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WP: Opinions; The Redskins Are Okay, But Their Fans Aren't


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What a BS opinion piece. I'm riled up obviously because i posted on this three times. Passionate Redskins fans (incl. myself) spare no mercy whether at home or at FEDEX. That is the way it should be. Maybe this Sally shouldnt be taking his son to a game where they sell alcohol to Adults if he is that concerned. Man up or hike up your panty hose suzy.

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You see - even here you see the dim and witless element rising to prominence.

YEAH America!!!


I'm so proud. Some of those posting in this thread are the problem :) And they have no idea who they are....

There is a line from Forest Gump that comes to mind right about now. :)

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This is not 100% - But anyone else noticed that it's mostly the 25 and under crowd that is saying this is ok, and the 30 and over are saying it's not.

the 26 - 29 are mixed...

I guess something is getting lost in the translation to the younger crowd. Treat others like you want to be treated.... respect others.... etc.....

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i think that we are missing the real point here: that the washington post, a paper to which many of the users if this site subscribe, would publish this the DAY before the biggest game of the season!

between wilbon and this clown, what do we have to do to rid ourselves of bears fans bashing the skins on the pages of OUR paper? what kind of a paper publishes this, regardless of the issue, at a time when our fans are trying to rally our team and city from the depths of dispair this season as brought about? why now?

i encourage extremeskins users to let their thoughts on this be known to the washington post. this is the only way that big corporations can be held accountable for their actions. send emails to letters@washpost.com and let your thoughts be known.

i, for one, am disgusted. i read the post every day. i have loved the post my entire life. now we get wilbon saying that sean taylor was responsible for his own murder, and the day before a HUGE game, we get an opinion piece bashing redskins fans? what the hell is this?

sorry for the rant, but i rarely post to this board, and feel very strongly about this matter. thanks for reading, merry christmas, and always: Go Skins!

I completely agree - I've felt this way for a couple of years now about the Post. Every team's home town newspaper criticizes their team for playing poorly, but the Post got vicious when the team took away their couple dozen pairs of FREE tickets for selling them on eBay - even after they were repeatedly warned, and the Post denied it, but it still happened week after week.

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Nobody should be attacking anyone else verbally or physically. But to act shocked and offended that people curse yell and scream at an NFL game is beyond ridiculous. People dont pay Redskin Ticket prices to sit Quietly and occasionaly Hoo-Rah. And cursing AT a 13 year old is also unacceptable, But cursing around him at an NFL game? Dude needs to get some Grapefruits. If he talked to his son about right and wrong he should be okay.

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I've never really seen it get that bad in my section, haven't actually witnessed the horror stories of fights, drunks cussing to excess, etc, as I've seen reported on here. However, leaving the stadium there are certainly the people you can spot who can barely get down the escelator. I never really understood going to the game to get drunk and not know what the hell is going on 1/2 the time. I don't think barring alcho is the way to go; personally I don't drink but several around me have drank and have not become belligerent fans from hell. It's just unfortunate that people feel the need to act like morons for "fun".

However, I can't feel too bad the guy and his son got heckled coming into FedEx. I hate to see fans of other teams in our stands. The worst is Cowboys fans when we're not even playing them, it's like wth?

On another note, how come the good looking ladies in my section don't do a striptease when we score TDs? =P

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I completely agree - I've felt this way for a couple of years now about the Post. Every team's home town newspaper criticizes their team for playing poorly, but the Post got vicious when the team took away their couple dozen pairs of FREE tickets for selling them on eBay - even after they were repeatedly warned, and the Post denied it, but it still happened week after week.

Don't get me wrong the post sucks and is manipulitive, but you cannot deny that overall statement the fans make by exhibiting this behavior if it is true.

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Nobody should be attacking anyone else verbally or physically. But to act shocked and offended that people curse yell and scream at an NFL game is beyond ridiculous. People dont pay Redskin Ticket prices to sit Quietly and occasionaly Hoo-Rah. And cursing AT a 13 year old is also unacceptable, But cursing around him at an NFL game? Dude needs to get some Grapefruits. If he talked to his son about right and wrong he should be okay.

I think thats a pretty reasonable position. I've never had a problem with the occasional F-bomb or other language - my kid is going to hear those words and needs to learn to deal with it. Hostility/aggression/threatening behavior directed at him (or at me when he's with me), thats entirely different. No one should have to accept that, whether child or adult.

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What a BS opinion piece. I'm riled up obviously because i posted on this three times. Passionate Redskins fans (incl. myself) spare no mercy whether at home or at FEDEX. That is the way it should be. Maybe this Sally shouldnt be taking his son to a game where they sell alcohol to Adults if he is that concerned. Man up or hike up your panty hose suzy.

Perhaps if you had a son that you were responsible for bringing up you would feel differently. There is a difference between creating a significant homefield advantage and just being inconsiderate to those around you.

Seriously...in what way does cussing out a fan of the other team help the Skins on the field? And the words directed to that fan to make him uncomfortable are also heard by what, hundreds of Redskins fans? Now some of those fans may be less inclined to go to the next game due to your actions. Their tickets end up on ebay and Stubhub, to be purchased by the highest bidder. Enjoy having more opposing fans near you next game.

Keep this nonsense up and that stadium will eventually be 50/50 with fans of each team. Maybe you'll be the one having to hike up your panty hose when you are in the minority.

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This type of **** happens all the time at any teams' events. This guy is an idiot for thinking that fans of opposing teams were going to be welcomed with open arms, especially by drunks(Note: I am not saying what the Skins fans did was right but it happens all the time when you enter 'enimy territory').

The point of it is that it simply doesn't have to happen. The drunkeness, the vulgarity, the fights are all ridiculous. A father should be able to take his son to a ballgame without having to worry about all that needless crap. For goodness sakes, he's taking his son to a football game, not a damn biker bar! How in the world could we as Skins fans allow that stadium -- our house -- to become Philly south? It's a damn shame. :doh:

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The point of it is that it simply doesn't have to happen. The drunkeness, the vulgarity, the fights are all ridiculous. A father should be able to take his son to a ballgame without having to worry about all that needless crap. For goodness sakes, he's taking his son to a football game, not a damn biker bar! How in the world could we as Skins fans allow that stadium -- our house -- to become Philly south? It's a damn shame. :doh:

No ****. We spend alot of time beating the hell out of Philly fans and others for their behavior and now some are condoning similar behavior, (though on a smaller scale). Hard to figure out sometimes.

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hahaha. I dont care if someone gets shot at a game. I would still go. But I might not bring any little kids. DUH.

People love to complain. If you don't like the atmosphere at FedEx, then get the **** out of the stadium and give me your tickets.


That is classless and rude.

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If he was expecting everyone at Fed Ex field to act like british gentlemen then he is an idiot and it is like this at every stadium in the NFL. Did this guy expect us to change our passionate ways because a kid was standing next to us?

Yea and I understand his point to bad so many others can not

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