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I like the Dallas philosophy...


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You watch them and for 4 quarters they are thinking one thing - ATTACK!

The Redskins have personnel just as good but unfortunately our coaching seems like they are afraid of winning by too much and hurting someone's feelings.

I've been watching football for 40 years and I have never seen a coach actually trying to run out the clock the entire second half, that is until last week.

C'mon Joe, let these ponies run. We can beat anyone in this league if you will just let us play.

I agree. Let 'er rip Coach Joe!

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I posted a serious comment about how we can improve and I get flamed. I am incredibly disappointed in this board.

Ok, how about this:

"Everything is wonderful, the Skins are perfect and our loss to the Giants was the best thing i've ever seen. I hope Joe just keeps coaching like he has been cause it sure was wonderful. I hope we can have another 5-11 season like last year cause I sure enjoyed it! Don't change a thing Joe. Don't take a tip from the team that is crushing everyone they play. Go Joe, you are perfect!"

Regarding the age thing, apparently I erred when signing up. I'm 47, but I sure am glad 15 differeent people all said the same brilliantly funny age thing.

PierceType, you don't remember the Riggo-Drill? True, I would have attacked a bit more to have a more comfortable lead before trying to run down the clock, but it is common to run the ball to eat up the clock in the 4th quarter.

I can see what you are saying about they should be a bit more aggressive, but last year Joe had said he got burnt by that and just wants a win. I think there needs to be more of a balance. Lead by 3 or more TD's in the 4th then eat up the clock. Oh, word of advice, trying to say we should be more like the Cowboys is not a great way to stimulate a debate here. It's more likely to insight a riot more than anything.


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**** giving the Cowboys respect or credit, this site is about the Skins. Cowboys we're 4-1 last year with a harder schedule. Romo sits to pee will choke just like always. Wishful thinking? Maybe. So what. I hate the Cowboys and there fans. There is no reason that people have to give them credit.

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The cowboys are good.

We've all heard and probably said it before.

Any win in the NFL is a good win, so don;t take anything away from them.

They are 4-0....and they've earned it to this point.

They've got a game up already on everybody in the East.

Let's face it, nobody in the entire NFC is showing much of a threat to them.

We got by Miami in OT...the cowboys beat 'em by 3 scores.

That does worry me.

Reminds me of the '91 'Skins with scores like they've been putting up.

All that the 'skin fans agreeing with the OP assessment is that we all feel we are just as capable of opening it up.

We are all tired of watching nail biters when we could be blowing the doors off teams.

As for the Giants game...we were futile in the 2nd half.

We did have more pass plays, but..

most of them came after we already surrendered the lead.

The idea is to stretch the halftime lead out a little.

Maybe JC just isn't quite seasoned enough to take the reigns off yet.

I can't imagine the coaching staff wants a tight game any more than we do.

It's just frustrating for fans who've been waiting awhile.

It's even worse when the dreaded rival is playing like you want your team to play.

Here's hoping the bye week does us good and we get back to making the 2nd half adjustments like the old days.

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Have we really came to a point in our lives where we have to find one little thing wrong in the wording and all of a sudden the point becomes invalid?

I think it's just frustrating seeing a Cowboy appreciation thread pop up once a day.

What has happened here with people seeking inspiration from Dallas for God's sake?

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:doh: You are a day late and a dollar short.

Why? because I just read this thread and I'm not allowed to voice my opinion unless im one of the first posters? please....

give me a freakin break, not everyone has all day everyday to post and read extremeskins message board posts.

i'll voic emy opinion where I want, when I want, and you, wont say another damn word about it. know your roll

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Why? because I just read this thread and I'm not allowed to voice my opinion unless im one of the first posters? please....

give me a freakin break, not everyone has all day everyday to post and read extremeskins message board posts.

i'll voic emy opinion where I want, when I want, and you, wont say another damn word about it. know your roll

:rotflmao: :laugh: :applause:

If you read the thread.. you'd see the point of the thread. By your answer.. you didn't get the jist of it.

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i dont care, sorry im a redskins fan and i have and always will hate what the cowboys are about, its just in my blood and has been in my family for 4 generations, i dont care if dallas goes on to win the superbowl I will never give them credit for anything, i HATe everything about that organization

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i dont care, sorry im a redskins fan and i have and always will hate what the cowboys are about, its just in my blood and has been in my family for 4 generations, i dont care if dallas goes on to win the superbowl I will never give them credit for anything, i HATe everything about that organization

Ok. Well, wherever you see Dallas or Cowboys. Change that to New England or Patriots respectively and then discuss the OP's statement.

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If I actually truly cared what my post count was.. I'd have to seriously get a better life.

But, uuh.. nice 'shot' there douchebag. You apparently don't read much if at all you think I do is type negative. Don't really like to get personal with that comment but, you asked for it by trying to single me out with falsified information. Get facts first. then bring it.

Due respect. We played alright offensively. Which was expected since JC is still getiing a feel for the offense.

Agreed with that. But, since, their D stiffened up a tad, no?

Nearly beat us.

Not nearly as much but, to discredit what the Cowboys did to the Bears D would be being a complete Skins homer. Take the shades off and try and view these NFL games as unbiased as you can. K?

Bulger is hurt, so I completely agree with you on this. Not to mention that their o-line doesn't seem nearly as effective as they used to.

But... no mention about Russ Grimm and Wisenhunt kind of knowing what to expect? If you think past coaches can not effect the way a team prepares for a certain game.. you do not watch much football.

The Cards are talented but, can not put it all together. So, you are saying that the Niners are better than the Steelers because they beat the Cards?

In the NFL.. teams will beat teams. Whether it is expected or not. It happens.

I really thought that the Dallas Cow**** fans in the ATN were just hyping up their team when they said how blind most Redskins fans are... Boy was I wrong.

Will the Boys continue to play at their level? Not as high of a level.. in fact I hope at a lesser level than that, even. But, until then.. learn to give respect where it is due. You look completely foolish not doing so.

This thread was about the idea of going for the throat. Not that we must air it out on every play or anything like that. It is not about changing our entire playbook or anything of that sort.

It IS about to stop thinking that 3. 7. 10. etc is enough to win in this league. If you have the lead.. something is obviously working. STOP changing it. Continue with what works!

THAT is what I got out of the OP's statement. Who cares who they actually root for. The facts are there. Just stop being a blind homer and realize it. :doh:

Great responses all the way around. I decided to read more before posting and you took the words right out of my mouth on every point. :applause:

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I don't understand all these threads about playing too conservatively in the second half about the giants. We threw the ball 20 times, and ran the ball only 8. hmmmmmmm...

Just because the passes weren't hitting doesn't mean we weren't throwing down field. I think we weren't playing conservatively enough, aka not establishing our running game.

I know, right? :laugh:

It's like you repeat a lie enough times and it becomes widely accepted as the truth.

Oh, and praise_gibbs... as a Redskin fan I'll never give Dallas credit. PERIOD. If they're playing good, I'll just keep my mouth shut. But give them credit? What, you kidding me? Everytime you say something positive about the Cowboys, you lose a point on the Skins fan scale. Sorry. That's just how it is and how it will be.

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Oh, and praise_gibbs... as a Redskin fan I'll never give Dallas credit. PERIOD. If they're playing good, I'll just keep my mouth shut. But give them credit? What, you kidding me? Everytime you say something positive about the Cowboys, you lose a point on the Skins fan scale. Sorry. That's just how it is and how it will be.


So, is there an imaginary scale to determine who is more of a fan?

Wow, are we 2? Kindly grow up, k?

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