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9.11 and controlled demolition.


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A few weeks back, someone posted a link to a movie called Zeitgiest (zeitgiestmovie.com), and the ensuing discussion on this forum dealt solely with the movie's attempt to debunk Christianity. While this is all very interesting, and can and will always be arguable, I was more interested in parts two and three, dealing with September 11th inaccuracies, and central banks, respectively.

So, my search lead me around the internet, where I was diving deep into the ridiculed world of 9.11 conspiracy theory. I was, however, encouraged by the sheer amount of information contained within each documentary, and was astounded (but not surprised,) at how little the American public actually knew.

I have done my research; seen countless theories concerning many different potential 'holes' in the documentation and theory of that horrible day...but none have been as scientifically convincing as this:


In this movie, the echo the notion of many 911 conspirators: WTC 1, 2, and 7 were all controlled demolitions. Maybe some of you have heard this theory, but I would venture that vast majority of the American public have not. Anyone that attempts to bring up such possibilities are dubbed 'radicals' and brought on shows such as Hannity and Combs and Bill O'Reilly just to be publically ostracized. There is a great chance that even here, on a message board that consist of mutual fans of the Redskins...I will most likely be ridiculed.

That said, I would hope that, before the debate is brought on by any of you, you would simply consider a scientific analysis of the actual collapse of these buildings, and watch this documentary.

Don't have the time? Well, here a few facts for ya:

-the notion that the buildings were brought down by fire alone is scientifically inaccurate: 'uncontrolled fires' reach a max temperature of 1200 F, which is not nearly hot enough to melt steel. In fact, this account is the first time in the history of the indutrialized world that a steel building (3 of them, actually) was brought down by a fire. Ever.

-Many, many eyewitness accounts report multiple explosions that day, including in the basement, and this account is reflected in the seismic data recorded of these events. Multiple explosions.

-Also consider that the WTC towers were constructed with a 'core' of 47 (I believe) steel beams running up the middle of the towers. The current explanation of what happened is referred to as 'pancake theory,' meaning that the fires heated the floors so intensely, they loosened from the core in the center and one on top of the other, fell to the ground. IF this was the case, we would still see the nearly indestructible steel core of the towers skied in the air.

-One more point- the towers fell to the earth at nearly free-fall speed. According to the official report, 'the pancake theory, ' one floor fell on top of the other. How would this be able to fall to the ground at free fall speed with all of that resistance?

...Some of you have known me for awhile. I haven't posted much on here recently, because the collective IQ of this site took a major hit once we became the 'official forum of the Washington Redskins.' Great for Om and Art and all involved; they deserve their success! I just haven't posted much since then.

So I implore all who do not know me not to think of me as an ass. I do not endorse all that I have seen; I am only speaking here on scientific evidence.

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Who's joking? I'm serious.
Its Xenu! He is coming along with Tan and the Baivians from the mothership near Saturn. Just ask Riley Martin, he knows the truth.

I heard Tom Cruise is building a shelter underground for when Xenu comes. He'd better hurry. ;)

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I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories. I find it disturbing that anyone buys into this stuff. (no disrespect to the poster).

In the hopes of an intelligent conversation, I just wanna know one thing concerning 9/11... WTC 7 building was "brought down intentionally" by the owner of the building. Now, if I'm not mistaken, when a demolition crew comes in to take down a building there is weeks of preparation to the infrastructure of the building. Key columns and beams are compromised intentionally and the bomb charges are placed in certain areas so that the buildings comes down on itself rather than falling over.

It has always bothered me that WTC 7 fell down so perfectly having never been prepared for demolition. It makes you wonder... were the bomb charges always there?

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Its Xenu! He is coming along with Tan and the Baivians from the mothership near Saturn. Just ask Riley Martin, he knows the truth.

I heard Tom Cruise is building a shelter underground for when Xenu comes. He'd better hurry. ;)

This is sad. You guys can't even discuss this, because you're too scared.

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Everything you are saying there is easily refuted, and has been completely refuted, in about 20 different threads on this board. Do a seach, read those threads, and come back to us.

Here's a few hints:

Steel does not have to "melt" to lose its structural integrity with millions of tons of weight on top of it

an explosion happens every time a transformer blows. there are many large transformers in every skyscraper.

The "steel core theory" fails to account for the weight on top of those beams (which are not solid by the way - they are a structure held together by rivets)

The towers did not fall at free fall speed. Look at the video - pieces of the towers that fall off separately quicly outpace the overall collapse

again, do a search, or just go here http://www.debunking911.com

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It was a controlled demolition. I've known it since a year after 9-11. All you have to do is look at the footage. All you have to do is ask a physicist. But when the government feeds the media bogus lies for everyone to blindly eat up, the blind get angry when you tell them they can't see. They try to make those who can see 'conspiracy theorists'. Hell, they think the truth is a conspiracy...:doh:

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Everything you are saying there is easily refuted, and has been completely refuted, in about 20 different threads on this board. Do a seach, read those threads, and come back to us.

Here's a few hints:

Steel does not have to "melt" to lose its structural integrity with millions of tons of weight on top of it

an explosion happens every time a transformer blows. there are many large transformers in every skyscraper.

The "steel core theory" fails to account for the weight on top of those beams (which are not solid by the way - they are a structure held together by rivets)

The towers did not fall at free fall speed. Look at the video - pieces of the towers that fall off separately quicly outpace the overall collapse

again, do a search, or just go here http://www.debunking911.com

OK. Got it. Just watch this movie and explain how transformers created the fingerprint of Thermite.

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It was a controlled demolition. I've known it since a year after 9-11. All you have to do is look at the footage. All you have to do is ask a physicist. But when the government feeds the media bogus lies for everyone to blindly eat up, the blind get angry when you tell them they can't see. They try to make those who can see 'conspiracy theorists'. Hell, they think the truth is a conspiracy...:doh:

Thank you. :cheers:

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It was a controlled demolition. I've known it since a year after 9-11. All you have to do is look at the footage. All you have to do is ask a physicist. But when the government feeds the media bogus lies for everyone to blindly eat up, the blind get angry when you tell them they can't see. They try to make those who can see 'conspiracy theorists'. Hell, they think the truth is a conspiracy...:doh:

Whatever you say, chief. I've looked at the footage and my one good friend who is a physicist at NASA/Ames laughs out loud at the theory.

Shhh... he must be in on it.

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So planes crashed into the buildings, AND there was a controlled demolition of the same building? Boy those people were thorough. :rolleyes:

The Government was just waiting for the right moment, but it had to be after the checks cleared for the people on the planes, who are actually hiding on an island with Elvis and Bobby Fisher... :laugh:

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