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British Army tests James Bond style tank that is 'invisible'


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Did you check out that YouTube video of the japaneese technology... comercially availible.. solid state...


look at the guys hands. Look at the guys tie. the images aren't projected onto the material but are reflected from the material in real time.

I can't see youtube vids at work. I'll definitely check it out when I get home though.

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Did you check out that YouTube video of the japaneese technology... comercially availible.. solid state...


look at the guys hands. Look at the guys tie. the images aren't projected onto the material but are reflected from the material in real time.

I can't see youtube vids at work. I'll definitely check it out when I get home though.

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The Army has been working on a "predator suit" for while as well as sound projection technology for special operations teams. They uniform will also be able to sense incoming bullets and will harden before impact as well as being able to sense injuries and provide immediate first aid such as splints and slowing blood flow to the wound.

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The Army has been working on a "predator suit" for while as well as sound projection technology for special operations teams. They uniform will also be able to sense incoming bullets and will harden before impact as well as being able to sense injuries and provide immediate first aid such as splints and slowing blood flow to the wound.

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The Army has been working on a "predator suit" for while as well as sound projection technology for special operations teams. They uniform will also be able to sense incoming bullets and will harden before impact as well as being able to sense injuries and provide immediate first aid such as splints and slowing blood flow to the wound.

I'd hate to be the guy that has to field test that thing.

As for this invisibility stuff, its all smoke and mirrors. I've seen the Japanese invisible suit, that I can believe. But a tank, that constantly rolls loudly through grass, fields, and dirt? I just can't see how effective it will be with its footprint, noise, and questionable reliability of its current camera system. Just sounds like fluff to me.

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The Army has been working on a "predator suit" for while as well as sound projection technology for special operations teams. They uniform will also be able to sense incoming bullets and will harden before impact as well as being able to sense injuries and provide immediate first aid such as splints and slowing blood flow to the wound.

I'd hate to be the guy that has to field test that thing.

As for this invisibility stuff, its all smoke and mirrors. I've seen the Japanese invisible suit, that I can believe. But a tank, that constantly rolls loudly through grass, fields, and dirt? I just can't see how effective it will be with its footprint, noise, and questionable reliability of its current camera system. Just sounds like fluff to me.

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I'd hate to be the guy that has to field test that thing.

As for this invisibility stuff, its all smoke and mirrors. I've seen the Japanese invisible suit, that I can believe. But a tank, that constantly rolls loudly through grass, fields, and dirt? I just can't see how effective it will be with its footprint, noise, and questionable reliability of its current camera system. Just sounds like fluff to me.

The japaneese invisibility cloak isn't a projector based technology. It's a reflector. The cloth itself works like a pliable tv and changes to fit it's background in real time.

The tank technology is much simpler. you just take a picure of the background and project it onto your tanks surfaces.

As for the sound and heat signatures. I don't know if that's currently as much of a concern. Let them get the kinks out of the invisibility camaflauge. That's pretty cool all by itself.

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1) The idea of "put a TV screen on something, and a camera on the other side, and show whatever's behind you, in front of you", can't produce invisibility. Because of parallax.

To try to make the explanation simple, without pictures, (I don't know how to draw a picture, and then post my drawing here.), let's assume that we're trying to make me invisible. In fact, let's just say we're trying to make one point on me (say, my navel), invisible. I'm going to refer to a coordinate system in which zero degrees refers to something that's directly in front of my navel.

Now, in order to make my navel invisible to an observer directly in front of me, (bearing zero), my navel LED (or whatever kind of "picture tube" I'm using) needs to be the same color as whatever's at bearing 180.

But, to make my navel invisible to an observer who's at bearing 45 (my front right), that same LED needs to be whatever color's at bearing 225.

I'd need some kind of emitter where the same pixel is different colors depending on where it's being seen from.

(Now, mirrors can do that. A mirror will "show different pictures" when seen from different directions. But that's something else.)

2) That doesn't mean that, while "invisibility" is impossible, that "darned good camouflage" can't be achieved.

If all you want is a tank that changes colors so that it's roughly the same color as it's background, that's a lot easier to do. Now, for example, you don't need to completely cover every square inch of the tank. You can just cover a good part of the tank, and simply display a camouflage pattern composed of the predominant colors from behind you.

(Desert camouflage works pretty well in the desert. Ditto with woodland cammo. It shouldn't be too tough to design a system where the tank (or the soldier's uniform) changes from desert to woodlands to arctic to urban (if there is such a thing) depending on where the tank is.)

It won't be invisibility. But that doesn't mean it won't help.

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