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Whiny Babies FTL... You Are Being Held Accountable (Names Included)


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Dipstick? Isn't that against a rule? LOL.. whatever man... You know what there was a thread just like this last week and a mod said it was cool and names could be added, so sorry.

If you don't want people to see what you post, don't post it.

Answer the question:

Have you ever said anything in the heat of the game that was negative??


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17. Do not create “call out” threads. Threads whose intention is clearly to "call out" another particular member on a personal matter. These forums are not to be used as a medium for personal and/or private vendettas. To the extent personal exchanges/conversations are necessary---and desired by BOTH parties---those members are encouraged to pursue them via Private Messaging. Feel free to question members as to past comments you’d like them to explain in the spirit of good debate. Do not use private messaging to badger or intimidate other members. Substantiated instances of such behavior will result in the immediate loss of private messaging privileges for the instigator, and may result in permanent banning from Extremeskins.

Sorry, but I created a thread exactly like this, but left off the names...and a mod said it was NOT against the rules to post names with these quotes, and that he would give a "vacation" to anyone who claimed it was for mere stupidity if nothing else lol :laugh:...

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Well, he just got EVERY freakin' thing he said pile-driven back into his face lol...to me, when a fan of the Skins acts THAT arrogant about the guaranteeing of a loss for the team, I have no problem reliving his words... :cool:

I totally agree.

What SC89 can't comprehend is that there is a difference saying something in the heat of the game as opposed to 3 days beforehand. :2cents:

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I guess you've never said anything in the heat of a game before??

BTW dipstick:

17. Do not create “call out” threads.

A call out thread IS NOT having your words from this board quoted for conversation. We're a message board that archives everyone's comments. It'd be pretty boring if we couldn't actually quote people for conversation.

The rule says:

17. Do not create “call out” threads. Threads whose intention is clearly to "call out" another particular member on a personal matter.

Quoting your content on football on a football message board isn't a personal matter. Wake up people. The rules here only require you READ them.

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Epic thread, to be honest. It is good to see who the real fans of the board are! Granted football games can be an emotional roller-coaster for many of us, you still have to stick by your guns and have faith in your boys in the burgundy and gold. Game isn't over until all 4 quarters have played (For the most part, ha). Guess some people don't realize that. :(

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I agree with Art. I think it's silly to bring up game thread posts, honestly, because people deal with frustration and anxiety differently and a post made there is NOT the same as one made a week before a game BUT I stand by what I said for the moment.

If you looked at the Skins after losing to the Chargers in 2005 and even if you believed the team COULD be better, you make comments on what you see in front of you. I never said we were done for this game, so I have no problem standing by what I said. I was there for the WHOLE game and commented throughout. The people you should criticize (if you actually followed the game thread) would be the kind that do nothing BUT type negativity or disappear when something positive happens.

Or to quote Louis Farrakhan, when confronted with something he said by Phil Donahue (something I can respect about the man,) in an attempt to have him backpedal: You're not dealing with that kind of man. You're dealing with a man who means what he says and says what he means...now listen...

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And you didn't even answer the question. Typical........

I'll say things like "This isn't looking good" or "Man our D sucks tonight" But I won't say Ramsey is better than Campbell or any of the other things I quoted, or the countless things I didn't quote.

And Art is not the only mod who feels this way... TK approved of last weeks thread just like this one..

Sorry if you all don't like it, but all I'm doing is showing everyone some of the wild and incomprehensible things that are said so prematurely.

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this thread could get shut down, but oh well

im obviously a pretty negative guy, and even if i tried, i couldnt be negative about this game, nor was i at any moment during the game. we dominated pretty much every area of this game from start to finish. we made the eagles look like garbage, sans a few nice plays from westbrook, who is brian westbrook and hes gonna make some plays. if you didnt see a team that looked much improved from last week, i dont know what you were watching.

the improvement is the nicest thing to see. campbell was getting rushed like crazy, and the dude stood in there, on national TV in philadelphia, and made some incredibly clutch plays. he got it done on the ground and through the air. he looks like the real deal, its still early, but im on his wagon at the moment until shown otherwise. his deep balls gonna give defenses FITS this year.

our team looks awesome guys, even i cant argue that we dont, and theres no reason sitting at 2-0 atop the division with a multi faceted offense, and swarming defense to be negative right now. 2006 is over, this is a new year, and we looked awesome tonight.

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Art is wrong of course, but he's wielding the mod stick tonight, so there you go. :)

I hate it when you're in your cranky mode. You've done this before claiming you somehow knew the rules better than me. I hate when you do it because you don't. Read the very first line of the rule. It tells you in what case you can't call someone out. We specifically want and have ALWAYS encouraged people to be quoted for what they say here and have it debated. It has frequently worried me how far off some people are about the rules here. Fortunately, I never am -- mostly for having written them -- so thank me for consistency.

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I totally agree.

What SC89 can't comprehend is that there is a difference saying something in the heat of the game as opposed to 3 days beforehand. :2cents:

No, not really. You didn't say someone made a bad play who made a bad play. You CONCLUDED an ultimate answer based on a handful of plays. What you can't comprehend is no one should do that. Don't do it again, rather than trying to explain how something so stupid was somehow less stupid than a guy who was more stupid than you.

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