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CNN: Spears loses custody of children


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LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- A court has ordered pop singer Britney Spears to give up custody of her children effective Wednesday at noon.

Kevin Federline and Britney Spears, here during happier times, have two children.

Spears' former husband, Kevin Federline, is to retain custody of their two sons "until further order of the court," according to a ruling by Superior Court Judge Scott Gordon.

It was not clear what led to Monday's decision awarding Federline full custody. A transcript of the court proceedings was ordered sealed.

Last month, a judge ordered Spears, 25, to submit to random drug tests after finding she engaged in "habitual, frequent, and continuous use of controlled substances and alcohol."

That order, also by Gordon, provided no details and did not name any drugs.

The former couple has been embroiled in a bitter custody fight over their sons, Sean Preston and Jayden. The parents had split custody 50-50, but Federline then asked for the arrangements to be shifted to 70-30 in his favor. Watch how Spears became user of -- and prisoner to -- fame ยป

In addition to ordering the twice-weekly drug tests, Gordon ordered Spears to spend eight hours per week working with a "parenting coach," who was to observe her interactions with her children.

Gordon also told both parents to avoid alcohol or "other non-prescription controlled substances" 12 hours before taking custody of the children.

He also barred the exes from making "derogatory remarks about the other party and the other party's family or significant other" during the case.

And he ordered the parents to go through "joint co-parenting counseling" and barred them from using corporal punishment on the boys.

Spears and Federline were married for two years before their divorce became final in July.

Monday's order comes amid a career freefall for Spears, whose new album is due to be released November 13.

PDF file of her court order:


It's bad when she makes Federline look like an angel lol

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Can we just get her in Playboy and then let her retire back to the bayou or wherever the hell she is from? Just get it over with.

Get this disaster of a human off my TV already.

I like what the T-Shirt Hell person wrote. It's not your fault you're an idiot, Britney, and it gets splashed everywhere. It's OUR fault, the public. We can't stop reading about you and are incapable of leaving you alone, and are too stupid to realize what we are doing, so in order to protect us the only decent thing you have left to do is kill yourself. Please.

I don't care what she does, as long as she does it away from the public, and as quickly as possible. I want her out of my life, permanently.

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Can we just get her in Playboy and then let her retire back to the bayou or wherever the hell she is from? Just get it over with.

Get this disaster of a human off my TV already.

I like what the T-Shirt Hell person wrote. It's not your fault you're an idiot, Britney, and it gets splashed everywhere. It's OUR fault, the public. We can't stop reading about you and are incapable of leaving you alone, and are too stupid to realize what we are doing, so in order to protect us the only decent thing you have left to do is kill yourself. Please.

I don't care what she does, as long as she does it away from the public, and as quickly as possible. I want her out of my life, permanently.

This is sad.

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she has family that could help her with the children or at least hire someone to be sure they are taken care of.

I meant it was sad that Britney freaking Spears had affected his life so much he was driven to write all of that.

I don't give a **** about Britney Spears. Or her kids.

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I meant it was sad that Britney freaking Spears had affected his life so much he was driven to write all of that.

I don't give a **** about Britney Spears. Or her kids.

She hasn't affected my life, she can't fall off the face of the Earth fast enough for me, it just gets old turning on the TV or the computer and seeing her everywhere.

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Can we just get her in Playboy and then let her retire back to the bayou or wherever the hell she is from? Just get it over with.

I believe Playboy turned her down, actually, because she was asking for seven figures and they would only give her $400K.

I keep seeing all these "kill yourself" jokes, but I think it is actually a sad possibility that the collapse of her career and reputation, the loss of a whole bunch of her fortune, and finally the loss of her own kids could push her in that direction. I'm inclined not to joke about that...

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I believe Playboy turned her down, actually, because she was asking for seven figures and they would only give her $400K.

I keep seeing all these "kill yourself" jokes, but I think it is actually a sad possibility that the collapse of her career and reputation, the loss of a whole bunch of her fortune, and finally the loss of her own kids could push her in that direction. I'm inclined not to joke about that...

I was JUST about to say that they should watch over her very closely, this girl does not seem right in the head.

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Good. Can we see her titties now? :laugh:

:laugh: Nice. I don't know if I want to see them, though, after she's gone and caught the preggers twice.

When those nips get all big and puffy.... :puke: But on the other hand, I'm sure Playboy has some state of the art airbrushing facilities!

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The question remains.. Would you use the 'Buy It Now' feature or just the traditional auction?

Im serious. The kids would have capable parents that hopefully have the emotional maturity to raise children. KFed would squeeze a little more money out of his miserable 15 minutes of semi-fame. Britney would be rid of responsibility, which she clearly cant handle. Some couple would get 2 adorable kids.

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