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Why are Women Always Cold?


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It's because chicks are always dieting all the time. Therefore, their body is always in starvation mode, meaning it is shutting down to conserve resources. Reduced heart rate = ice cold hands and feet. :)

Nah, not even. I know plenty of girls who eat plenty and are still cold all the time. No dieting going on. I'm telling you guys, it's all mental. :)

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It's because chicks love to ***** about anything and everything...

Next time a woman says "I'm too cold" immediately stand up, say "I'll go adjust the thermostat", go to the thermostat and crank it down 10* then when she says "It's still too cold" go and crank the thermostat up 5*, she will feel the heat and will actually stop complaining even though it's 5* cooler than when she first nagged...

And yes, I'm single...

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Hmm...let me make up some pseudoscientific explanation:

Historically women were naturally designed with more fat (hips, breasts, etc.) which provides them with a layer of insulation (blubber, if you will). Accordingly, their metabolism burned slower as it didn't need to work as hard to keep the body temperature up. As modern women no longer sport the Reubenesque physique, there isn't as much fat to keep them warm, and the body's metabolism hasn't adjusted to heat them up. Thus they are always cold.

Actually, I know this one:

GENERALLY SPEAKING, a woman's circulation is worse than a man. This is because women tend to have less muscle than men, and muscles are what drive the circulatory system.

In addition to this, nerves and blood vessels travel through the body in a "bunch." As in, the nerves and the main arteries or veins are next to each other. So, if you are able to get warm blood through your body quicker, you tend to be warmer because the blood is circulating faster and staying warmer throughout your entire body.

If you have poorer circulation - which most women have due to the less amount of muscle they have powering their circulatory system - then you tend to be colder.

Women have a higher ratio of surface to volume than men and thus shed heat faster. The reasoning here is that heat generation is determined by volume (radius cubed), while heat dissipation is determined by skin surface area (radius squared). The smaller your size, the lower your heat generation/heat dissipation ratio, and the colder you are. Probably part of the answer--see below.

Men have more heat-generating muscle mass. Muscles are well supplied with blood vessels. The more muscle, the more blood flow and the more warmth.

Women have a higher vasoconstriction threshold temperature. Vasoconstriction is the process by which, as the external temperature falls, blood flow to the skin is restricted in order to divert blood to internal organs, thus maintaining core temperature. The theory: as ambient temp falls, women shut off blood flow to the skin sooner in order to provide more warmth to their unborn babies, so they feel colder. Interesting idea but as yet unproven--though women do seem to have lower skin temperature when exposed to cold.

Women get colder during menstruation. Supposedly this is due to anemia, hormonal changes, etc. However, most studies haven't shown much difference between menstruating and nonmenstruating women in terms of heat response. As you say, female aversion to cold doesn't seem to be confined to a particular time of the month.

From Straight Dope

The Extremeskins' scientific community is on the job!

because they're hell spawns and aren't used to the relatively frigid temperatures of the surface?
It's because they don't have souls.

Although, I must admit these two gave me a real chuckle! :laugh:

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Hmm...let me make up some pseudoscientific explanation:

Historically women were naturally designed with more fat (hips, breasts, etc.) which provides them with a layer of insulation (blubber, if you will). Accordingly, their metabolism burned slower as it didn't need to work as hard to keep the body temperature up. As modern women no longer sport the Reubenesque physique, there isn't as much fat to keep them warm, and the body's metabolism hasn't adjusted to heat them up. Thus they are always cold.

I was going to say - do fat chicks complain about the cold all the time too?

My wife is skinny and wears a fleece if it's below 70.

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Lol...it's easy to spot the single and/or Bitter Bettys in the thread...I think it's safe to assume they'll continue in that stutus for years to come, poor things.

Gentlemen, really guys...fun read...from factual to it's-all-in-their-heads theories...gotta say, the latter is my fave thus far.

*Sigh* gotta love the RN male delegation.

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I'm 95% positive the "hellspawn" and "they have no souls" posts were jokes, and not at all a sign of their bachelorism.

Women say things like that about men all the time.

We laugh.

You know why?

Because it's usually funny :)

Do not assume I wasn't laughing. ;)

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I'm 95% positive the "hellspawn" and "they have no souls" posts were jokes, and not at all a sign of their bachelorism.

Women say things like that about men all the time.

We laugh.

You know why?

Because it's usually funny :)

Exactly. Poker and I have been in a loving gay relationship for some time now.

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Lol...it's easy to spot the single and/or Bitter Bettys in the thread...I think it's safe to assume they'll continue in that stutus for years to come, poor things.

Gentlemen, really guys...fun read...from factual to it's-all-in-their-heads theories...gotta say, the latter is my fave thus far.

*Sigh* gotta love the RN male delegation.



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It's because chicks love to ***** about anything and everything...

Next time a woman says "I'm too cold" immediately stand up, say "I'll go adjust the thermostat", go to the thermostat and crank it down 10* then when she says "It's still too cold" go and crank the thermostat up 5*, she will feel the heat and will actually stop complaining even though it's 5* cooler than when she first nagged...

And yes, I'm single...

Gee, I wonder why? :silly:

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I'm never cold and people like my mom or my sister in law are always complaining about how freezing it is someplace where my brother and I will be wearing t-shirts and be just fine. Hell it's been lows of like 2 degrees and highs of maybe 28-35 here the past week, my heater has been broken (crappy repair crew isn't showing up when they should) and I've been fine. I don't really find the low temperatures outside all that cold.

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A few things:

One, they are used to getting their way and the inability to control weather is an insult to them.

Two, boys were always trying to out-macho each other in elementary school by wearing shorts and T-shirts in January and just got used to it.

Three, women tend to be more perceptive of things around them.

Four, guys who moan about things like weather or temps are shuned (rightfully so) by polite society.

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