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Fantasy Coach: Who would you replace Gibbs with if you could?(mergedx2)


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So you want to completely start over?? You think this board is crazy now, wait until then!!! Let the man finish his contract for cripes sake. If you signed a 5 year contract, would you give up? Ask yourself that and then revisit your above statement.

What are you talking about? Do you think it would be the first time in history a coach of a professional sports team resigned before his contract was up?

I'm baffled by the fact that you think this would be some sort of new thing that has never happened before, it happens all the time.

Hiring a new coach would not be starting completely over, im starting to think you don't pay much attention to football.

Let me educate you if you don't mind. The Cowboys got rid of Bill Parcels, i'd research it if I wasn't late for a class but I don't think he finished his contract, I think he resigned.

How are the Cowboys doing this year? Oh yeah they are a 11 and freaken 1! Wow "starting over" as you called it really hurt them :doh:

Why delay "starting over" 1 more year? What would be the point? So we can lose another 4 or 5 games in the last minute of the game?

Stop with this ignorant, mindless, loyalty to Joe Gibbs, its not the 1980s, he is not helping the Redskin in 2007 or beyond, its over.

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Are you crazy? They went that route with Norv Turner already and look where that got us. We don't need another repeat of history to set us back another 15 years.

I'd replace Joe Gibbs with Joe Gibbs.

What's that? Oh you mean when he retires again? Well... keep it in house and go with either Greg Williams or Al Saunders. They're contracts promise them a shot at the head coaching job anyway.

Thoug I would very much love to see Russ Grimm given a shot as a head coach with us.

You people make my head hurt. So because Norv Turner was an assistant in Dallas 15 years ago, nobody in the NFL should ever hire another Cowboys assistant because its set in stone that they won't be a good coach?

Do you even think before you come up with this stuff?

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Are you crazy? They went that route with Norv Turner already and look where that got us. We don't need another repeat of history to set us back another 15 years.

I'd replace Joe Gibbs with Joe Gibbs.

What's that? Oh you mean when he retires again? Well... keep it in house and go with either Greg Williams or Al Saunders. They're contracts promise them a shot at the head coaching job anyway.

Thoug I would very much love to see Russ Grimm given a shot as a head coach with us.


I hope you see the irony in this.

About the Norv thing, you know what the Cowboys record was in Norv's last year? 9-7.

You know what their record will be this year? Even if they lose out the rest of the season (which is highly unlikely) they will be 11-5.

Garrett is a better coach period.

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First of all I know that this has been a thread most often asked about but either I can't find the thread or I just plain ole missed the discussion.

Since the majority of us are Armchair GM's, who would you replace Coach Joe with? Not trying to be a Smart *Bleep*. But really who out there do you really think could bring the Skins back from mediocrity?

Cowher seems to be happy where he is at CS and after dealing with the Rooney's I don't think he would come close to dealing with Snyder.

We've already missed the boat on Sean Peyton and Mike Tomlin (incidently I would have traded an entire draft to get Tomlin here lol).

So who do you think is qualified enough?

WHO CARES............


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First of all I know that this has been a thread most often asked about but either I can't find the thread or I just plain ole missed the discussion.

Since the majority of us are Armchair GM's, who would you replace Coach Joe with? Not trying to be a Smart *Bleep*. But really who out there do you really think could bring the Skins back from mediocrity?

Cowher seems to be happy where he is at CS and after dealing with the Rooney's I don't think he would come close to dealing with Snyder.

We've already missed the boat on Sean Peyton and Mike Tomlin (incidently I would have traded an entire draft to get Tomlin here lol).

So who do you think is qualified enough?

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Jason Garrett, this guy has made the Cowboys offense explosive and its the same team it was last year. Which proves he made it better.

Its the perfect choice, he's young, it would hurt the Cowboys, and it would give us a better offense.

I would be thrilled if this happened.

One concern, in the early 90s we took the Cowboys hotshot offensive coordinator -- didn't exactly work for us

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Greg Williams has the fire and the passion and should be our coach. I think he is great at evaluating talent in the draft i.e. Sean Taylor, Landry, Montgomery, Golston, H.B. Blades ( i think hes going to turn out to be a steal for us in years to come). He knows what the players on this team are capable of. The defense always plays for him. He deserves his second shot. I think if he isnt our next coach we are going to be really sorry.

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This team has been through way too much together for the next coach not to come form this staff. Only someone from this staff will have the attention and respect of the players. These coaches and players have to be the closest knit group in the NFL at this point. Anybody from outside the org will be just that, an outsider. People have arguments against GW based on his Bills performance. Does anyone remember what a joke Bellickek (spelling) was in Cleveland? I think obviously GW has a way of being a hard ass motivator and a players coach all at the same time. Keep Saunders as OC (with full control you will see the old KC or St.Louis offense). That being said it would be nice to see coach Gibbs finish out his contract.

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If and when Joe Gibbs decides to retire. I would rather have Mike Martz is as our Head Coach rather than Cowher. His transformation of Detroit's offense is amazing. Imagine what Martz and Al Saunders could cook up together. Leave Gregg Williams at DC and we would have a very enjoyable team to watch.

This is in no way a thread calling to fire Gibbs. I love the man to death.

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I hope you see the irony in this.

About the Norv thing, you know what the Cowboys record was in Norv's last year? 9-7.

You know what their record will be this year? Even if they lose out the rest of the season (which is highly unlikely) they will be 11-5.

Garrett is a better coach period.

That's funny, considering Norv Turner was offensive coordinator for the Cowboys in 92 and 93. But I guess Super Bowls mean nothing. :laugh:

I don't think I could stand another Cowboys coordinator coming to coach the Redskins, and am shocked to hear people suggesting it.

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Are you kidding? Martz and Saunders would most likely butt heads on what to do, which would just screw Jason Campbell more than anything else.

Promote GW and keep Al to run the offense, THIS TIME WITHOUT THE GIBBS HANDCUFFS!

Gibbs can be GM if he wants. I definitely want him still involved with the team, just not as the head coach.

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Mike Singletary. No real reason why I just like his fire and have a really good feeling about him.

I thought about this choice to. Every year people throw his name out there and every year it doesn't happen. He seems to have passion, I know he knows the game. Someone should give him a shot, why not the Skins. The only thing is he would be moving from a positions coach directly to a head coach. I don't think that usually happens.

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