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WP: Opinions; The Redskins Are Okay, But Their Fans Aren't


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In a few years time me and my family are planing to tour America for a month and I am definately going to a Redskins game. The only problem now is after reading this I don't think it will be a good idea to take the family to the game.

Or well I will just have to go by myself to the game and sit there getting drunk making some noise while the wife will have to take the kids shopping for the day.

Never mind, life can be hard at times.

This doesn't happen all over the stadium; just as with any other sport (flag football, baseball games, etc.,) you are ALWAYS going to have THAT group that HAS to use the foul language - you should hear some of the slang used at little league and flag football by adults. :doh:

I can personally tell you, We sat in 222 "cave" area and NEVER heard anything like this and there were all kinds of kids around- and a few people "partaking of the spirits":silly:

Now to turn this on the adults - I have heard kids that talk worse than I would ever think of talkin' in public - and I hear this at kids sports games. the "F" word flys around like the word "the" and we can go on and on about anatomy parts - street style being spoken by 7 and 8 year olds:doh:

Just depends on how people were raised - but drinking definitely doesn't help - my question is - how could people have gotten that drunk at night when they "just got off work"? Guess I can have a good time without the alcohol, AND I want to remember the game - not remember a headache:D

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Well let me first say that the England soccer clip is a trip and I would love if Redskins fans did that type of stuff at games.

Our problem is that people gotta act like they are badasses and everyone has to try to be a "better fan" than other people. This includes Redskins fans to Redskins Fans as well as Skins fans to opposing fans. The former bothers me more because hell we are all there for the same reason.

Let me add in a few other thoughts. Redskins fans are a lot more calm then Ive seen. I went to the game in Philly a few years ago. Things that were said to me and other Redskins fans were crazy. I was lucky not to get baragged with full beers, food, and anything else that could be thrown. I have known people to almost get tipped in their Portajohns up there and also there are numerous stories of people just getting their ass kicked.

If your son got punched in the face or given a swirly I would be pissed, but the culture of the sport is that you are gonna get heckled. He got a good orientation to the sport. He has heard the language before whether he is in public, private, hell even home schooled. I mean when the Eagles were in town I had a 11 year old Eagles fan trying to talk **** to me. Im not gonna lie, I told the dad that he was an ******* and his kid was going to grow up gay. These are things you have to expect.

While I wish Redskins fans would not fight each other as much, if you come in wearing opposing colors and you expect a warm welcoming at a primetime game then you should go to a minor league baseball game. They are a lot more prone to families and a lot less prone to cursing, (though your son has heard it all before).

To wrap it up: Its a football game, not a Wiggles concert!!!!

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So you take your 13 year old to see modern day gladiators with tens of thousands of people (most drinking alcohol) and you're shocked at the behavior and language? Not condoning bad behavior but, LMAO!

I'll bet the little cub hears worse at school, HBO and on the computer.

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I saw a 10 year old wearing a TO Cowpukes jersey with his Dad last year at Fedex [the ST runback of the blocked Field Goal game] and I felt many of these same emotions: What the heck did Dad expect? You don't walk in wearing the other team's Jersey in a big game and not expect some dude to wave or heckle you. You could expect that in the 50's, 60's or 70's - you are dreaming of a past that never was if you don't understand that.

OTOH "I am here to cheer on the Redskins drunk and loud" doesn't mean screaming and cursing out a little kid. I see that all the time - dudes who believe that somehow normal rules of cursing and screaming -around little kids - are suspended because they had stuff to drink and feel like screaming. An NFL game is not not Disneyworld - but games should be fun and appropriate for thr 10-14 y.o. set.

So I am saying Meyer has a point - but his larger point about Society and people in general is hogwash.

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I go to games not intending to get drunk but sometimes you can't help it. Especially, the way the Skins perform or don't perform sometimes.

Then of course comes the occasional "break his legs". All in good fun.

On the flip side, I have a guy behind me that brings his father and 2 kids to every game. He and his dad don't drink but are just as bad as a drunk, screaming obscenities, etc.


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It's going to happen. I've only ever been to one game but I've bene to other sporting events where the same stuff goes on. I myself tend to get wrapped up in a moment and find myself yelling and cursing, forgetting that there might be a 12 year old kid behind me. I don't do it because I am drunk, just because I get caught up in the moment and don't exactly think about what I am saying.

I can honsetly say that I have only done this twice and I apologized both times once I realized what I was doing. But seriously, you are taking your 10 yr old to a place where it is the norm for people to get drunk/yell, and it is encouraged by everyone to be as loud as you can be. What do you expect?

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You know, it's easy to say "it's going to happen, everyone does it" but I can speak from experience when I say that it's not entirely fair to say that.

I spent the entire second half of the Bills game (only the second game I've ever gotten to attend) shoving the hand of the drunk guy next to me off my leg. I eventually had to smack his hand away and tell him to quit or I was going to make it a problem. Had the guy been sober, there is no way he'd be doing that to an 18 year-old girl, but instead his got piss-ass drunk and ruined a big part of my game experience.

Later during a "Taylor" chant, a drunk Bills fan got really loud saying "Enough with the tragedy, let's play some football now" then started chanting "Everret." Had he been sober maybe he would have seen how wildly inappropriate that was.

Seriously, since when have only middle-aged men been allowed to go to football games and not be harassed? Since when has drinking in moderation gone completely out the window?

I don't think it is anything particular to the Redskins, but I think there is a league-wide issue with stuff like this. Why should I have to sit at home, as big a fan I am, because my age and gender makes be a target for drunk idiots who shouldn't be in public? Say what you like, but it's not fair.

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So you take your 13 year old to see modern day gladiators with tens of thousands of people (most drinking alcohol) and you're shocked at the behavior and language? Not condoning bad behavior but, LMAO!

I'll bet the little cub hears worse at school, HBO and on the computer.

I would bet he DOES NOT hear it from adults at school

I spent the entire second half of the Bills game (only the second game I've ever gotten to attend) shoving the hand of the drunk guy next to me off my leg. I eventually had to smack his hand away and tell him to quit or I was going to make it a problem. Had the guy been sober, there is no way he'd be doing that to an 18 year-old girl, but instead his got piss-ass drunk and ruined a big part of my game experience.

next time it happens (the second time it happens at a game) yell REALLY loud STOP TOUCHING ME YOU PERVERT ! .... it may get him tossed out of the game, or beaten up by some fan ... :laugh:

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Interesting that the title of the WP article is...

No Game for a Family...

yet we've turned our thread it into "The Redskins Are OK, But their Fans Aren't"??


Isn't this what we want? A "not-so-soft" fan base in our house? A place where the "Redskins Fans" come to watch and not other teams fans?

I took my 10 year nephew to the Bills game and he was totally imune to all of the junk going on around us because we were into the game at hand. That and the fact that he's seen it all before...

I remember asking my brother in law if he thought it would be cool to take him. He couldn't think of a better place for my nephew to be that Sunday!

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That guy is an honest flippin idiot. Who doesn't know that football stadiums will be filled with loud, noisy drunks? It's obvious...I'm a season ticket holder, and I get over the guy a few rows down and enjoy the game. Furthermore, what do you expect being a bears fan in a redskins stadium? I'm sorry but this report was useless, this guy acts like this happens nowhere else.

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You know ... maybe you too need to read the rules about personal attacks

Attack the idea, not the person :doh:

Geoff, while I appreciate the effort to look out for things here, personal attacks to other members on the board is against the rules. Calling the authors of articles or their subject matter names isn't against the rules. Same for the guys on T.V. and such. I tend to shy away from the name calling in that area myself, (well, at least out loud :) ).

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Isn't this what we want? A "not-so-soft" fan base in our house? A place where the "Redskins Fans" come to watch and not other teams fans?

It would be nice if we could have a rabid fan base without the need for people to either get obliterated before and during the game. A little friendly banter towards opposing fans (yes, there will be some that can get in) is fine; unfortunately, where it crosses the line seems to be subjective depending on the person.

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there are two sides to this..

1) people letting go and letting off steam and having a great time.

2) people feeling threatend while being at the event

I have no problem with people drinking or most of the time drunk people. HOwever, I draw the line when they get violent or abusive towards others. There is no need to get violent and it should not be tolerated at games.

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I don't agree with the conduct of what some the fans did, but seriously, to point the finger at the group is just is not right. What I have learned is that while I would like to take my son to a Redskins game, it probably wouldn't be until about 13-14 years old. It just really isn't an evironment that is really conducive for a family. I will say that if he wants to go and see football where the environment isn't as rough, he should go to the scrimmages. I guess my question is, if you went to other games and the results were typically the same, why bring negative attention to the Redskins? He said that the Bears fans were obnoxious. He went to a Cleveland game and they were swearing and doing other things. It is OK, to be upset with the fans who were obnoxious, but don't paint us with a broad brush.

In regards to being a fan of another team. . . what did he expect? That fans were going to say "Hey you're a bears fan? Let me buy you a beer because you are here to route against our team." What did you expect? Not justifying the behavior of the fans who were crude, but seriously, if this guy were in Philly, he would have had beer dumped on him and his kid and they might have gotten beaten up. It's not right, but it is what it is. He knew that entering before he got there.

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I went to every home game last year, and did not see any one lift up their shirts and bare their body parts or hear people yell they hope the opposing QB is injured for life, etc.

The truth is, some games you are sitting around more turkeys than others. Some idiots want you to even sit down when we are on defense DURING THE THIRD DOWN.

This is life and I don't know about you all, but it seems as I am getting older, people only seem to be acting uglier in this world. You are going to get angry and offended by people throughout your entire life. His kid is 13 years old, and it is the perfect time to teach him this. NOT to deny him the chance to be at a football game, but to teach him right from wrong, and the graceful way to react to the way people act in this life.

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I've taken my Son to 6 Football games. Starting when he was 3 (He's now 6). 4 of them at other stadiums including 3 at Texas stadium.

He's loud, wears Redskins Jersey, talks smack with Adults, love it. Almost the entire time, the adults talk back, useing good language.

Sometimes a curse word is said, so what. But for the most part, people act ok.

Only once did a Drunk guy cross the line, and he was "Politly" told to sit down and shut up by me and others.

It is NOT ok. It is a public place and public drunkness laws should, and do, apply. You want to get drunk and act like a idiot, go to a bar.

Go to the game if you want to root and cheer for your team.

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In a few years time me and my family are planing to tour America for a month and I am definately going to a Redskins game. The only problem now is after reading this I don't think it will be a good idea to take the family to the game.

Or well I will just have to go by myself to the game and sit there getting drunk making some noise while the wife will have to take the kids shopping for the day.

Never mind, life can be hard at times.

Please dont let this article change your mind. This summer I am traveling to Europe and plan on attending a soccer game or two. I have read countless articles on hooliganism and still am not scared, though I doubt I will wear the opposition's colors. :cool: Man up you brits see worse at youth league matches, believe me.

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I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that I cannot bring my 9 near old nephew to a game anymore, or the fact that most people posting here have said that what happens is normal and should be expected. Sorry, it's not. I am well aware that this happens in most stadiums, but the fact that many parents will not bring their kids to games anymore IS a problem, whether the 'true' fans want to admit it or not.

This is another reason I have not renewed my tickets. Too bad that my brother's son can no longer go to games. Maybe he'll find something better to do on Sunday when the Skins are playing.

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