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Gibbs II vs. Spurrier vs. Norv....


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Its late, and my shoulder hurts, so I thought I would look this up...

I make no judgment on the numbers, but here they are...

in his 2 years here Steve Spurrier was 12-20 for a win pctg. of: .375

in his time here Norv Turner was 49-59-1 for a win pctg of: .450

thus far in Gibbs II we are 26-34 for a win pctg of: .433

Schottenheimer was .500 in his one season, of course...

Make of it what you will...I found it interesting....

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there is a simple reason for this... we are cursed by the ghost of Jack Kent Cooke ever since we named the stadium after him then switched it to FedEx for money.

hahaha, that may be true...but you saw my post in the other thread about how its been bad for so long...and i got to thinking...

is it getting better?


i'm 34, and i remember the spurrier and turner years being just AWFUL...

but then again...i feel like crap pretty much every week now...

and the numbers don't lie...it is very realistic that Gibbs will finish his first 4 years back somewhere in between spurrier and turner

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hahaha, that may be true...but you saw my post in the other thread about how its been bad for so long...and i got to thinking...

is it getting better?


i'm 34, and i remember the spurrier and turner years being just AWFUL...

but then again...i feel like crap pretty much every week now...

and the numbers don't lie...it is very realistic that Gibbs will finish his first 4 years back somewhere in between spurrier and turner

yeah its very frustrating. I remember my first Redskins game, and I was only 6. It was 1991....Redskins Cowboys...the year we won the super bowl. I sat on the field at RFK. Literally on a bleacher on the sideline. We stood with the cheerleaders as the players ran out of the tunnel. I ate shrimp in the parking lot with John Riggins, who was slightly inebriated and hit on my mom. He refused to sign my hat, haha. We parked in the players parking lot and I was smaller than most of their legs. I have no idea who won that game, but I will never forget it. We have a picture from the game of me and my twin brother (a dolphins fan) and I am wearing a dolphins jacket and he is wearing a redskins jacket -- somehow we switched teams since then and that is our big family mystery. Now, I'm 22, and have my own season tickets...its pretty depressing being there each week lately. I wish I was 6 again.

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yeah its very frustrating. I remember my first Redskins game, and I was only 6. It was 1991....Redskins Cowboys...the year we won the super bowl. I sat on the field at RFK. Literally on a bleacher on the sideline. We stood with the cheerleaders as the players ran out of the tunnel. I ate shrimp in the parking lot with John Riggins, who was slightly inebriated and hit on my mom. He refused to sign my hat, haha. We parked in the players parking lot and I was smaller than most of their legs. I have no idea who won that game, but I will never forget it. We have a picture from the game of me and my twin brother (a dolphins fan) and I am wearing a dolphins jacket and he is wearing a redskins jacket -- somehow we switched teams since then and that is our big family mystery. Now, I'm 22, and have my own season tickets...its pretty depressing being there each week lately. I wish I was 6 again.

and I wish I were negative 5


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there is a simple reason for this... we are cursed by the ghost of Jack Kent Cooke ever since we named the stadium after him then switched it to FedEx for money.

For some reason whever I tell people this they laugh at me. Never ever disturb the dead, because when you do, there are powers that one cannot understand or control. I agree 200% with you buddy. Ever since he did that I considered Snyder the Devil. Now I know he done a lot of good things from then but I always felt we should have left the name alone. It was the house that Jack built, let him have his name on it forvever.

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turner was better then gibbs, he knew how to run a offense.

if turner or spurrior had greg williams they would win 8+ games

Didnt spurrier have Marvin Lewis for one year? they had a pretty good defense. Spurrier's problem was his protection schemes.

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it appears to me as if the coaching staff lacks confidence in the players, which prevents the Redskins from making any big played. On offense, we run the ball three times to try and kill clock instead of letting campbell play his game. On defense, recently we've been playing this soft zone that leaves in short middle wide open, and we are getting zero turnovers because we refuse to hit the receivers at the line and play aggressively. On both sides of the ball, we need to have confidence in our team. I would rather lose because we took some big shots and fell short instead of not even trying and hoping we can kill the clock. If we want the game to hurry up and be over, why do we even bother showing up?

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there is a simple reason for this... we are cursed by the ghost of Jack Kent Cooke ever since we named the stadium after him then switched it to FedEx for money.

I really believe this and perhaps Danny boy has some karmic debt there we're paying for him.

I am having the same sort of experience, since Gibbs return, when Norv was here. Like getting caught by your girlfriends parents, before you're finished.

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We started sucking when Cooke was the owner so I dont buy in the "curse of Jack Kent Cooke." Off topic but if Cooke's middle name was "Ken" rather than "Kent," his name would've been Jack Ken Cooke, which sounds like Jack Can Cook. Interesting...maybe I need to go to sleep.

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there is a simple reason for this... we are cursed by the ghost of Jack Kent Cooke ever since we named the stadium after him then switched it to FedEx for money.
I really believe this and perhaps Danny boy has some karmic debt there we're paying for him.

No, it all started when Jack Kent Cooke was tempted by the dark side, and hired a ****in Cowboy as head coach. Since you worship numbers, this should be plain to see.

And, comparing PitFace or The Quitter to Joe Gibbs is equivalent to wearing a hat that says...

"I Don't Know ****!"

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turner was better then gibbs, he knew how to run a offense.

if turner or spurrior had greg williams they would win 8+ games

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Do you suffer from memory loss? With Gibbs, sure we lose, but we look like we're playing hard and competetive. With those guys we went out and just got smashed. Turner made the playoffs the same amount of times as Gibbs has. He had Ray Rhodes and Mike Nolan, so his d-coordinators weren't exactly slouches. Plus, he only has two more wins then us and is coaching a much more talanted team them ours. Spurrior had Marvin Lewis, the builder of perhaps the finest defense ever seen in NFL history, and won 7 games.

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I really believe this and perhaps Danny boy has some karmic debt there we're paying for him.

I am having the same sort of experience, since Gibbs return, when Norv was here. Like getting caught by your girlfriends parents, before you're finished.

I love it how everyone ignores the fact that the franchise was in the toilet before Dan bought the team. It really amazes me.

2 biggest falsehoods on this board

1 - Redskins were an awesome until Danny took over.

2 - RFK was an awesome stadium and rocked every game.

Folks, there were a number of years between Gibbs I leaving and Danny buying us.

a - we sucked in that time

b - RFK wasn't rocking, plus it was a DUMP.

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:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Do you suffer from memory loss? With Gibbs, sure we lose, but we look like we're playing hard and competetive. With those guys we went out and just got smashed. Turner made the playoffs the same amount of times as Gibbs has. He had Ray Rhodes and Mike Nolan, so his d-coordinators weren't exactly slouches. Plus, he only has two more wins then us and is coaching a much more talanted team them ours. Spurrior had Marvin Lewis, the builder of perhaps the finest defense ever seen in NFL history, and won 7 games.

Dude, I think you're the one that suffers from memory loss. Norv's hallmark was snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. So far, Gibbs II has carried a lot of similarities. We still make the same stupid mistakes that we bashed Norv's team for. Except back then everything was heaped on Norv.......today, it seems folks say "Yeah, but its the players that are making the mistakes, not the coaches."

And with all due respect to what the Skins have been through during the past week, I don't recall Turner making as boneheaded a decision as Gibbs did at the end of the Buffalo game.

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No, it all started when Jack Kent Cooke was tempted by the dark side, and hired a ****in Cowboy as head coach. Since you worship numbers, this should be plain to see.

And, comparing PitFace or The Quitter to Joe Gibbs is equivalent to wearing a hat that says...

"I Don't Know ****!"

really? i simply compared win percentages as an offshoot of a thread where i discussed redskins fans declining sanity over the last 15 years....

but, respectively, last year gibbs had the same record spurrier did in his last year...

plus, who exactly do you compare gibbs II to?

turner, spurrier, and schottenheimer are

a) the preceeding redskins coaches (thus a natural point of comparison for progression) and

B) their win-loss percentage is completely comparable.....

the fact remains, the record for the 4 years prior to gibbs II was 28-36 (the turner/robiskie year, schottenheimer, and 2 years of spurrier)....through 4 years (to date) of Gibbs II we are 26-34.....

hrmmmm....that looks, well, almost identical to me.....

so maybe YOU dont know ****

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:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Do you suffer from memory loss? With Gibbs, sure we lose, but we look like we're playing hard and competetive. With those guys we went out and just got smashed. Turner made the playoffs the same amount of times as Gibbs has. He had Ray Rhodes and Mike Nolan, so his d-coordinators weren't exactly slouches. Plus, he only has two more wins then us and is coaching a much more talanted team them ours. Spurrior had Marvin Lewis, the builder of perhaps the finest defense ever seen in NFL history, and won 7 games.

Do you remember the Turner years? They lost games the same way this team does. They couldn't finish. The difference is no one had a problem laying the blame with Turner because he came from Dallas. People want to give Gibbs the benefit if the doubt because of his name.

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Dan Snyder is an idiot for hiring Gibbs as the President and Head Coach. Gibbs is a good coach. However, it was Beathard and Cooke who built the Redskins in the late 70's and early 80's before hiring Gibbs. Gibbs was brought in as the O Coordinator and HC.

Hiring Gibbs was a marketing gimmick by Snyder. It's all about revenues and profits for Baby Napoleon. That's how he measures his success with the Redskins.

I blame Snyder for everything. Now, Joe Gibbs and his great accomplishments with the Redskins back in the 80's will be tarnished. Thanks Danny!

What makes anyone think that any other person brought in as head coach will do any better than Turner/Schottenheimer/Spurrier/Gibbs?????

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Do you remember the Turner years? They lost games the same way this team does. They couldn't finish. The difference is no one had a problem laying the blame with Turner because he came from Dallas. People want to give Gibbs the benefit if the doubt because of his name.

Where have you been? That's all this forum does is blame Gibbs and think that some other HC might win.

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Dan Snyder is an idiot for hiring Gibbs as the President and Head Coach. Gibbs is a good coach. However, it was Beathard and Cooke who built the Redskins in the late 70's and early 80's before hiring Gibbs. Gibbs was brought in as the O Coordinator and HC.

Hiring Gibbs was a marketing gimmick by Snyder. It's all about revenues and profits for Baby Napoleon. That's how he measures his success with the Redskins.

I blame Snyder for everything. Now, Joe Gibbs and his great accomplishments with the Redskins back in the 80's will be tarnished. Thanks Danny!

What makes anyone think that any other person brought in as head coach will do any better than Turner/Schottenheimer/Spurrier/Gibbs?????

that last question is the best of all....as critical as i can be of gibbs, i still admit to a huge man crush on him and i think./...God if he can't fix this, who can? someone else had better freaking try though.....

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really? i simply compared win percentages as an offshoot of a thread where i discussed redskins fans declining sanity over the last 15 years....

but, respectively, last year gibbs had the same record spurrier did in his last year...

Never saw the other thread, friend. I just don't let numbers tell me what I saw. I think the differences between Gibbs and Norval or The Quitter are obvious, regardless of what the numbers say.

PS - I wouldn't have fired Marty

so maybe YOU dont know ****

100% correct. See, it's not that hard to admit.

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Where have you been? That's all this forum does is blame Gibbs and think that some other HC might win.

Nah - I think it's pretty split. A lot of fans are still blind to Gibbs because of his past. I'm also referring to the local media. Sally Jenkins was one who tore Turner up. Then just a few weeks ago she writes a sympathy piece about Gibbs and how he's trying so hard.

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Never saw the other thread, friend. I just don't let numbers tell me what I saw. I think the differences between Gibbs and Norval or The Quitter are obvious, regardless of what the numbers say.

PS - I wouldn't have fired Marty

100% correct. See, it's not that hard to admit.

no worries...that was basically what started all of this...my feeling being EXACTLY like yours....remembering those years as being horfrendous and painful.....then i thought....gee...its pretty horrendous and painful now too...which spurred the research....

the most damning fact for me is, if we go 2-2 to finish the season, gibbs will have the EXACT same record in 4 years, as the redskins did in the 4 years before he got here (and lets be truthful, we may NOT go 2-2)....whatever he was supposed to come in and fix ain't fixed...

sorry if I came across heavy handed...the pain meds are wearing off, and I get grouchy....I, too, wouldnt have fired marty...the man went 8-8 with tony freaking banks as his qb after starting 0-5....that may be the biggest mistake in all of this...

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