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Dallas Maybe Rooting For us


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Hahaha... I was pulling for the Pats for the first time EVER when they played the 'Boys. I HATE the Patriots, but it still can't touch the deep-ingrained hatred I have for the Cowboys.

Same here, and I hate the Pats, I'm so sick of them... but rooting for the pukes, not gonna happen. My hate for the Cowboys comes from deep down inside somewhere, can't explain it.

I dunno about these "Cowboys Fans" rooting for the skins, that doesnt make sense. I would NEVER root for the pukes.

I won't even wear blue and grey at the same time.

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Hahaha... I was pulling for the Pats for the first time EVER when they played the 'Boys. I HATE the Patriots, but it still can't touch the deep-ingrained hatred I have for the Cowboys.

Same here, and I hate the Pats, I'm so sick of them... but rooting for the pukes, not gonna happen. My hate for the Cowboys comes from deep down inside somewhere, can't explain it.

I dunno about these "Cowboys Fans" rooting for the skins, that doesnt make sense. I would NEVER root for the pukes.

I won't even wear blue and grey at the same time.

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I'm a Cowboys hater, but I DO see their point. It seems like Boston fans are going crazy now, think they invented every single sport and that they're the best thing since sliced bread. It's just appalling. I know that the Red Sox are in the World Series, that the Patriots are undefeated, and that Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen joined Paul Pierce on the Celtics. But the absolute ARROGANCE is disturbing. And yes, Bill Simmons is definately not helping like some Cowpuke fans stated on that board.

I doubt it will happen, but how sweet would it be to upset the undefeated Patriots this Sunday, and the Wizards upset the Celtics in their home opener on Nov. 2?

That said, I am glad that the Dallas/New England game is over, definately was rooting for the Pats in that one.

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I'm a Cowboys hater, but I DO see their point. It seems like Boston fans are going crazy now, think they invented every single sport and that they're the best thing since sliced bread. It's just appalling. I know that the Red Sox are in the World Series, that the Patriots are undefeated, and that Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen joined Paul Pierce on the Celtics. But the absolute ARROGANCE is disturbing. And yes, Bill Simmons is definately not helping like some Cowpuke fans stated on that board.

I doubt it will happen, but how sweet would it be to upset the undefeated Patriots this Sunday, and the Wizards upset the Celtics in their home opener on Nov. 2?

That said, I am glad that the Dallas/New England game is over, definately was rooting for the Pats in that one.

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I liked these posts:

"You know it might be just me, but I will be pulling for the Skins. Until last week, I was unaware that the Patriots invented football and was allowing other teams to win super bowls all those years. It is actually a pretty easy defense to beat. They are old, too old down the stretch I believe. I must admit that the Skins will be a 10 point underdog, but those guys will punch Brady in the mouth. They aren't like us, we played a little too much 2 hand touch with Brady. The skins will hit him and take the 15 yard penalties."

"I have to agree with everyone! Our division has to put there differences aside and root for our division rivals to beat the Cheaters."

"I'm rooting for the Skins. I hate the hype the Pats are getting. I just can't stand them! This goes beyond divisional hatred for the Skins, or even being a homer for the Boys, I just want to see the Pats lose ASAP for the sake of NFL fans in general! I think the Skins have a decent chance of beating New England since the Pats are a totally one dimensional passing team (an excellent one dimension it is though!) and the skins have a secondary composed of 4 top ten picks (I haven't seen any skins games this year but theoretically that is one hell of a secondary).

"The Pats defense looks suspect to me, so if Jason Campell and Portis can have a decent game they should be able to pull an upset. If they can't, then the Colts can. The Pats schedule is starting to get tougher, I cannot see them beating the Colts, Steelers, Giants, Skins and Ravens. One of those teams is gonna slap those A-holes back down to earth, and I can't wait!"

" This could be an injury prone game. Gregg Williams's will not hesitate going after Brady."

"This is gonna be a good game to watch. Those safeties in Washington react well to the ball and hit like no other tandem in the league. Randy you better be careful, as much as I love you and your my fantasy star, you try some of the stuff you normally do when Sean Taylor is around, itll be lights out. I hope the Pats win but I hope its low scoring. Im tired of hearing about Brady."

"I have developed a such hatred towards the Pats that it exceeds any hatred I have toward our fellow rivals. I am rooting for the Skins, and I don't care if that Jeopardizes my fan hood towards Dallas, I HATE THE PATS. Sometimes, I just want to poke Brady in the eye! I beleive, that besides Dallas Defense, the skins are the next that I think are capable staying with them. I hope Landry and Shawn Taylor hit the W.R hard and scare them."

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I liked these posts:

"You know it might be just me, but I will be pulling for the Skins. Until last week, I was unaware that the Patriots invented football and was allowing other teams to win super bowls all those years. It is actually a pretty easy defense to beat. They are old, too old down the stretch I believe. I must admit that the Skins will be a 10 point underdog, but those guys will punch Brady in the mouth. They aren't like us, we played a little too much 2 hand touch with Brady. The skins will hit him and take the 15 yard penalties."

"I have to agree with everyone! Our division has to put there differences aside and root for our division rivals to beat the Cheaters."

"I'm rooting for the Skins. I hate the hype the Pats are getting. I just can't stand them! This goes beyond divisional hatred for the Skins, or even being a homer for the Boys, I just want to see the Pats lose ASAP for the sake of NFL fans in general! I think the Skins have a decent chance of beating New England since the Pats are a totally one dimensional passing team (an excellent one dimension it is though!) and the skins have a secondary composed of 4 top ten picks (I haven't seen any skins games this year but theoretically that is one hell of a secondary).

"The Pats defense looks suspect to me, so if Jason Campell and Portis can have a decent game they should be able to pull an upset. If they can't, then the Colts can. The Pats schedule is starting to get tougher, I cannot see them beating the Colts, Steelers, Giants, Skins and Ravens. One of those teams is gonna slap those A-holes back down to earth, and I can't wait!"

" This could be an injury prone game. Gregg Williams's will not hesitate going after Brady."

"This is gonna be a good game to watch. Those safeties in Washington react well to the ball and hit like no other tandem in the league. Randy you better be careful, as much as I love you and your my fantasy star, you try some of the stuff you normally do when Sean Taylor is around, itll be lights out. I hope the Pats win but I hope its low scoring. Im tired of hearing about Brady."

"I have developed a such hatred towards the Pats that it exceeds any hatred I have toward our fellow rivals. I am rooting for the Skins, and I don't care if that Jeopardizes my fan hood towards Dallas, I HATE THE PATS. Sometimes, I just want to poke Brady in the eye! I beleive, that besides Dallas Defense, the skins are the next that I think are capable staying with them. I hope Landry and Shawn Taylor hit the W.R hard and scare them."

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I liked this post

"You know it might be just me, but I will be pulling for the Skins. Until last week, I was unaware that the Patriots invented football and was allowing other teams to win super bowls all those years. It is actually a pretty easy defense to beat. They are old, too old down the stretch I believe. I must admit that the Skins will be a 10 point underdog, but those guys will punch Brady in the mouth. They aren't like us, we played a little too much 2 hand touch with Brady. The skins will hit him and take the 15 yard penalties."

That post about sums up why I'm wanting the Skins to win this one. Is it a bit illogical for me to wish a division rival to beat a team that we lost to? Yeah. However, we'd still control our own destiny against you guys and if we beat you guys when we play, it won't matter. :D

I think my current hatred of the Patriots is short-circuiting the logic parts of my brain, but so be it.

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