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Addicted to Fear - Cowardice Has Become the Source of Republican Power


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1 - Fear that global warming will destroy us all and is soley our fault

2 - Fear that the rich are out to eat you alive

3 - Fear that R's will take away your social security and every safety net possible

4 - Fear that R's will abolish abortion

5 - Fear that corporations, the CIA, and the United States military are out to screw you

6 - Fear that the religious right wants a theocratic nation

7 - Fear that because some guy makes 1,000,000 times more then you do, the world will end

1 - "Gorebal Warming" gets way more attention then it should. There are real problems out there concerning the enviroment, like the rain forest. There is no debate that it's being destroyed and the rate at which it is happening is factual, no theory involved.

2 - I've heard no theory of rich zombies consuming people, though it wouldn't surprise me to see such a claim on democraticunderground.

3 - Republican do want to do away with social security. Admit it, you'll feel better after you do.

4 - Republicans do want to make abortions illegal. Many even in cases of rape and incest.

5 - Corporations should be feared. They act in their own interest, not yours, and they have much more power then the average citizen. While they do provide needed business interests the level of political power held by these business is alarming. The CIA and Military... yeah I've heard some kooks convinced they are out to get us but it's mostly fringe moonbats.

6 - The religious right is made up of some scarey people man. Theocracy is exactly what the leaders of the movement want and they admit it openly.

7 - Bill Gates has not set off a world ending event yet so that fear is no longer gripping my soul. I'M FREE!!!!

I still say the right has lately been entirely ruled by irrational fear. the Republican party did jack **** while in power and we all know it. They stayed in power by using terrorism as a bat to beat voters over the head with. Not all republicans suck, but Bush has sucked bad and has lead the GOP to ruin.

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1 - Fear that global warming will destroy us all and is soley our fault

2 - Fear that the rich are out to eat you alive

3 - Fear that R's will take away your social security and every safety net possible

4 - Fear that R's will abolish abortion

5 - Fear that corporations, the CIA, and the United States military are out to screw you

6 - Fear that the religious right wants a theocratic nation

7 - Fear that because some guy makes 1,000,000 times more then you do, the world will end

1 - "Gorebal Warming" gets way more attention then it should. There are real problems out there concerning the enviroment, like the rain forest. There is no debate that it's being destroyed and the rate at which it is happening is factual, no theory involved.

2 - I've heard no theory of rich zombies consuming people, though it wouldn't surprise me to see such a claim on democraticunderground.

3 - Republican do want to do away with social security. Admit it, you'll feel better after you do.

4 - Republicans do want to make abortions illegal. Many even in cases of rape and incest.

5 - Corporations should be feared. They act in their own interest, not yours, and they have much more power then the average citizen. While they do provide needed business interests the level of political power held by these business is alarming. The CIA and Military... yeah I've heard some kooks convinced they are out to get us but it's mostly fringe moonbats.

6 - The religious right is made up of some scarey people man. Theocracy is exactly what the leaders of the movement want and they admit it openly.

7 - Bill Gates has not set off a world ending event yet so that fear is no longer gripping my soul. I'M FREE!!!!

I still say the right has lately been entirely ruled by irrational fear. the Republican party did jack **** while in power and we all know it. They stayed in power by using terrorism as a bat to beat voters over the head with. Not all republicans suck, but Bush has sucked bad and has lead the GOP to ruin.

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IMO, it was a little over the top although I agree with a lot of the points. There was one quote about how only under Bush did Americans cower in fear. I'm pretty sure fear was greater during the cold war when people were building bunkers.

It is true though. The Republicans have run on a platform of fiction, and the base laps it up without question.

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IMO, it was a little over the top although I agree with a lot of the points. There was one quote about how only under Bush did Americans cower in fear. I'm pretty sure fear was greater during the cold war when people were building bunkers.

It is true though. The Republicans have run on a platform of fiction, and the base laps it up without question.

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Terrorism from an external source is in fact a pretty easy thing to control/prevent and while ocassionally the terrorists might get lucky and kill some people against a vigalent goverment (which the US was not prior to 9-11) they are unlikely to cause massive issues that would seriously endanger a country vs. the issues we are likely to have in the future as a result of our debt and what China is likely to be able to do in the near future. Protection from external terrorists is a poor use of resources in the mess that has become Iraq.

In addition, fear of terrorism is a poor excuse for Bush's actions as he failed to instagate other changes that would likely reduce the chances of terrorists even though they were proposed years ago by the 9-11 Comission (e.g. better control of the border and ports). Even doing something obvious that was reenforced by the Fort Dix Six- expel people from ME and related countries that have expired visas hasn't been done.

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Terrorism from an external source is in fact a pretty easy thing to control/prevent and while ocassionally the terrorists might get lucky and kill some people against a vigalent goverment (which the US was not prior to 9-11) they are unlikely to cause massive issues that would seriously endanger a country vs. the issues we are likely to have in the future as a result of our debt and what China is likely to be able to do in the near future. Protection from external terrorists is a poor use of resources in the mess that has become Iraq.

In addition, fear of terrorism is a poor excuse for Bush's actions as he failed to instagate other changes that would likely reduce the chances of terrorists even though they were proposed years ago by the 9-11 Comission (e.g. better control of the border and ports). Even doing something obvious that was reenforced by the Fort Dix Six- expel people from ME and related countries that have expired visas hasn't been done.

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While I entirely agree and have known for a LONG time that the current crop of GOP politicians survive and achieve power almost entirely on conjuring up fear among the general public, the even more shameful part is that the coward ****ers on the other side of the aisle CONTINUE TO FALL FOR IT, fall in line and LET the GOP do this. At this point, I'm not sure what's worse. The war hungry, fear mongering idiots leading us to destruction or the spinless, pussified, Joe Gibbs II play calling-esque Dems who refuse, time and time again, to stand and up and call them on their bull****.

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While I entirely agree and have known for a LONG time that the current crop of GOP politicians survive and achieve power almost entirely on conjuring up fear among the general public, the even more shameful part is that the coward ****ers on the other side of the aisle CONTINUE TO FALL FOR IT, fall in line and LET the GOP do this. At this point, I'm not sure what's worse. The war hungry, fear mongering idiots leading us to destruction or the spinless, pussified, Joe Gibbs II play calling-esque Dems who refuse, time and time again, to stand and up and call them on their bull****.

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Since when is fear a new tactic of the politicians?

Every generation accepts the bull**** as true, and is willing to give up liberties and waste their tax dollars on the exaggerated threat of the foreign bogeyman. Eisenhower warned about this many years ago.

The Department of Homeland Security until recently spewed nonsense and the media complied in promoting their fear mongering. The items in quotes below is actual text from the urgent color-coded alerts issued by the DHS ...

Warnings were based on "uncorroborated intelligence," and issued even though "there is no credible, specific information about targets or method of attack." And, of course, "weapons of mass destruction, including those containing chemical, biological, or radiological agents or materials, cannot be discounted."

And neither can frikkin' sharks with laser beams, but it didn't stop most of the country rushing out to buy duct tape and plastic sheeting so they could cower in their basement in the event the authorities told them to. :doh::laugh:

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Since when is fear a new tactic of the politicians?

Every generation accepts the bull**** as true, and is willing to give up liberties and waste their tax dollars on the exaggerated threat of the foreign bogeyman. Eisenhower warned about this many years ago.

The Department of Homeland Security until recently spewed nonsense and the media complied in promoting their fear mongering. The items in quotes below is actual text from the urgent color-coded alerts issued by the DHS ...

Warnings were based on "uncorroborated intelligence," and issued even though "there is no credible, specific information about targets or method of attack." And, of course, "weapons of mass destruction, including those containing chemical, biological, or radiological agents or materials, cannot be discounted."

And neither can frikkin' sharks with laser beams, but it didn't stop most of the country rushing out to buy duct tape and plastic sheeting so they could cower in their basement in the event the authorities told them to. :doh::laugh:

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