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Jason Campbell Vs. Eli Manning- READ THIS!!


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I have never made a post in my life mainly because I read these things and most people have NO idea what they are talking about. But I just read a thread where people were pumping up Eli Manning (4 years of starting) and bashing JC (1 complete year over two seasons).

So here are Jason Campbells stats for his first 16 games vs. Eli Manning's stats for his first 16 games.

Campbell- 3380 passing yards

21 Tds, 14 Ints

57% Completion

79.0 QB rating

Manning- 3135 passing yards

21 Tds, 18 Ints

49.5% Completion

AWFUL QB rating (55 his first 6 starts, 75 his whole 2nd season)

I can't do Eli's QB rating for just his first 16 games, but it is more than likely in the upper 60's based on the ratings I could get.

Someone said Manning is a TD machine compared to Campbell, that's completely false. They have thrown 21 a piece, but Manning has thrown more Ints. If your argument is "I meant NOW not at the beginning of his career" then that is even worse because you're comparing quarterbacks YEARS apart in experience. He has thrown for more yards, with a MUCH higher completion %, a MUCH higher QB rating, and Campbell is throwing to MUCH smaller recievers and does not have Tiki Barber to dish the ball of to all the time.

Campbell improved his numbers in every category listed above from 06-07 (better qb rating, higher %, etc.) while Eli has been completely inconsistant AGAIN this year. Look at the stats, Eli has about 100 more yards than Campbell passing this year, and his QB rating is almost identical. He has 4 more Tds this year, but 3 more Ints...Plexiglass has caught at least a few TD passes that were not even good throws.

In 3 years you don't think he will be AT LEAST the same quality as Eli Manning who is comparable to JC right now?

That's all for now, stop hating on JC when he has been playing well for a very young QB with tiny recievers. He is already a good QB and he will continue to get much better. HAIL!


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I haven't read the board much this week, but if people are actually saying Eli is better, then they are smoking to much ganja!

Eli is what he is, JC is not even close to what he will be. Give Campbell four years and then lets compare these numbers.

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Would be tough to chose between the 2 based on what we've seen so far.

In Eli's defense, he was a true rookie for roughly half of those first 16 games. JC was a 2nd year player. Don't forget EM took his team to the playoffs in his 2nd season - I'm too lazy to look up the #s but I'm guessing Campbell's overall WL record stinks. He's also shown a flair for running a 2 minute offense and being able to bring his team back from behind in the 4th qtr. That is an incredibly important skill that JC hadn't shown even glimpses of before the Dallas game.

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Eli did not take his team to the playoffs, Eli's team took Eli to the playoffs. He did not play well, he just had a good team around. Maybe you should look up the numbers after all!


If Campbell put up EM's 2005 #s this season, I think most people on this board would be pretty happy. His comp% is low and his INTs are a little high but he was certainly a productive player. The Giants weren't hiding the guy like Gibbs is prone to do with Campbell.

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Based on what I've seen from both, I'll take Jason. Eli is what he is at this point and Jason has a much better potential upside. I've NEVER seen Jason look as ill at ease in the pocket as Eli did (and still sometime does).

Additionally, Jason has better coaches who won't let his confidence be destroyed by asking too much of him too soon.

Some of the columnists in the NY media are already saying that Eli doesn't have what it takes to win it all. Their best forecast for him is that he may get them a wild card spot consistently--and that's only if he has a great running game for support.

After watching Jason's performance in Dallas, I feel that we can count on him even if the running game isn't working--and--I feel that it's only a matter of time before he's pulling off 4th Quarter heroics when we need him to.:2cents:

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I like the post and the #'s; however, one significant statistic would be wins. I am sure Eli is much further ahead in his first 16 games. It takes an entire team to win and Campbell obviously is doing his share. The rest of this team needs to step it up this weekend and skin these Bucs!

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Good post, Burress does save Eli's butt all the time.

You mean the guy who has 10 catches in the past 3 games combined?

Eli Manning does get his butt saved sometimes, but other times, he makes the throw he needs to. I read somewhere that the Giants are 2nd or 3rd in dropped balls and Eli's completion percentage, if those passes were caught, would be around 70%.

I love how people say "Burress and Shockey bail out Manning all the time" but when Burress and Shockey are compared to other WRs and TEs, they drop too many balls to be great for the respective position.

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as a cowboy fan, I would rather have campbell. eli is wayyyyyyyyyy over rated.

He is getting a lot better though (I think I just vomited in my mouth). Not that it is occuring fast but he does improve little by little...

Plax n Shockey drop A LOT of their passes, not that TP AKA TO hasnt dropped his share or our people dropping them too..

This is by far the most interesting division right now in the NFL.

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