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Wilbon is STILL blaming Sean Taylor. Incredible.


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The trouble with Wilbon is he uses the sports column to make comments and inferences about circumstances outside of the game that he doesn't fully comprehend.

As it turns out Taylor's demise had nothing to do with any 'street grievances' or 'payback' from guys he met while at the U.

It was rather Taylor's generosity to his sister and his family in letting them use his house and invite friends into his compound that seemingly caused a couple of these idiots to hatch a plan to rob him.

Wilbon is guilty of doing what he claims the 'white' media does all the time, namely stereotype the athlete of color.


Thank you Bulldog, thank you very much. Like I said in my earlier post, Wilbon tries his damnest to act like he's in the "know" and "down" with the black community. He's not, never has been and is almost as transparent as Randy "Dawg" Jackson in his pathetic attempt to be that guy.

It's truly pathetic how he assumed that Sean did something to bring this upon himself then insinuate that the Redskins PR people were not being genuine when portraying Sean as a changed man and in fact had "divorced" himself from the type of people that would bring harm to him or his family. Were all of those people who attested to Seans great character, kindness and all around nice guy demeanor telling lies just because the guy died?

That's what Wilbon insinuates in his articles by saying that the PR machine was at work. Sean didn't act an ass like TO, Chad Johnson and the other darlings of the NFL. Sean didn't invite the media into his life, they invaded it and when they didn't get what they wanted they made wild assumptions and forever tainted the name of a great and quite possibly one of the greatest Safeties to ever play the game. :2cents:

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I'm not buying it Wilbon.

Nope, and we shouldn't either. Saying that he wasn't surprised is one thing. But saying that Sean embraced this violent culture, and that he couldn't divorce himself from it was completely off base and that is what he needs to apologize for, IMO. Watching his funeral was tough, but there was a parade of people who told stories of the kind of person Sean was. Long story short, he wasn't the guy the Wilbon talked about on PTI or in any of his writings in the post.

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I was vey critical of Wilbon's article last week. I still am, frankly.

However, he really is taking his medicine this week. He's letting anyone and everyone vent at him for what he said, and in my opinion he's being pretty gracious about it.

I don't agree with his decision to write what he did when he did, but he's owning it right now, and that's gotta count for something. I can't imagine Cowherd engaging in brutal, honest dialogue like this.

I don't know how I'm going to feel about Wilbon going forward, though. It's still pretty raw right now.

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Whether it was random, connected, or something in between, the only thing I can wish now is that he had been healthy enough to play and not in South Florida for any reason. And I can hope that the senseless violence that visits American communities so often, for whatever reason, and whether it's random or part of some sick pattern, can simply stop...


This part is disturbing to me. if he was healthy and playing in the Tampa game, and was not at his home at the time of the attempted burglary. he would not have been there to stand up against the intruders and save his girlfriend and daughter or whoever else might have been in the house.

As selfish as it is to want Sean to be alive today, he gave his live protecting his family. What COULD have happened is probably more tragic than what did...

Because he was injured, he was able to be there to save two lives. Really deep, when you think of it that way, ya know?

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Secondly, his insinuation that Dan Snyder and the "Redskins p.r. machine" were spreading a false image of Sean as a misunderstood young man who had really gotten his life together. Wilbon basically accused Clinton, 'Tana and all the people who spoke lovingly about Sean of being stoops for Dan Snyder....of whitewashing Sean's image on marching orders from their corporate master.

Agreed. That comment from his CHAT last week--not his column--was what I found most offensive. But then he backtracked in his column by saying "by all credible accounts" Taylor HAD changed his life. You can't have it both ways, and he should have done more homework on Taylor's character before shooting from the hip.

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I also love how he falls back on "well, it turned out to not be random like I said". No, you said he embraced a violent lifestyle and never divorced himself from it. You implied this shooting was the wage of what he'd done in his life. Just because it wasn't random doesn't mean it was payback for his "violent ways". Give me a break.

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I think an important distinction is being missed in this dialogue between the terms target and fault. In some cases, one can become a target through their own wrong actions and in others they are targeted through no wrongdoing of their own. I have not read every word that Wilbon has put to press on this issue, but the fact that he suggested that Taylor was a target does not necessarily imply that he also suggesting a fault on the part of Taylor.

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I also love how he falls back on "well, it turned out to not be random like I said". No, you said he embraced a violent lifestyle and never divorced himself from it. You implied this shooting was the wage of what he'd done in his life. Just because it wasn't random doesn't mean it was payback for his "violent ways". Give me a break.

Exactly. He was targeted because he had money, not because of his past lifestyle (a lifestyle which, frankly, very few people have authority to comment upon). The same thing could have happened to Tim Duncan, Tony Romo sits to pee, Michael Jordan...

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I think an important distinction is being missed in this dialogue between the terms target and fault. In some cases, one can become a target through their own wrong actions and in others they are targeted through no wrongdoing of their own. I have not read every word that Wilbon has put to press on this issue, but the fact that he suggested that Taylor was a target does not necessarily imply that he also suggesting a fault on the part of Taylor.

Well, you see Wilbon wrote that Taylor embraced a wreckless lifestyle and refused to divorce himself from it. All of which we know is absolutely false. He also wrote that the general consensus that Sean had changed dramatically from the person who was charged with DUI and brandishing a weapon was a PR crusade put on by the Redskin front office. Again, a total fabrication and wrong ASSumption by Wilbon. Now, in defense of himself he keeps beating his chest saying that Sean must have been a thug that did embrace a wreckless lifestyle or people wouldn't be saying he changed.

I give you this. If Sean was such a quiet introvert choosing to associate only with people in a small inner circle when did he participate in the actions that Wilbon accuses him of? CP talked about how Sean chose not to "floss" around in a free Mercedes that was left for him, sound like someone that embraces a gangsta persona? Everyone talks about how happy and giving he was. Where is this gangsta that Wilbon speaks of? I haven't heard anyone yet say that he was anything other than a happy, great guy.

Is it possible that he associated with some bad dudes in his teen years at the U? Most likely.

Is it possible those guys were pissed that Sean chose not to carry them on his coat tails as part of an entourage? Rolle alludes to it.

Haven't we all associated with unsavory people in our lives and regretted it later? Most of us

I could go on and on but it's not necessary. Wilbon thought he was in the "know" and chose to break the news from the angle of a black man from the streets. Unfortunately what Wilbon "thought" he knew about this young man ended up being completely wrong and in being wrong he should apologise. Like I've already said, he has a responsibility as someone with national coverage. He has tainted Sean Taylors name by writing the crap he's written. He really should apologise and quit being a pompous ass. :2cents:

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This part is disturbing to me. if he was healthy and playing in the Tampa game, and was not at his home at the time of the attempted burglary. he would not have been there to stand up against the intruders and save his girlfriend and daughter or whoever else might have been in the house.

As selfish as it is to want Sean to be alive today, he gave his live protecting his family. What COULD have happened is probably more tragic than what did...

Because he was injured, he was able to be there to save two lives. Really deep, when you think of it that way, ya know?

Wow...I didn't think of it like that. I guess it was a lose-lose situation.

As for Wilbon, he dug himself into a deep hole with the first article he wrote, which I thought was impulsively published, and this response leaves a lot to be desired. I felt Wilbon took too much of a risk when he wrote it to begin with and now it has blown up in his face. I can see he laments some of the things he said, but he did not aplologize for succumbing to petty stereotyping. I lost some respect for him because of this.

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When I first heard he was shot, the first thing that came to my mind was the trouble he had in the past. However, I hoped that had not been the case. As it turns out, this had nothing to do with his past, and by all indications, he had shown more maturity to those who knew him best. Either way, it is sad that he is no longer here. But I wish Wilbon would have just said what I said. That first thought connected to his past, but after seeing what happened, I was wrong. h

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Anyone watching him on PTI? He seems really pissed off and seems to be taking it out on all of the subjects. I'm almost certain this has to do with all of the hate he is getting.

Wilbon and kornheiser stopped being journalists as soon as they took the money and signed for all these gimmicky shows. The only reason he writes the WP columns is so he stays somewhat relevant.

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Look, Wilbon didn't even address the most offensive aspects of what he said, specifically:

That Sean "embraced, and refused to disown a violent gangster lifestyle" or something like that. Total crap.

Secondly, his insinuation that Dan Snyder and the "Redskins p.r. machine" were spreading a false image of Sean as a misunderstood young man who had really gotten his life together. Wilbon basically accused Clinton, 'Tana and all the people who spoke lovingly about Sean of being stoops for Dan Snyder....of whitewashing Sean's image on marching orders from their corporate master.

"I'm not letting a corporation with its own pr agenda tell me about how a black man feels."

All of these quotes are paraphrased from my memory, and they still piss me the hell off.

Ok thanks Wilbon for clearing up your statement of how Sean wasn't targeted but your arguement remains valid because his house was still targeted therefore it wasn't random.

Now if you could just clearify your other quote. Remember? It was that one that went something like this, "Taylor grew up in a violent world, embraced it, claimed it, loved to run in it and refused to divorce himself from it"

Yep. We have a winner! That's why I don't buy this "explanation" of his. He doesn't even bother touching that aspect of his rather "sure" reasoning from that piece of his. He only touches upon the part about him saying that it was not "random." However, he was talking about it linking to his past and not the previous break in.

Now he wants to use Rolle's statements to back up his jumping to conclusions. Give me a break. The police kept saying that it appeared random (in the sense that it wasn't linked to the incidents from before), but did Wilbon and others like him listen? Nope. Sean Taylor was a thug and the Washington Redskins are trying to spin his image in the wake of everything.

Blah to it all.


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Here's the difference between me thinking it when i heard the news and Wilbon printing it. . . . Wilbon is allegedly a journalist. Im not. Im a member of the general public. The public loves to speculate on stuff like this and they often take any chance to knock down the reputation of a celebrity out of jealousy. Here's the thing, as a journalist, Wilbon is the one who is supposed to report the "facts" and even when he offers his opinion it should be based on facts. He was in such a rush to get his opinion out that he just couldn't wait for the facts. Thats not journalism. I emailed Wilbon as much but the coward he is wouldn't even respond. I'd debate this man any day on how wrong his behavior was. Not because he couldnt think it, not because we all didnt wonder about it, but because as a journalist for the Washington Post, Wilbon is supposed to be a little different than my buddy at work gossiping near the water cooler.

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oh no, he just reached for that to rationalize. He openingly said don't expect an apology from him. He needs to be brought down. How many letters to the post would it take?

Im totally in. Seriously, I am absolute disgusted by Wilbon. I was a fan too. I think it was grossly irresponsible and his adherence to Rolle as a source despite the fact the Wilbon reported it before Rolle made his assanine comments is just even more absurd. As for Rolle, I'd like to hear his theory on why these kids confessed to a crime they didn't commit.

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I understand what Wilbon was saying, and I've stated in different posts that I understand what he was saying, but it was insensitive and he was pre-judging Sean from the get-go. But if he's manning up to his statements and explaining, this is the closest we'll get for an apology.

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