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Jason Campbell Vs. Eli Manning- READ THIS!!


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I think its just a vocal minority thing. Sometimes people feel the need to try and get as much attention as possible by being very loud, because what they actually say has no substance, so people ignore it.

Right now JC is playing at the same level(in my opinion better) as Eli, and Eli has been playing for years. Only one still looks like they have a chance to get better.

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I'd like to see what defenses those numbers came against, I'm pretty sure out of eli's first 6 games he played 4 of the 5 best defenses in the league, maybe JC did the same but it really makes little sense to compare stats from different years against different teams.

I think JC may be better than eli some day just because I don't believe in starting rookie QB's so JC had the advantage of getting to sit watch and learn.

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Won't that result in Campbell throwing the ball up and allowing his WRs to go get it, like Eli Manning at times?

If it works out I envision it more as a different toolset to work with. As of now all he has are small WRs who are pretty fast (Santana is very fast when healthy but he hasn't been) and that is how they get open. If, in compliment to that, he has a guy who is big and tall and can get open and get jump balls it would be to his benefit. I doubt Campbell would be pulling a Brady to Moss and just chucking it up to him when he is in double coverage and figuring he will make a play on it. It would also give him a nice, big red zone target.

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I certainly appreciate stats b/c they do tell the story somewhat, but come on...

Anyone that thinks that Campbell is less gifted than Eli is as blind as the 2007 NFL refs.:) Seriously, Campbell has all the intangibles and makes throws that Eli wishes he could dream of making. If you watch football, you know the kind of qb that we have in Jason. There's a reason why all of the former NFL players turned announcers/analysts keep complementing him. He's special, and we all know that now. He just has to turn that God given ability into wins. That's the next step for him...he just has to make those key throws when the opportunities arise and put teams away. Let's hope that starts tomorrow.


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Campbell has a thing called Leadership. They players on this team will listen to him and respond to him.

Eli has egos on his team like Shockey and Gaptooth. He is not the leader of that team and thats his biggest problem.

JC has all the potential to be an explosive QB. Eli will be mediocre at best.

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Campbell has a thing called Leadership. They players on this team will listen to him and respond to him.

Eli has egos on his team like Shockey and Gaptooth. He is not the leader of that team and thats his biggest problem.

JC has all the potential to be an explosive QB. Eli will be mediocre at best.

Isn't that one of the things that has been said about Eli? That he is just almost funny when trying to be a leader? Like it is completely forced and not natural at all?

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As a Cowboys fan, if I was given a choice between Eli and Jason to build my team around, I would pick Jason and never look back.

Eli looks plain befuddled at times. He doesn't seem to have the leadership required of a good NFL QB. I have seen Jason make a mistake, shake it off and get right back out there. Eli, on the other hand, doesn't. He just looks lost.

Take the delay of game penalties in the Dallas game, he just looked around like he was totally lost. Dumb look on his face and no competitive fire, that about sums up Eli.

I look forward to Campbell and Romo sits to pee facing each other twice a year (or more!) for years to come. Both of them have a drive and fire that Eli lacks. I think Eli will fall to the wayside in this division when you talk about franchise QBs.

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As a Cowboys fan, if I was given a choice between Eli and Jason to build my team around, I would pick Jason and never look back.

Eli looks plain befuddled at times. He doesn't seem to have the leadership required of a good NFL QB. I have seen Jason make a mistake, shake it off and get right back out there. Eli, on the other hand, doesn't. He just looks lost.

Take the delay of game penalties in the Dallas game, he just looked around like he was totally lost. Dumb look on his face and no competitive fire, that about sums up Eli.

I look forward to Campbell and Romo sits to pee facing each other twice a year (or more!) for years to come. Both of them have a drive and fire that Eli lacks. I think Eli will fall to the wayside in this division when you talk about franchise QBs.

coming from a boys fan. Good stuff. :applause:

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