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More Disappointed in Some Redskin Fans Than The Team

Commander Adama

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Yes, the loss sucked! Big time! Yes, Santana Moss' drops hurt, the fumble by him, the fumble by Clinton Portis. Yes it all hurt, and I would love to put it all behind us, but the biggest thing that disappointed me this weekend, were some of the fans.

I am not talking about being critical of the team. That is totally warranted. Yes, the Wide Receivers were dropping balls left and right, the running game looks shaky, etc. but some of these fans were saying "I hate this team!", "Gibbs sucks!", "Trade <Player>!", etc.

What happened to when your team fell, giving them strength, so they can pick themselves up?! I think Santana Moss, Joe Gibbs, and others are more upset with themselves, than we are with them. So, why do some fans have to be so rude? So demeaning? How is that helping anyone, especially the team? I'm not saying run up to Santana Moss, give him a hug, and start singing "Koombayah!". No, but why not go up to Moss, shake his hand, and say "I believe you and the team can bounce back from this."

And to those of you, who have said "I hate this team" and the like, I consider you no better than a Cowboy Fan.

So, yes go ahead and flame me for my opinion. Go ahead and call me a fan boy, drinking the Kool-Aid, etc. Let me just say this, I don't care. I am a fan of the Washington Redskins and have eaten a lot of crow since Joe Gibbs left, especially having lived in Boston, Texas, and now Pittsburgh.


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This happens after every loss. And the thing is, this happens on every football board after a loss. You should have seen the Packers boards after their loss against the Bears - fans just want to win and are very reactionary, and fickle, after losses.

But I agree with your sentiments, though; it's just not easy to swallow these type of losses. And the worse part is that we have had to swallow A LOT of these type of losses over the years, especially under Norv. I admit that I am a bit sick of the team beating itself year after year, especially with game changing fumbles.

But yeah....on to next week, right?

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But you know you're just a homer with blinders, right? Because a bunch of illbred children that weren't nursed enough have been running through the Stadium defacing the walls with their rude and ignorant commentary, so it must be so! (And that's not an age thing, a lot of those 9 yr olds are in their 30s and 40s)

This game was......well, we all know what it was, but I still don't understand how yesterday's game somehow convinces people that the single best fashion to express their staunch fanship is to throw a tantrum and :pooh: on the rug.

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I haven't lost faith and I don't hate the team and I am not hating on dropped balls or fumbles, as they happen in football.

I just can't get out of my head, ........Moss "benching" himself. Giving up on his team. No confidence. If you want to be a leader, taking yourself out of a game does not show leadership. Plead for the rock one more time and make up for your mistake....don't quit.

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The Skin fans are among the most loyal in the NFL ... and, that's a reason why we have tolerated a medicore team for more than a decade!

The owner and his antics, the stupid coaching carousel, the trading away of great playes for underacheiving over-paid free agents ... and, the list goes on!

For all their devotion, and loyalty ... the fans have a right to expect their team to put their best effort out and leave everything they have on the field. They haven't done that in years! Year after year after year the die-hard Skin fans are disappointed with what the Front Office does, the play calling, and play of the players!

Enough is enough! The franchise, coaches, and most importantly the players need to regain the respect of their fans. Games like the one agianst the Giants and Packers does little to instill that confidence.

If were aggressive on offense, and the players did their job we should have been 5-0, and NOT 3-2... yes! And, that's what the fans want...

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I give you credit. I was at a skins bar yesterday and there were people there, including some 16 year old kid saying that we should bench Moss or trade him. That he's a waste of roster space. I flipped out on him. Santana Moss is the singled biggest threat to score in the NFC east any time he touches the ball. I'm convinced there's more to it than him just dropping balls. I think that groin injury is more severe than once thought.

I applaud you for your comments and I cheer for your faith and dare I say it, optimistic view.


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It's real simple. If a fan reacts like that it's because the loss really HURT and that fan is angry.

If someone gets really hurt and angry when the Redskins lose, (and really happy, almost euphoric, when they win) then that is a FAN (by definition.)

A non-fan is someone who doesn't really care whether they win or lose and is thinking about something else today. An anti-fan for the Redskins is someone who is HAPPY when the Skins lose.

People who are supremely pissed off today are just as much fans as those who want to take it in stride.

And being a fan of the Redskins does not equal having BLIND faith in any particular coach or player. They are not God or the Church.

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Boo hoo. Just dont come on here until the day after we lose.

By that time everyone has calmed down.

Thats what I do so I dont end up getting pissed, start yelling at someone and then get banned. :laugh:

All the people who say "I hate the Skins" are chumps. Who cares. I still got mad love for my team, and I was just as pissed as anyone.

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I am a fan of the Washington Redskins

While I generally agree with what you said, this one line is how I feel. I am a fan of the TEAM. Sure, there are players I like more than others. There is no one player or coach that MUST stay on this team if they are not pulling their weight week in and week out.

If player X or coach X is not making the grade, then cut them (not mid season mind you). I root for the Redskins football team and will continue to do so until I die, or they change their name ... that might make me rethink things ;)

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Im still loyal to these team. Im dissapointed in some things.

Sean had an outstadnting game, it would be interesting to see how the game would have turned out had he held all those others, but our recievers werent catching anything.

Shawn springs is playing great football, Rogers isnt doing terrible, that tackle he attempted reminded me of that tackle the cowgirl tried on cooley when he just ran him over.

The DLine, not bad at all, I don't really like daniels there and would like to draft a 1st rounder to replace him.

The offense is what I am concerned about

Im not used to not worrying about the qb, but I really like campbell.

Moss has been getting injured a lot since '05, same recurring injuries, the ones that plague a career. I expect him to be a beast next week, but then again the entire team should be beastly next week, its the cards.

ARE I want him healthy, rest up.

The oline is scaring me. They werent even protecting well for campbell at the end, I understand its the injuries, but damn. and when wade was in, he was getting owned by that one guy (#74).

I wish betts would give portis his health.

I still love this team, I know we arent winning the super bowl, the patriots are.

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While Santana is experiencing one of the worst slumps I've ever seen a Skins player have, I'm just amazed by all the posters here who want to run him out of town while conveniently forgetting that he's led the team in receiving two years running and has won many HUGE games for us with clutch catches. I'm frustrated, too. But, I'm still happy he plays on my team.

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While Santana is experiencing one of the worst slumps I've ever seen a Skins player have, I'm just amazed by all the posters here who want to run him out of town while conveniently forgetting that he's led the team in receiving two years running and has won many HUGE games for us with clutch catches. I'm frustrated, too. But, I'm still happy he plays on my team.

I agree as well.

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But you know you're just a homer with blinders, right? Because a bunch of illbred children that weren't nursed enough have been running through the Stadium defacing the walls with their rude and ignorant commentary, so it must be so! (And that's not an age thing, a lot of those 9 yr olds are in their 30s and 40s)

This game was......well, we all know what it was, but I still don't understand how yesterday's game somehow convinces people that the single best fashion to express their staunch fanship is to throw a tantrum and :pooh: on the rug.


I reference this thread; Someone who observed directly the difference in players - notice the difference between Randy Thomas and other players? http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=216548 - and we saw this on television -two sources are quoted here.

If this had been the first time Santana "messed up" this year - it would have been a different board. Fans, and I am sticking up for the fans and our Team as a whole- are flustrated with the hope that a player (any player) that we respected and admired- with Santana it was just one year ago- a player that assisted in carrying this team two years ago is - now - without emotion?

When was the last time you saw him play like he cared about winning? If he's injured stay on IR - but don't inactivate a player that wants to play- you don't do that as a professional that cares about their team and fans.

Honestly, I don't have a "fan base", but my employer would take a hard look at me if I kept saying I was up to doing my job than couldn't do it. How long would my employment last - Would yours?:2cents:

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It's real simple. If a fan reacts like that it's because the loss really HURT and that fan is angry.

If someone gets really hurt and angry when the Redskins lose, (and really happy, almost euphoric, when they win) then that is a FAN (by definition.)

A non-fan is someone who doesn't really care whether they win or lose and is thinking about something else today. An anti-fan for the Redskins is someone who is HAPPY when the Skins lose.

People who are supremely pissed off today are just as much fans as those who want to take it in stride.

And being a fan of the Redskins does not equal having BLIND faith in any particular coach or player. They are not God or the Church.

This is an excellent post.

This should be displayed anytime a silly thread like this is posted.

Count me in the pissed off bunch. This team is infuriating. I do take it personally and everyone has a right to vent.

My wife got an ear-full last night, believe it.

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Uhhh...I'm still more disappointed in the team.

Why would the feelings of anonymous internet users who type things on a message board, whom you mostly will never meet, actually affect your emotional outlook and cause you to be "disappointed"? That's really weird.

ES is the biggest message board dedicated to any one NFL team. Of course you'll get every kind of decrepit paranoid reaction.

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Thats how this place is..I dont understand it..People lose faith so easily..But I do think people post to fast after a game..And they post when they're pissed off and/or drunk.

That's the key right there. Last year when I first started posting, I made the mistake of coming in here after the Minnesota loss. I was so stirred up, pissed and disappointed. This place is like a hornets nest. Once you bump into it, it's hard to get everyone calmed down. I make it a practice to not come in here until Monday afternoon until after the cool off period. Second time I came in here angry was last Monday after the Dallass miracle. Shouldn't have done that. Said a few unhuman things I shouldn't have said. Sometimes it's better to exhale before coming in here.

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The Skin fans are among the most loyal in the NFL ... and, that's a reason why we have tolerated a medicore team for more than a decade!

The owner and his antics, the stupid coaching carousel, the trading away of great playes for underacheiving over-paid free agents ... and, the list goes on!

For all their devotion, and loyalty ... the fans have a right to expect their team to put their best effort out and leave everything they have on the field. They haven't done that in years! Year after year after year the die-hard Skin fans are disappointed with what the Front Office does, the play calling, and play of the players!

Enough is enough! The franchise, coaches, and most importantly the players need to regain the respect of their fans. Games like the one agianst the Giants and Packers does little to instill that confidence.

If were aggressive on offense, and the players did their job we should have been 5-0, and NOT 3-2... yes! And, that's what the fans want...

I agree with you. If we hadn't been so bad for so long, a loss like this would've been an "oh well" type of loss.

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I give you credit. I was at a skins bar yesterday and there were people there, including some 16 year old kid saying that we should bench Moss or trade him. That he's a waste of roster space. I flipped out on him. Santana Moss is the singled biggest threat to score in the NFC east any time he touches the ball. I'm convinced there's more to it than him just dropping balls. I think that groin injury is more severe than once thought.

I applaud you for your comments and I cheer for your faith and dare I say it, optimistic view.


It was wrong of the kid to say get rid of Moss, but I agree with the kid. If Moss had've dropped a pass or two, no big deal. But he dropped 4 or 5 and fumbled. He obviously didn't have it yesterday and I wanted his butt on the bench. He was hurting the team and he knew it. He didn't bench himself because he quit, he knew he was hurting the team and that's the sign of a good teamate. Scott Boonell could learn something from him about hurting the team. And groin injuries don't make you drop balls. If he's that hurt, he shouldn't be on the field. I hope he comes back and tears the Cards up for 150 yards Sunday.

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This is an excellent post.

This should be displayed anytime a silly thread like this is posted.

Count me in the pissed off bunch. This team is infuriating. I do take it personally and everyone has a right to vent.

My wife got an ear-full last night, believe it.

So did mine and she doesn't understand football. She was born in Peru.

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Yes, the loss sucked! Big time! Yes, Santana Moss' drops hurt, the fumble by him, the fumble by Clinton Portis. Yes it all hurt, and I would love to put it all behind us, but the biggest thing that disappointed me this weekend, were some of the fans.

I am not talking about being critical of the team. That is totally warranted. Yes, the Wide Receivers were dropping balls left and right, the running game looks shaky, etc. but some of these fans were saying "I hate this team!", "Gibbs sucks!", "Trade <Player>!", etc.

What happened to when your team fell, giving them strength, so they can pick themselves up?! I think Santana Moss, Joe Gibbs, and others are more upset with themselves, than we are with them. So, why do some fans have to be so rude? So demeaning? How is that helping anyone, especially the team? I'm not saying run up to Santana Moss, give him a hug, and start singing "Koombayah!". No, but why not go up to Moss, shake his hand, and say "I believe you and the team can bounce back from this."

And to those of you, who have said "I hate this team" and the like, I consider you no better than a Cowboy Fan.

So, yes go ahead and flame me for my opinion. Go ahead and call me a fan boy, drinking the Kool-Aid, etc. Let me just say this, I don't care. I am a fan of the Washington Redskins and have eaten a lot of crow since Joe Gibbs left, especially having lived in Boston, Texas, and now Pittsburgh.


You comments could be construed so as to be directed at me. And I'll tell you when things changed, when football became a business for both principle sides(Players/Management) and these guys started making multi-millions of dollars. hundreds of thousands of dollars per game. More than most of us fans make in 21/2 years in one game for them.

Hey, I don't begrudge a guy getting what he can in this world. But, if you are going to make that kind of money and represent my hometown and me since I the fan am the only reason they have a job that pays more than God. Than you best expect to be criticized rather harshly for being a bonehead and not doing you job.

It's one thing to play hard and lose, I'm cool with that it's part of life. Not catching one pass thrown to you and causing one to be intercepted and then fumbling the game winning touchdown away isn't. Especially when your job requirement is to have good hands!!

I am not one of those that wants Santana traded away. But, I don't want to see him in there next week. And if he is and misses one pass that is catchable he should be benched for Lloyd, McCardell,Caldwell, Thrash. Anyone who will catch the ball!! It is gut wrenching to lose these games that we all know we should have won. And inevitably they will come back to haunt us at the end of the season.

Same as a missed extra point weighs heavily in any game. So do losses that should be wins. Anyone that would say well there's 11 more games is trivializing how important each game is that we play. And one more thing......I love football and played for 10 years. I love the Redskins....it is a family tradition. It would hurt me not to look forward to football each week of the season and forward to spring and draft day etc.

But, maybe just maybe we could be spending our money and time in better ways. Maybe all thos billions of dollars that go to the executives and players and coaches and merchants should be getting spent on our kids. On our schools that don't have any paper or pencils, a universal health care system and sponsorships to college for our youth. Maybe we could build some nice parks for our kids to play in. Or build community centers staffed with student teachers like I had when I grew up.

Yeah, I would miss football but I would be living in a better place and community for our children. And guess what. Kids love to play football so I wouldn't have to miss it at all. And kids are happy with popcicles and don't have agents and demands and issues.

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