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WP: Opinions; The Redskins Are Okay, But Their Fans Aren't


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Because the players hit each other some fans need to make obscene gestures and curse?

That's a cop out. The truth is; because some people have no self-control, or have reduced their inhibitions with alcohol, those people will make onscene gestures and curse.

i'm not defending it, i'm just stating the obvious. Football is an emotional game, and unfortunately some people are going to let thier emotions get the best of them. I dont agree with obsceneties at football games, because it's a GAME.

Dont misread what i meant, i meant that any time you get alcohol and emotions in the same place, some people are going to let it get the best of them. I'm not defending it, i'm just facing reality. My girlfriend has a 5 year old son, and i would LOVE to take him to a game with me, but i dont see it happening for quite a few years because of the fact that i dont want to expose him to that kind of behavior.

by no means should anyone be obscene and make dirty gestures, this is a football game and it's for entertainment purposes. EVERYONE should be able to feel comfortable cheering for the home team, regardless of age.

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I would readily dismiss the writer's POV, except that I cannot in good conscience take my own Redskin loving children to Fed Ex.

Far too many of you are far too out of control, and you act in a manner that would get you your *****es kicked (or arrested) anywhere else in life.

As a fan base, we are slowly becoming Philadelphia-esque, and far too many of you are welcoming it with open arms and excuses you've borrowed from Eagles fans.

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Because the players hit each other some fans need to make obscene gestures and curse?

That's a cop out. The truth is; because some people have no self-control, or have reduced their inhibitions with alcohol, those people will make onscene gestures and curse.

and i cant speak for anyone other then myself. So im not going to sit here and act like everyone at the games are "respectful" because they are not. I cant control the way other people act, it's out of my hands, but i personally do not carry myself that way.

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And what pray tell, makes this person think that the skins fans are the only ones who carry on like this, every team has fans both good and bad sober and drunk, sometimes we all have to be a little more forgiving than we would like, afterall If I was to attend soldier field would all the bears fans be well behaved and courtious, I dont thinks so, sounds like someone needs to start smelling the coffee.

Actually, he goes on to say that it's no better anywhere else. His point is that people are going to the games in order to get drunk and belligerant. They don't go there to enjoy the game. I think he's got a point.

My son and I went to the Bills game and we had a great time. I didn't have a single beer and still managed to enjoy some football (gasp!). The guy next to me told his wife "You're a whore" after she told him to slow down on his drinking and enjoy the game. There were a couple of guys arrested for getting into a drunken-stooper-induced fist fight. There was even beer spilled down the poor Bills fan sitting a few seats down from us.

Should we really have to endure that kind of thing when we go to the stadium? I mean, going to the game is a real treat for me. I don't have a heck of a lot of money. I don't get to go that often. I go to watch my team and to cheer them on and to boo the refs when they make a bad call, and all of that good stuff. But there are guys there that could just as well be at a bar. Man, if they're going to do that, give me your tickets and get drunk and rowdy somewhere else.

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I'm sorry we cant all live in a sheltered euphoric world. You think FedEx is bad trying wearing that rival jersey in Philly. It sounds like this guy was sitting in the club level which is nothing compared to the upper deck.

This also reminds me of the tastefull comments from a drunk bears fans in regards to Sean Taylors passing. This is an example of another journalist trying to make a buck by creating a story when there wast anything to write about

I think there is a lot to write about. Perhaps they shouldn't sell beer at the stadiums. Would you still go? Would these people still go to the games if they weren't allowed in because they were too drunk? Maybe it would free up some season tickets for those of us who like watching football...

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Every other week the Post publishes some silly hit piece from an "upset" fan, and these same arguments pop up as a result. Of course some people act bad at games, but does this mean every fan does it? No. In fact, of all the games I've been to, I've never seen things go as bad as these write-in complainers claim. Remember, it's their interpretation of the events, and they are already so ticked they feel the need to write a letter (the simple fact they are writing a letter to the Post to complain should say something about the person). If things are really so bad, get security. What is so hard about that? The guy even admits, just like most others who write this crap, that he didn't ask the objectionable fans to stop out of fear of a fight or screaming match. So the cause is important enough to write a letter, but not important enough for this guy to overcome his cowardice and stand up for what he feels is right? How detached is this guy if he is surprised he was heckled at the oppositions stadium? I'm not making excuses for the ridiculous behavior that goes on at games, just simply pointing out that the majority of fans don't act that way and that I'm tired of reading the Post's continued hit pieces on the Skins and their fans. God forbid a letter about a positive experience be published.

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No Game for a Family

By Dick Meyer

Saturday, December 22, 2007; A17

In other words DON'T COME BACK! Bye Bye! I'm sure if we visited Soldier Stadium, we might look to wine and complain about the fans (especialy with a loss). Besides - you were able to walk out under your own power!

It's all fun and games till someones feelings get hurt!

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I don't expect to attend a game again and certainly not with my kids. While groups of Redskins fans thinks it's OK to call Gibbs or any member of the organization a ********** within earshot of security (and face no consequences), I want no part of the stadium experience.

There is no circumstance where I will accept fans screaming that Joe Gibbs or Al Saunders is a ****ing ********** over and over again for their personal amusement.

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