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Is Lavar done ?


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nothing would make me happier than to have Lavar back. I have been a Lavar fan from day one and it broke my heart to see him leave. Lavar is his own person - always has been. He was one of the best we've ever had and b/c of some personality conflicts it wasn't working. haven't we learned anything media wise from this tragedy with Sean? Or does Lavar need to be killed in order for us to attack what the media is saying about him? I was thrilled to see him and thought it was very touching that Pedro asked him to speak and that he indeed did. If you watched after the fact, he was talking to quite a few Skins. Broke my heart when Lavar left.

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An article from Sept. 23 can reveal a lot about how LaVar's life has changed since he was blowing up RBs and QBs.


Also from the Article:
While Pierce says his former teammate sounds like he still wants to play, Arrington sacked any notion of a comeback as he stood inside his soon-to-be-completed sports theater/grill.

Arrington does not say the same about Daniel Snyder, the Redskins owner who drafted him second overall in 2000. After making the Pro Bowl from 2001 to 2003 and signing an eight-year, $68 million extension with the Redskins near the end of the 2003 season, Arrington clashed with Snyder over a nasty financial dispute. The linebacker and his agent claimed that he was shortchanged $6.5 million of the extension.

"I hate the way that Dan Snyder and Joe Gibbs handled things," says Arrington, who settled his dispute with Snyder and surrendered $2 million to get out of his contract in 2006. "So I don't have a liking for them particularly. I made three Pro Bowls under crazy circumstances. People wouldn't even know how complicated it is to be a Washington Redskin. I am not a mudslinger so I won't get into details of it."

He doesn't like the way NFL contracts are written, and seems to think no one else back loads. But he likes Coughlin. He made a big score in NY and didn't even have to do anything. And even if he did want to come back, I doubt Danny and Joe kept his bedroom just the way he left it.
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Sounds like a lot of people here haven't learned lesson from the past week. To hold hate against Lavar is ridiculous. He made the 1st step today towards making amends with the organization and to continue to rip him is absurd. We ripped the media (justifiably) for making Sean out to be a bad guy, yet people are trying to make him look bad here withOUT knowing all the fatcs of what happened.

In the end, regardless of who was at fault, didn't you learn to forgive over the past week? Life is short and things shouldn't be left on sour notes. I would hope that Lavar and the SKins organization can find what was good in their years together and find a way to re-kindle them or at worst, respect each other.

To me, if Lavar was planning on coming back we should be the team that gives him the opportunity. Redskins Nation needs him. As a fan he would bring back some of the hope that I had when him and Sean joined this team. I truely feel that we need him and he needs us.

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He's a NY Giant.

That was his choice to end his career with them.

What would you do if you were benched and publicly admonished by your coaches in the previous season? Along with having an issue with a contract in a $6.5 million dispute (now, for this I completely blame his incompetent agents and LaVar's loyalty to them, but still).

LaVar went where the money was. Much like many of the other players that have left. Much like many of the other players in the NFL. If you get a $49 million contract by a team that wants you and allows you a chance to get revenge on your former employer, who you felt betrayed you, what would you do?

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I can understand the people who may not want LaVar back on our team. But I get a kick out of all of the know it alls, who just know that "he is done." :laugh:

Even though their have been players who have come back from torn muscles, multiple operations on one knee, both knees, and even back operations.

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Sounds like a lot of people here haven't learned lesson from the past week. To hold hate against Lavar is ridiculous. He made the 1st step today towards making amends with the organization and to continue to rip him is absurd. We ripped the media (justifiably) for making Sean out to be a bad guy, yet people are trying to make him look bad here withOUT knowing all the fatcs of what happened.

In the end, regardless of who was at fault, didn't you learn to forgive over the past week? Life is short and things shouldn't be left on sour notes. I would hope that Lavar and the SKins organization can find what was good in their years together and find a way to re-kindle them or at worst, respect each other.

To me, if Lavar was planning on coming back we should be the team that gives him the opportunity. Redskins Nation needs him. As a fan he would bring back some of the hope that I had when him and Sean joined this team. I truely feel that we need him and he needs us.

You didn't honestly believe that the maturity and warm heartedness around here was going to last did you?

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I loved LaVar and I still love LaVar. I hope he comes back as a Skin. We benched him, the Skins are the ones who burned the bridges. We played Warrick Holdman over Lavar..... good move Gregg. LaVar was a pass-rusher and a playmaking LB, something our defense needs. Im not saying we should sign him to a huge deal or anything, but if we could get him back for cheap, why not give it a shot?

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I don't think he can play anymore, but I still and have always liked LaVar. He was great with the fans while he was here. I don't like how some have gotten so bitter with him.

These are probably the same kind of fans who booed Darrell Green during a game against the Lions back in 95. Same fans who probably cheered him when he picked off the game winner in OT.

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Just a couple of tidbits I would like to throw out there. Yes LaVar blew assignments, because he was used wrong. He was a pass rusher. Something this team hasn't had since he left. Holdman was a joke, he just kept the spot warm for McIntosh.

On the subject that he looks smaller, he's had knee surgeries etc. Does anyone remember Terry Allen running on 2 reconstructed knees? '96 he had 21 touchdowns on reconstructed knees. Also the fact that LaVar looks smaller. Muscle memory is an amazing thing, it wouldn't take long for LaVar to get some mass back.

Now dont get me wrong, I'm not saying give LaVar a spot. But if he's healthy and the team feels they could use him in certain situations, why not give him shot. I could see LaVar coming back for a league minimum incentive based salary. Who knows maybe QB's will have something to fear again, cause I'm sure no one is fearing what we're putting out there now. (Except for the once every 2 week blitz from Landry.)

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Sounds like a lot of people here haven't learned lesson from the past week. To hold hate against Lavar is ridiculous.

It's not about him as a person at this point, but as an athlete.

He was chronically injured before going to New York. Then he had an achilles injury and a bad motorcycle accident. Now he's fat & happy.

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LaVar did look over to where the Redskins where sitting, and he asked for forgivness from that point on. And Im pretty sure things will heal between the Redskins and LaVar. As to if he will play for us again..it would be nice, but I dont think it will happen because of his age and injuries. Sean's life was not in vain...in his death what was in the past between LaVar and the Redskins can start over with a clean slate, and thats all you can ask for is forgiveness.

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Would bringing lavar back be good for the redskins?....Yes.....why? Because hes a born leader and we just tragically lost our leader....Hes like sean taylor in a sense where he not only fires up the team but fires up us fans hes a ball of energy and we lost our ball of energy when sean past...I think bringing him in for leadership perposes would be great.

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I was surprised to see Lavar speaking at the funeral. And I must say I was pleased. I have always liked him and would be happy to see him in the B&G again.

Realistically, I don't think it will happen. There are just too many barriers, chief among them he's way out of shape after his accident and who knows what state his relationship with Dan and Joe is.

Not stating anything new here, but I would welcome him back.

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I have always liked LaVar, since the day we drafted him. I do not like the way that he left, but again, the NFL is a business. I think his departure hurt all involved. It is sad to see that he never became our long term defensive leader that we all wanted. I hope that he can positively contribute to our organization, or local scene in a positive manner in the near future.

I hated to see him go, and I was a bit pissed...but time heals all wounds. I still have autographed pictures of him from the camps in Frostburg and Carlisle holding my young son. He was very nice to us and even remembered my boys name (My boy ran under the rope and tried to tackle him when he was walking towards the fans after practice one day [after a little prodding from his Dad]).

I wouldn't mind him retiring a Redskin. I do think he is not physically capable of returning from what I hear about his current condition, if that is true.

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I'll grant you that. But LA's knee is gone. Bone on bone apparently. By the looks of him, he is either off the juice (?) and/or out of the gym. He CANNOT play, regardless of the other stuff. He proved that in NY.

And he knee was all but done when he left DC and he (and the Redskins) knew it -- one play away from completely blowing out the knee.

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