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Ghosts, Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, Mothman, etc.


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I've had several ghost encounters, so I'm more than willing to stand up and tell you that ghosts exist. I believe that as strongly as I belive that the sky is blue and the grass is green.

Nessie is a different story. I would have to say that if the monster existed, we'd be able to prove it by now. Loch Ness is only 22 square miles. I'd have to believe with a body of water as relatively small as that is, we'd be able to locate something the size of the monster people claim to have seen.

(Note: I fully realize my ghost stories and experiences are viewed the same way as I view Nessie, and I'm cool with that.)

Bigfoot? Not a believer there either, for a lot of reasons.

I'll tell you though. What I'm most excited about, in terms of exploration, is what lives in our oceans that we haven't seen yet. We've barely scratched the surface (pun intended) in terms of ocean exploration. I'm quite confident there are literally thousands of species there we haven't seen. Quite honestly, I'm more interested in that than even exploring the heavens. There's so much down here we still have to learn.

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I've had several ghost encounters, so I'm more than willing to stand up and tell you that ghosts exist. I believe that as strongly as I belive that the sky is blue and the grass is green.

Nessie is a different story. I would have to say that if the monster existed, we'd be able to prove it by now. Loch Ness is only 22 square miles. I'd have to believe with a body of water as relatively small as that is, we'd be able to locate something the size of the monster people claim to have seen.

(Note: I fully realize my ghost stories and experiences are viewed the same way as I view Nessie, and I'm cool with that.)

Bigfoot? Not a believer there either, for a lot of reasons.

I'll tell you though. What I'm most excited about, in terms of exploration, is what lives in our oceans that we haven't seen yet. We've barely scratched the surface (pun intended) in terms of ocean exploration. I'm quite confident there are literally thousands of species there we haven't seen. Quite honestly, I'm more interested in that than even exploring the heavens. There's so much down here we still have to learn.

Some truly remarkable creatures live in the deep ocean.




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Some wicked looking stuff there, WVU. And God only knows what else is out there. There are so many limits to human exploration of the seas right now. I mean, our ability to dive at all really only began in the 20th century; and we're still drastically limited by pressure and light issues, among others. Hopefully technology will continue its rapid advancement and unlock some of those doors.

I didn't mean to hijack. I know you were looking more to discuss some old legends, and supernatural ideas (stuff that I find really entertaining, BTW). Nessie just got me thinking about what else could be out there in the bigger bodies of water.

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I'll tell you though. What I'm most excited about, in terms of exploration, is what lives in our oceans that we haven't seen yet. We've barely scratched the surface (pun intended) in terms of ocean exploration. I'm quite confident there are literally thousands of species there we haven't seen. Quite honestly, I'm more interested in that than even exploring the heavens. There's so much down here we still have to learn.
I fully agree.


"Though it matches the audio profile of a living creature, there is no known animal that could have produced the sound. If it is an animal, it would have to be, reportedly, much larger than even a Blue Whale, according to scientists who have studied the phenomenon"

Besides the immense amount of the deep ocean we haven't even begun to search, many parts of the deep rainforest in both Africa and South America remain largely mysterious due to just how damn hard it is to travel around in there. It's not just a matter of crazy legends like dinosaur-like animals, but more realistically and practically, numerous kinds of undiscovered animals and even plants that could potentially offer beneficial purposes to us. The earth is still a pretty fascinating place.

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I agree with 36 on the Nessie thing, we'd have found it by now.

The Giant squid was thought to be nothing more than a legend until the world was shocked when a carcus washed ashore off the coast of Japan.

That being said. You think we would have more definitive proof of the lock ness monster rather than just pictures of what looks like a rogue wave or a boats wake. One picture of nessie was a hoax and the guy confessed on his death bed.

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Remember "In Search Of" with Mr. Spock - from the 70's?

That was a great show - that moody, creepy music and Spock saying: "Is there a half man, half ape, living in the forests of the Pacific Northwest?"

During the day, when logic prevails, I dont believe in any of this... but when its night, ghosts and that sh** definitely exist.

It would be so cool if any of this stuff was real. I read the Mothman Prophecies and it was wild stuff. The Loch doesnt even have enough fish to sustain a large dinosaur and you would think someone would have hit a Bigfoot with a car by now... In the South, they call him the "Skunk Ape" - my favorite name for a mythical beast.

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Mothman...is this a joke?

Bigfoot....i would think that dear ole Bigfoot would have wandered near human existance at some point...maybe looking for food or just bored. Im not hating but there is no Bigfoot.

As for Lochness monster.......that thing is supposed to be fairly large right? How can something so large be so damm elusive? No skelton, no legit photos....no nothing.

I think these are some old wisetales & nothing more.

Ghosts...im not sure. I want to think they are just figments of our imagination but then again i dont know. Ive never experienced anything ghostly. A family member of mine did once and I mean I guess I believe her but still who knows she could have been misinterpreting something. I just dont know how if there have been millions of people dying throughout mankind that how come there are so few "ghosts" roaming the earth? Some people feel like hanging out in a house where they lived...and others dont? I just dont get it.

Im not saying they dont exist but I am leaning toward them not due to lack of evidence via my own eyes/experiences.

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