren't


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At least the author makes mention at the end of the article that this isnt a Redskins problem its a fan problem. In fact, a Skins game may be one of the more civilized places you will find, sadly, in this day and age of sporting.

Fans have generally turned from rooting for their own team, towards cursing out the other. This is not something isolated to sports, this is merely an expresion of what society has become. People that act like that a a game are going to act like that throughout the rest of the year. You see it at college games, football games, baseball games, whatever. Its really shameful that such people lack any class, and give no consideration for everyone else around them. Child or no child, they really dont care. Its a real shame because it brings an end to the age of father/son outings to see a sporting event. I know a lot of people remember when their parents took them to see a game, and how much fun that was. Well, those days are over, thanks to some "fans".

This isnt even an American problem either. Soccer games in europe are far worse(hard to believe) then anything that goes on here. R rated movies are more apropriate for kids than what you see at most stadiums now.

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Having seen a lot of this stuff myself, I can't really disagree with the guy - sorry :)

There are a lot of drunken and non-drunken *******s at NFL games, no matter where you go. Its obviously a lot worse when you're there to see the opponent. And I think he's right (even if he typed as he wiped grey poupon off his lips) that theres a general decline in civility and decent behavior everywhere in America - and if you really want to see it up close, go to an NFL game.

Having almost gotten into it on several occasions with idiots messing with me while my son has been with me, I don't think theres any excuse for a lot of it. Good-natured is one thing, but what I see a lot of goes far beyond that.

You CAN have a great experience at an NFL game - the problem is, you have no way of knowing whether you'll be surrounded by great, spirited, well-intentioned people, or some drunken, hostile, aggressive idiot. Its the luck of the draw. I already know all of the arguments people will throw out there. But I've been to enough games in enough stadiums to recognize what he's saying is essentially true.

And anyone who calls this guy a moron or idiot - you might want to point those words at yourself - because unless you've felt the unease feeling unsafe with your son or daughter with you in a mass of people, you really don't understand.

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i think that we are missing the real point here: that the washington post, a paper to which many of the users if this site subscribe, would publish this the DAY before the biggest game of the season!

between wilbon and this clown, what do we have to do to rid ourselves of bears fans bashing the skins on the pages of OUR paper? what kind of a paper publishes this, regardless of the issue, at a time when our fans are trying to rally our team and city from the depths of dispair this season as brought about? why now?

i encourage extremeskins users to let their thoughts on this be known to the washington post. this is the only way that big corporations can be held accountable for their actions. send emails to letters@washpost.com and let your thoughts be known.

i, for one, am disgusted. i read the post every day. i have loved the post my entire life. now we get wilbon saying that sean taylor was responsible for his own murder, and the day before a HUGE game, we get an opinion piece bashing redskins fans? what the hell is this?

sorry for the rant, but i rarely post to this board, and feel very strongly about this matter. thanks for reading, merry christmas, and always: Go Skins!

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It's funny how these things work out... If here were going to a day game in a different section, the result would have been different. I sit in section 228 and the Bears fans there were total pricks.... they were doing the same thing... I totally made them feel worthless though with wit and candor.

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NFL games are not family events.

This isn't Disney on Ice.

Get a grip.

Since when? That's bull****. Plain and simple. It may not be Disney, but essentially, this is a kids game being played by adults. Now there is no doubt that there are always going to be people like this at games, (and it's a damn shame),however that doesn't mean that this behavior should ever be condoned or excused. If people can't act responsibly and like an adult at a game or in public in general, then their lame asses don't need to be drinking or can be shown the door. And don't let it hit them in their ***** on the way out. Kids these days, just like many of us back when were that age, idolize these players and now we're saying that they shouldn't be going to a game to watch these heroes with their parents? Or at least expect this kind of thing as the norm? Not buying it. People want to act like that at a game? Go for it. Just don't do it around me. Odds are I'll be there at the end while they're outside in the parking lot or worse after the folks working security escort them out.

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Hhahah :laugh: Probably not but that's funny stuff

I went to my first home Redskins game vs. the Bills this year and the fans were a little bit roudy but they didn't ruin the game experience by any means.

That guy should go to the Linc to watch a game and pick up on some differences. I've been to a few Skins/Eagles games and I'll tell ya, the fans are terrible there and they really do ruin the experience.

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Hhahah :laugh: Probably not but that's funny stuff

I went to my first home Redskins game vs. the Bills this year and the fans were a little bit roudy but they didn't ruin the game experience by any means.

That guy should go to the Linc to watch a game and pick up on some differences. I've been to a few Skins/Eagles games and I'll tell ya, the fans are terrible there and they really do ruin the experience.

I'm glad you enjoyed it - but if I see that kind of nasty post again, whoever makes it is getting a little break.

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I can't help but think that this sort of thing didn't happen back in the days of RFK stadium.

You see, back when a redskins ticket used to mean something and they were hard to get, if and when you did get into a game I bet you didn't act like a drunken reprobate becuase you we high enough just being their and feeling the Electricity of the noise and crowd. I would venture to guess that the ribbing a bears fan would have taken back then would have been much more PG-13.

You see my friends, there is a fine line between the integrity of the game and the business of making money by pimping the game. Sometimes the business end wins out and your owner (a "Fan of the team") makes a mistake and doesn't see the historical value of renovating a 50,000 seat stadium with the longest sellout streak in the history of the world, but instead see a profit margin by creating a 90,000 seat stadium and pimping the name to Federal Express.

Sometimes integrity wins out and you keep the time honored name of your frnachise despite the media's liberal bias and inconvient "truths" about its origin. Or you hire a coach who still believes in integrity and has the record to prove it works.

Too often in receant years the NFL and to a lesser degree the Redskins have been skating on the wrong side of that line.

if the NFL continues to butcher the integrity of the game, soon it will degenerate to the point that it resembles another sports orginazation.

The NBA. :(

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You see my friends, there is a fine line between the integrity of the game and the business of making money by pimping the game. Sometimes the business end wins out and your owner (a "Fan of the team") makes a mistake and doesn't see the historical value of renovating a 50,000 seat stadium with the longest sellout streak in the history of the world, but instead see a profit margin by creating a 90,000 seat stadium and pimping the name to Federal Express.

Um - Jack Kent Cooke built FedEx field and moved the Redskins....

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This is an NFL problem across the boards. AND anyone with a brain can see it all stems from alcohol consumption. The logical step for the NFL would be to bannish all alcohol from all stadiums. It will cut down on many problems and for all you that say that the fans will rebel and not buy tickets,I say the NFL will be turning a corner and opening its doors to a more decent fan base. AND if anyone "as fans" say they wouldn't go, well obviously you were never there for the game in the first place then. The emphasis should be on the game, not the alcohol. My :2cents:, and nothing else matters!

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click on link for the remainder of the articleI suppose depravity is a strong word. But what better describes drunken adult men, egged on by other grown beer-swillers, belly-shouting the most spectacular obscenities imaginable as they stand next to a 13-year-old boy?

Welcome to a Professional Football game son... =*) is what I'd say!!

Don't like the Heat? Get the Hell out the kitchen! Don't like Water? Don't jump in the pool!:2cents:

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Welcome to a Professional Football game son... =*) is what I'd say!!

Don't like the Heat? Get the Hell out the kitchen! Don't like Water? Don't jump in the pool!:2cents:

welcome to society. Can't handle your beer - Don't drink.

Can't act within Social norms for society - Don't go out in public.

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I've taken my Son to 6 Football games. Starting when he was 3 (He's now 6). 4 of them at other stadiums including 3 at Texas stadium.

He's loud, wears Redskins Jersey, talks smack with Adults, love it. Almost the entire time, the adults talk back, useing good language.

Sometimes a curse word is said, so what. But for the most part, people act ok.

Only once did a Drunk guy cross the line, and he was "Politly" told to sit down and shut up by me and others.

It is NOT ok. It is a public place and public drunkness laws should, and do, apply. You want to get drunk and act like a idiot, go to a bar.

Go to the game if you want to root and cheer for your team.

Nice post! :cheers:

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Um - Jack Kent Cooke built FedEx field and moved the Redskins....

yep. And he was also in negotiations with Pepsi for naming rights.

Keeping the team in DC was his first choice, but Sharon Pratt Kelley ran us out. - This was all done 5 years before Snyder bought the team.

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I only wish American football could be as passionate as Euro Football. I want to go to a Euro Football game so bad.

You really don't want to. I have been to them all over the world.

If you notice in any soccer game.....there are never women in the stands.

Especially good looking women. You will never see even one at a soccer game.

It is a sausage fest......just a bunch of guys.....mostly younger--and although I love the sport--the live experience borders on being gay at too many stadiums.

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