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Rodriguez to opt out


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And now we see just how classy the Yankee organization is. After all the great seasons he has with them, the Steinbreners are taking shots at A-Rod because he opted out.

Where was the shot? "It's obvious Alex Rodriguez doesn't want to be a Yankee" is a shot?

The Yankees have been quite clear for three months that if Arod opted out, he was gone. Arod just left 91 million on the table, plus an extension that would pay him 30 million a year for another 5 years after that.

Your hatred for the Yankees warps your mind, my friend....

And Jeter has been lousy in the playoffs too. For some reason' date=' he avoids the "choke" tag.[/quote']

Jeter won 4 titles. He has enough equity that he can do no wrong. Look over in the stadium, it's a lot like the threads about Gibbs. There's the "What have you done for me lately?" crowd, and the "whole body of work crowd". Jeter will always be in category #2, & rightfully so......

Florida is the rumored dark horse all of a sudden here. Although they'd be stupid to sign him when they get much more bang for their buck at third with Cabrera & at short with Hanley Ramirez......

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Florida is the rumored dark horse all of a sudden here. Although they'd be stupid to sign him when they get much more bang for their buck at third with Cabrera & at short with Hanley Ramirez......

No that makes sense since they want to build a stadium and Arod would fill that park and he is from there. I would also think % of ownership would be part of it.

Everyone knows how I feel about Arod but I will add to it the NY fans and media killed him, no one deserves that much crap that he got. I thought all along he had no plans on staying with the Yanks this after this year which is why he had a monster season, he knew he was gone and needed to raise his $$.

Maybe they felt the pressure and scrutiny was deserved because of his deal but there were others on the Yankees who made close the same amount of money that did not have to deal with it as much.

Personally I don't think ANYONE is worth that much but I am not paying him.

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Florida is the rumored dark horse all of a sudden here. Although they'd be stupid to sign him when they get much more bang for their buck at third with Cabrera & at short with Hanley Ramirez......

No that makes sense since they want to build a stadium and Arod would fill that park and he is from there. I would also think % of ownership would be part of it.

Everyone knows how I feel about Arod but I will add to it the NY fans and media killed him, no one deserves that much crap that he got. I thought all along he had no plans on staying with the Yanks this after this year which is why he had a monster season, he knew he was gone and needed to raise his $$.

Maybe they felt the pressure and scrutiny was deserved because of his deal but there were others on the Yankees who made close the same amount of money that did not have to deal with it as much.

Personally I don't think ANYONE is worth that much but I am not paying him.

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All it takes is ONE Tom Hicks-like owner to unleash the latest albatross. We'll see who it is come Christmas.

Meanwhile, Clemens 17.4 M comes off the books as does ARod's 25 (18 for NY).

We'll see about Posada, Pettitte, and Rivera.

Other contracts off the books after 08: Giambi's 22 plus 5M buyout, Mussina's 11M, and yes, CARL PAVANO's 11M plus 2M boyout finally comes off the books.

Yanks payroll may go down 90 million+ in 2 years. Granted Cabrera and Cano will cost more in a few years, plus the usual increases.....(and Johan Santana in 09) :laugh: :doh:

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All it takes is ONE Tom Hicks-like owner to unleash the latest albatross. We'll see who it is come Christmas.

Meanwhile, Clemens 17.4 M comes off the books as does ARod's 25 (18 for NY).

We'll see about Posada, Pettitte, and Rivera.

Other contracts off the books after 08: Giambi's 22 plus 5M buyout, Mussina's 11M, and yes, CARL PAVANO's 11M plus 2M boyout finally comes off the books.

Yanks payroll may go down 90 million+ in 2 years. Granted Cabrera and Cano will cost more in a few years, plus the usual increases.....(and Johan Santana in 09) :laugh: :doh:

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All it takes is ONE Tom Hicks-like owner to unleash the latest albatross. We'll see who it is come Christmas.

Meanwhile, Clemens 17.4 M comes off the books as does ARod's 25 (18 for NY).

We'll see about Posada, Pettitte, and Rivera.

Other contracts off the books after 08: Giambi's 22 plus 5M buyout, Mussina's 11M, and yes, CARL PAVANO's 11M plus 2M boyout finally comes off the books.

Yanks payroll may go down 90 million+ in 2 years. Granted Cabrera and Cano will cost more in a few years, plus the usual increases.....(and Johan Santana in 09) :laugh: :doh:

Why do the Yankees care about salary all of a sudden? This is what I don't get.

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All it takes is ONE Tom Hicks-like owner to unleash the latest albatross. We'll see who it is come Christmas.

Meanwhile, Clemens 17.4 M comes off the books as does ARod's 25 (18 for NY).

We'll see about Posada, Pettitte, and Rivera.

Other contracts off the books after 08: Giambi's 22 plus 5M buyout, Mussina's 11M, and yes, CARL PAVANO's 11M plus 2M boyout finally comes off the books.

Yanks payroll may go down 90 million+ in 2 years. Granted Cabrera and Cano will cost more in a few years, plus the usual increases.....(and Johan Santana in 09) :laugh: :doh:

Why do the Yankees care about salary all of a sudden? This is what I don't get.

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We don't know for sure if they do yet. But people aren't sure if Hank & Hal are like their father is when it comes to dishing out the cash.

The yanks are still going to dish out cash but what I think they will do is be more like the sox and make better decisions with that money.

The sox did spend money $140 million but they did not have to have an allstar at every position which cost you $210 million and no rings :)

For everyone saying the sox are becoming the next yankees, well when they get to spending more then 30% more then the next closest team then you can say that :) Last I checked they only spend what 20 or 25 million more then the next team, where the yanks beat the closest team by 70 million.

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We don't know for sure if they do yet. But people aren't sure if Hank & Hal are like their father is when it comes to dishing out the cash.

The yanks are still going to dish out cash but what I think they will do is be more like the sox and make better decisions with that money.

The sox did spend money $140 million but they did not have to have an allstar at every position which cost you $210 million and no rings :)

For everyone saying the sox are becoming the next yankees, well when they get to spending more then 30% more then the next closest team then you can say that :) Last I checked they only spend what 20 or 25 million more then the next team, where the yanks beat the closest team by 70 million.

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ARod only cares about himself, he wants the money and he wants the reporters to stop bugging him.

I knew all along he was going to opt out and tried to tell Praise that but he wouldn't listen :) We need to find Praise to make sure he is ok :laugh: :laugh:

Most likely Arod already has a deal done, and I bet it is on the west coast. He was never a fan of the media in NY and you could tell.

The yanks were smart in trying to use the money from Texas to pay him, that is the correct decision to make. The problem and it is becoming clear the Yankees may be the 3rd best team in the AL East next year so why pay that much when you need help in many more places.

Those that think he is going to go to Boston are wrong. In fact I would be shocked if he ended there. Lowell has already said he wants to stay and the Sox want him back and with ARod opting out the day the sox clinched the WS I bet left some bad blood there.

lol I am alright.

Gotta love what John Clayton said about AROD. Not his exact words but, called him egotistical because he chose to go public about him opting out the same day as the Sox win the WS. He even said that you notice he chose to pick a day when the World Series was being played because he wasn't playing/can't play in the World Series. And there is probably a reason for it. :laugh: :laugh:

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ARod only cares about himself, he wants the money and he wants the reporters to stop bugging him.

I knew all along he was going to opt out and tried to tell Praise that but he wouldn't listen :) We need to find Praise to make sure he is ok :laugh: :laugh:

Most likely Arod already has a deal done, and I bet it is on the west coast. He was never a fan of the media in NY and you could tell.

The yanks were smart in trying to use the money from Texas to pay him, that is the correct decision to make. The problem and it is becoming clear the Yankees may be the 3rd best team in the AL East next year so why pay that much when you need help in many more places.

Those that think he is going to go to Boston are wrong. In fact I would be shocked if he ended there. Lowell has already said he wants to stay and the Sox want him back and with ARod opting out the day the sox clinched the WS I bet left some bad blood there.

lol I am alright.

Gotta love what John Clayton said about AROD. Not his exact words but, called him egotistical because he chose to go public about him opting out the same day as the Sox win the WS. He even said that you notice he chose to pick a day when the World Series was being played because he wasn't playing/can't play in the World Series. And there is probably a reason for it. :laugh: :laugh:

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lol I am alright.

Gotta love what John Clayton said about AROD. Not his exact words but, called him egotistical because he chose to go public about him opting out the same day as the Sox win the WS. He even said that you notice he chose to pick a day when the World Series was being played because he wasn't playing/can't play in the World Series. And there is probably a reason for it. :laugh: :laugh:

I heard this morning someone made a comment and said the only reason Arod announced it during the game is that would be the only way you would here his name and world series in the same sentence.....

OUCH :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The ESPN guys like Buster, John, and Peter all just slammed Arod today.

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lol I am alright.

Gotta love what John Clayton said about AROD. Not his exact words but, called him egotistical because he chose to go public about him opting out the same day as the Sox win the WS. He even said that you notice he chose to pick a day when the World Series was being played because he wasn't playing/can't play in the World Series. And there is probably a reason for it. :laugh: :laugh:

I heard this morning someone made a comment and said the only reason Arod announced it during the game is that would be the only way you would here his name and world series in the same sentence.....

OUCH :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The ESPN guys like Buster, John, and Peter all just slammed Arod today.

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I heard this morning someone made a comment and said the only reason Arod announced it during the game is that would be the only way you would here his name and world series in the same sentence.....

OUCH :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The ESPN guys like Buster, John, and Peter all just slammed Arod today.

I still think AROD is the best player in the game but, he has a TO like mindset. He thinks he is better than he is. Personally, I hope he never gets a ring.

However, the way Yanks did Torre.. karma bit them in the ass with Arod. Further proving that whatever goes around, comes around.

I was wrong about AROD but, I was right about Girardi. :D

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I heard this morning someone made a comment and said the only reason Arod announced it during the game is that would be the only way you would here his name and world series in the same sentence.....

OUCH :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The ESPN guys like Buster, John, and Peter all just slammed Arod today.

I still think AROD is the best player in the game but, he has a TO like mindset. He thinks he is better than he is. Personally, I hope he never gets a ring.

However, the way Yanks did Torre.. karma bit them in the ass with Arod. Further proving that whatever goes around, comes around.

I was wrong about AROD but, I was right about Girardi. :D

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I was wrong about AROD but, I was right about Girardi. :D

Agree and I believe he is the right pick but I think that is the end of Donny baseball in NY though.

MLB is also not to happy with a mr. Arod and Boras:

"We were very disappointed that Scott Boras would try to upstage our premier baseball event of the season with his announcement," Bob DuPuy, baseball's chief operating officer, said Monday in an e-mail to The Associated Press.

"There was no reason to make an announcement last night other than to try to put his selfish interests and that of one individual player above the overall good of the game," DuPuy said. "Last night and today belong to the Boston Red Sox, who should be celebrated for their achievement, and to the Colorado Rockies, who made such an unbelievable run to the World Series."

Boras said causing a distraction was an unintended consequence.

"I apologize to the Boston Red Sox and Colorado Rockies and their players, Major League Baseball and its players, and baseball fans everywhere for that interference," he said in a statement. "The teams and players involved deserved to be the focus of the evening and honored with the utmost respect. The unfortunate result was not my intent, but is solely my fault. I could have handled this situation better, and for that I am truly sorry."

Red Sox fans sure took notice fast. After their team won the title for the second time in four seasons, they stood behind the visitors' dugout at Coors Field and chanted: "Don't sign A-Rod!"

"Kind of strange timing," Red Sox president Larry Lucchino said after Boston completed its sweep of Colorado.

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I was wrong about AROD but, I was right about Girardi. :D

Agree and I believe he is the right pick but I think that is the end of Donny baseball in NY though.

MLB is also not to happy with a mr. Arod and Boras:

"We were very disappointed that Scott Boras would try to upstage our premier baseball event of the season with his announcement," Bob DuPuy, baseball's chief operating officer, said Monday in an e-mail to The Associated Press.

"There was no reason to make an announcement last night other than to try to put his selfish interests and that of one individual player above the overall good of the game," DuPuy said. "Last night and today belong to the Boston Red Sox, who should be celebrated for their achievement, and to the Colorado Rockies, who made such an unbelievable run to the World Series."

Boras said causing a distraction was an unintended consequence.

"I apologize to the Boston Red Sox and Colorado Rockies and their players, Major League Baseball and its players, and baseball fans everywhere for that interference," he said in a statement. "The teams and players involved deserved to be the focus of the evening and honored with the utmost respect. The unfortunate result was not my intent, but is solely my fault. I could have handled this situation better, and for that I am truly sorry."

Red Sox fans sure took notice fast. After their team won the title for the second time in four seasons, they stood behind the visitors' dugout at Coors Field and chanted: "Don't sign A-Rod!"

"Kind of strange timing," Red Sox president Larry Lucchino said after Boston completed its sweep of Colorado.

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Either Pena or Girardi would have been better choices then Mattingly due to prior experiences. I feel sorry for Mattingly but understand why he wants no part of staying on with Girardi.

Correct me if wrong, but Mattingly in all his years playing and coaching in NY, never earned a ring. He was a good luck charm for Boston fans!

If Torre does decide to sign with LA, it will be interesting to see how many players and coaches follow. Could the Girardi move lead to a youth movement in NY? A house cleaning could come by sweeping out Clemens, Pettite, Mussina, Pavano, Rivera, Posada, Giambi etc...

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Either Pena or Girardi would have been better choices then Mattingly due to prior experiences. I feel sorry for Mattingly but understand why he wants no part of staying on with Girardi.

Correct me if wrong, but Mattingly in all his years playing and coaching in NY, never earned a ring. He was a good luck charm for Boston fans!

If Torre does decide to sign with LA, it will be interesting to see how many players and coaches follow. Could the Girardi move lead to a youth movement in NY? A house cleaning could come by sweeping out Clemens, Pettite, Mussina, Pavano, Rivera, Posada, Giambi etc...

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Could you please back this up? I don't exactly call one bad series 'being lousy'. He was the only hitter to show up last year against the Tigers.

True, but people act like he somehow magically elevates his game in the postseason. His averages in the post season are almost directly in line with his career averages (looking at batting average and on base).

If anything, Jeter should be heralded for not skipping a beat when it comes to postseason play, not being that much better in the postseason.

Man, Mattingly can never get that ring, eh? :laugh:

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Could you please back this up? I don't exactly call one bad series 'being lousy'. He was the only hitter to show up last year against the Tigers.

True, but people act like he somehow magically elevates his game in the postseason. His averages in the post season are almost directly in line with his career averages (looking at batting average and on base).

If anything, Jeter should be heralded for not skipping a beat when it comes to postseason play, not being that much better in the postseason.

Man, Mattingly can never get that ring, eh? :laugh:

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