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I like the Dallas philosophy...


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:rubeyes:Watching 40 years but only 37?! What, did your dad keep his Dallas Heifergirl lovin' "peter" out during the games for three years?:puke::jerk::loser::bsflag::dallasuck:dallasuck:dallasuck:dallasuck:dallasuck:dallasuck:dallasuck:D:logo:

Your myspace lists YOU as 75 :)

He explained he put his age in incorrectly on registration. Not sure why thats an issue? Again, perfectly legitimate thread. You can argue whether the Cowboy's offensive success is going to translate into an NFC championship. What you can't argue is that they've been far more successful on that side of the ball than we have.

Its a fact.

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Your myspace lists YOU as 75 :)

He explained he put his age in incorrectly on registration. Not sure why thats an issue? Again, perfectly legitimate thread. You can argue whether the Cowboy's offensive success is going to translate into an NFC championship. What you can't argue is that they've been far more successful on that side of the ball than we have.

Its a fact.

False, Tarhog.

They found a tiny little loophole in a story that they didn't like, so it must be what they say they it is. He's negative three, is a Cowboys fan, is the Grand Dragon of the KKK, and eats babies.

Sometimes Redskins fans flat-out embarrass me. :doh:

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False, Tarhog.

They found a tiny little loophole in a story that they didn't like, so it must be what they say they it is. He's negative three, is a Cowboys fan, is the Grand Dragon of the KKK, and eats babies.

Sometimes Redskins fans flat-out embarrass me. :doh:

This post made me laugh loudly. Nicely done. :laugh:

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If its relatively obvious then why state it? I mean who wouldnt want to score more points. All I was saying is that if we execute and win our way and they execute and win their way then we'll see what happens when we play each other. I dont think both ways would work against each other.

Well it IS a message board for duscussion. People have thoughts and want to hear someone's input/ideas on it. Just because it is pretty obvious doesn't mean that we can't ask things like "what is x team doing that is successful?" or "what can we do to put more points on the board?". Yes we execute our way and they execute theirs. But comparatively one is currently more successful than the other; that is hardly debatable. We won 2 games by the skin of our teeth and lost one in the same way. I agree that we'll have to wait and see what happens when we meet, but I don't think they are the kind of team you could get a lead against and then sit on it. We will have to be very aggressive on offense and defense and have to STAY aggressive. I know we can do it, but IMO the coaches need to make some big changes coming off of the bye. We'll see what happens vs Detroit, then we should have a better feeling of what, if any, changes have been implemented.

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:laugh: Touché.

Stating the obvious isn't so bad when it's a topic that's already been done. Sorry, it just gets irritating and redundant. Would I like to see the Skins play less conservatively? Yeah, who wouldn't.

But the reality is the second they make a mistake and turn the ball over, everyone will jump on them regardless. It's lose/lose. So what's the middle ground? Playing super smart. ;)

It is just as obvious that this guy posted this thread to start what is going on as it is that "praise_gibbs" tries to post negatively about the team to get reactions and respond in order to boost his post count.

The 'Skins are 2-1 and save ONE half has played alright this season.

Dallas, has played well with the schedule that they were given but the Giants put up 35 against them, the Dolphins can not beat anyone, the Bears are not looking like they will win many games this year without a QB and the Rams, even with Jackson ,was not looking good.

Pittsburgh, like Dallas, were looking as they were going to tear up the league until today when they looked average against a team that was much better than them and had talent on BOTH sides of the ball...Lets save the praise for Dallas until they actually play a winning team and beat them

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Well it IS a message board for duscussion. People have thoughts and want to hear someone's input/ideas on it. Just because it is pretty obvious doesn't mean that we can't ask things like "what is x team doing that is successful?" or "what can we do to put more points on the board?". Yes we execute our way and they execute theirs. But comparatively one is currently more successful than the other; that is hardly debatable. We won 2 games by the skin of our teeth and lost one in the same way. I agree that we'll have to wait and see what happens when we meet, but I don't think they are the kind of team you could get a lead against and then sit on it. We will have to be very aggressive on offense and defense and have to STAY aggressive. I know we can do it, but IMO the coaches need to make some big changes coming off of the bye. We'll see what happens vs Detroit, then we should have a better feeling of what, if any, changes have been implemented.

I think we are saying the same thing which that neither team can play each other the way they are playing other teams. Or at least from the Redskins perspective they cant play Dallas the way the been playing and Dallas will not find it as easy to put up points like they have been doing. Who knows Dallas may be the colts from 2000-2005 in that a team that can score alot of points but dont have the necessary ingredients to win in the playoffs. Believe it or not I think we have more of the ingredients than Dallas does to win in the playoffs when our O-line is healthy. I know its redundant but you have to be able to run the ball and stop the run in the playoffs and the colts' defense stepped up in the playoffs when they were known as a team that had a soft run defense.

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It is just as obvious that this guy posted this thread to start what is going on as it is that "praise_gibbs" tries to post negatively about the team to get reactions and respond in order to boost his post count.

The 'Skins are 2-1 and save ONE half has played alright this season.

Dallas, has played well with the schedule that they were given but the Giants put up 35 against them, the Dolphins can not beat anyone, the Bears are not looking like they will win many games this year without a QB and the Rams, even with Jackson ,was not looking good.

Pittsburgh, like Dallas, were looking as they were going to tear up the league until today when they looked average against a team that was much better than them and had talent on BOTH sides of the ball...Lets save the praise for Dallas until they actually play a winning team and beat them

I think Dallas is better than you're giving them credit for, but it's hard to disagree with what you wrote. :applause::applause:

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Dallas is winning via blowout.

I don't have a problem with that- except for the fact they're Dallas

I know that there are some who get bored with 35-7 type of wins, but it's alot more fun for me to see the Skins do this then scrape out 16-13 type wins.

Even with the injuries, I feel we have the talent to have these type of wins-- now if the playcalling fit that and we execute-- we can do it.

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My how I love this board! It is so much like my family....and I mean that. (Come on down for Thanksgiving and you can see for yourself.)

There is not a thing in this world wrong with this team that a little bit more time won't fix.

On the other hand;

There may be a lot wrong with us fans that even Freud couldn't fix.

I hate the BYE!


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I think Dallas is better than you're giving them credit for, but it's hard to disagree with what you wrote. :applause::applause:

I'll give credit where it's due, Dallas looks very good and are beating bad teams, handedly, the way that they are supposed to beat them but the true test will be in week 6 against the Patriots.

Before we start comparing the Giants game we should realize that Strahan did not go to camp this year. The Giants look like a new team with him in there and getting his game legs.

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I don't understand all these threads about playing too conservatively in the second half about the giants. We threw the ball 20 times, and ran the ball only 8. hmmmmmmm...

Just because the passes weren't hitting doesn't mean we weren't throwing down field. I think we weren't playing conservatively enough, aka not establishing our running game.

I don't understand why people continue to use the " we threw 20 times and ran 8 times in the second half of the Giants game" as evidence that we were not playing conservatively. The passes downfield (we threw primarily short, conservative passes with the lead or tied) came once we were down by 7.

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Okay. Let's just get this out of the way right now and let's drop the subject. A few days ago, a poster came in and engaged others in a debate. Back and forth they went and it wasn't until a little later that it was revealed that this poster was indeed, on his third account. And not a Redskins fan at that. Not the first time that has happened and unfortunately, it won't be the last. We here on ES are always on guard for trolls, and sometimes they give themeselves way easily. In this case, members saw an "obvious" mistake and called the poster on it. I have no problem with that when you keep those memories of former trolls in mind. Since then, the member has stated it was a registration mistake,(the old 10 year mistake. Happens from time to time to all of us). So let's dispense with the shots about the age,but let's take it easy on those that caught it earlier. Despite the admission since then, there was a good reason for the call out on that one imho,(and a few other reasons as well).

As for the comparison, I don't agree. Or at least with the premise that the Redskins sat on the lead for the half. I think, and this is a bit simplistic I know, that the big difference between the 2 teams is a matter of success, not philosophy. Execution, more than coaching. Though that does enter into things a bit here I think, but not to the extent that the OP was stating.

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Back to what the OP stated in the original post, which is worth discussing.

Dallas and Washington have very different philosophies, at least on offense. If you've watched the Dallas games, you've noticed that they are tearing people apart in the second half. Its pretty clear that they are using the first half to wear down opponents and to detect weaknesses. In the second half, they go after the weaknesses again and again. Like today, they kept going to Crayton in the second half. I'm not sure if they even threw to TO in the second half.

JG is trying to take the Skins back to what they do well, which is smashmouth football. Its been pretty successful so far this year. As noted above, the Skins threw much more than they ran in the second half of the Giants game. Its not an issue of aggressiveness - its an issue of playing to your strength, rather than the other teams weakness.

I don't see a problem with either team's philosophy. At some point, JG will need to see what JC can do if let loose for the entire game. I don't see that happening while they're still in a race for the playoffs.

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As noted above, the Skins threw much more than they ran in the second half of the Giants game. Its not an issue of aggressiveness - its an issue of playing to your strength, rather than the other teams weakness.

Again, the Skins threw much more then they ran in the second half of the Giants game because yhry were down by seven and had to come back. The conservative playcalling got us in that position.

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Back to what the OP stated in the original post, which is worth discussing.

Dallas and Washington have very different philosophies, at least on offense. If you've watched the Dallas games, you've noticed that they are tearing people apart in the second half. Its pretty clear that they are using the first half to wear down opponents and to detect weaknesses. In the second half, they go after the weaknesses again and again. Like today, they kept going to Crayton in the second half. I'm not sure if they even threw to TO in the second half.

JG is trying to take the Skins back to what they do well, which is smashmouth football. Its been pretty successful so far this year. As noted above, the Skins threw much more than they ran in the second half of the Giants game. Its not an issue of aggressiveness - its an issue of playing to your strength, rather than the other teams weakness.

I don't see a problem with either team's philosophy. At some point, JG will need to see what JC can do if let loose for the entire game. I don't see that happening while they're still in a race for the playoffs.

I think that Gibbs realizes what is going wrong with the offense and it seems to be ball control or he would not have picked up Caldwell or McCardell. The team has to have more options across the middle. With Cooley being the teams only option, teams are able to prepare for him and it is taken away from his performance.

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I think that Gibbs realizes what is going wrong with the offense and it seems to be ball control or he would not have picked up Caldwell or McCardell. The team has to have more options across the middle. With Cooley being the teams only option, teams are able to prepare for him and it is taken away from his performance.

I would agree that Gibbs sees the need for a true possession receiver. Cooley is the only possession receiver they have, and I think its a given that he will be needed to help out blocking for the rest of the year. I'm not completely sold that either Caldwell or McCardell will fit the bill, but at least he's trying to fill in the holes.

I think the Lions will be a good test. They are definitely a team that beatable, but they can score a lot of points. It will be interesting to see how they attack the Lions defense.

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At some point, JG will need to see what JC can do if let loose for the entire game. I don't see that happening while they're still in a race for the playoffs.

That is the best philosophy I've ever heard. Handcuff your QB or try to sit on small leads until you lose enough games to be out of the playoffs and THEN let him go to town??

:laugh: :doh:


JG is trying to take the Skins back to what they do well, which is smashmouth football. Its been pretty successful so far this year.

I'm not sure I'd really agree with this that much. Yes we are 2-1, but we have won two games by the skin of our teeth and lost one in the same manner. And none of the teams we have faced yet could be called dominant or even very good.

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It is just as obvious that this guy posted this thread to start what is going on as it is that "praise_gibbs" tries to post negatively about the team to get reactions and respond in order to boost his post count.

If I actually truly cared what my post count was.. I'd have to seriously get a better life.

But, uuh.. nice 'shot' there douchebag. You apparently don't read much if at all you think I do is type negative. Don't really like to get personal with that comment but, you asked for it by trying to single me out with falsified information. Get facts first. then bring it.

The 'Skins are 2-1 and save ONE half has played alright this season.

Due respect. We played alright offensively. Which was expected since JC is still getiing a feel for the offense.

Dallas, has played well with the schedule that they were given but the Giants put up 35 against them,

Agreed with that. But, since, their D stiffened up a tad, no?

the Dolphins can not beat anyone,

Nearly beat us.

the Bears are not looking like they will win many games this year without a QB

Not nearly as much but, to discredit what the Cowboys did to the Bears D would be being a complete Skins homer. Take the shades off and try and view these NFL games as unbiased as you can. K?

and the Rams, even with Jackson ,was not looking good.

Bulger is hurt, so I completely agree with you on this. Not to mention that their o-line doesn't seem nearly as effective as they used to.

Pittsburgh, like Dallas, were looking as they were going to tear up the league until today when they looked average against a team that was much better than them and had talent on BOTH sides of the ball

But... no mention about Russ Grimm and Wisenhunt kind of knowing what to expect? If you think past coaches can not effect the way a team prepares for a certain game.. you do not watch much football.

The Cards are talented but, can not put it all together. So, you are saying that the Niners are better than the Steelers because they beat the Cards?

In the NFL.. teams will beat teams. Whether it is expected or not. It happens.

...Lets save the praise for Dallas until they actually play a winning team and beat them

I really thought that the Dallas Cow**** fans in the ATN were just hyping up their team when they said how blind most Redskins fans are... Boy was I wrong.

Will the Boys continue to play at their level? Not as high of a level.. in fact I hope at a lesser level than that, even. But, until then.. learn to give respect where it is due. You look completely foolish not doing so.

This thread was about the idea of going for the throat. Not that we must air it out on every play or anything like that. It is not about changing our entire playbook or anything of that sort.

It IS about to stop thinking that 3. 7. 10. etc is enough to win in this league. If you have the lead.. something is obviously working. STOP changing it. Continue with what works!

THAT is what I got out of the OP's statement. Who cares who they actually root for. The facts are there. Just stop being a blind homer and realize it. :doh:

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