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I'll be rooting for the Eagles.

The NFC East needs another Super Bowl appearance. I don't think the NFC is going to win this Super Bowl unless it's Tennessee getting in there so, the bitter taste of losing the Super Bowl will also be something fun to rub in all offseason with you guys :).

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This is an interesting game. Both teams NEED this games in more ways than one.....The Eagles need to prove they can finally get to the big danceand win "the big one" Tampa Bay needs to prove they are a better team now under Gruden than the last 2 teams they have put up against the Eagles in the last 2 years. It will be interesting....

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The Bucs are my "2nd favorite team" so I've been rooting for them since the Skins didn't make the playoffs. Even so, I just can't see them beating the Eagirls.

Super Bowl prediction...even though it makes the bile rise in my throat to say it, sigh, Eagirls 23 Raiduhs 20.

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Originally posted by MikeB

I like Brad Johnson, I also like Rich Gannon, two ex-Skins. I'll root for either of them over the Eagles.

My sentiments exactly. I also like the Bucs because Mike Alstott has a little Riggo in him from time to time. I want to see two former Redskin quarterbacks go at it and want Brad Johnson and the Bucs to win it all. Besides, Brad grew up a Redskin fan...then he met our front office...:laugh:

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Why we root against NFC EAst teams all year and then pull for them if they make the Big Game is beyond me. I can't stand any team that is left, but that being said, I'll pull for Tampon Bay, just because they have had such a lousy 20 or so years. That and I like Chucky.

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This is silence week for us Buc fans.

Because no matter what you say Philly fans or Buc haters will point to our ineptitute at the Vet the last two wildcard rounds, and earlier this year. And they are totally justified in feeling the Bucs will lose, until we prove otherwise it's too easy to fall back on those losses.

I know this is Grudens first time trying to win a playoff game there and this is a different Buc team going in but we need to just have a sit back & wait and see attitude.

I'm sure though that Philly fans would have rather had the Niners come up.

Even if they lose in Philly I still would consider Gruden a success because he is only in his first year. Coming in as a new coach with a whole new offensive staff to teach, a whole new offensive scheme to teach the players he provided the best ever bucs record at 12-4, a first round bye, nfc south champs, and is the only coach to ever have playoff wins with two diff teams in consecutive years, and a win in below 40 degree weather plus having the best defense ever in franchise history.

Year two under the same offensive scheme will only make the offense better (since it's been 5 years since we went into a second season with the same O-scheme).

Either way I'm very proud of Grudens accomplishments and my team. We have a chance in Philly and that is all I can ask.

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I'm Eagles all the way.

Not only are they NFC east, but I respect the job Reid and Management have done over the past few years with their cap, players, and coaching staff.

They play the kind of football I wish we played: physical, hardhitting, dominating.

Instead we pitch and catch.:rolleyes: Whateva.

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Right now I am hoping for a Oakland/Tampa Superbowl with Oakland taking it all for the older guys on their squad. Besides, If it is Oakland/Tampa....I see a repeat of the Pittsburgh/Tampa game where the Bucs were really never in it. If the Eagles went to the west coast and had to deal with more talent than they've seen all year on offense. They'd get blown out by the end of the 1st half.

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Originally posted by SkinsThug

I'm Eagles all the way.

Not only are they NFC east, but I respect the job Reid and Management have done over the past few years with their cap, players, and coaching staff.

They play the kind of football I wish we played: physical, hardhitting, dominating.

Instead we pitch and catch.:rolleyes: Whateva.

root for the Eagles all the time then

anyone rooting for Philly is a joke... because they're NFC East? are you insane? that's all the more reason to root against them... phuck philly... i don't want to see Philly anywhere near San Diego... they are trash... and i'd be content to see them never win a Superbowl in my entire existence in this world...

first, i hate Dallass... then, i hate Philly... and being a Skins fan, if you don't feel the same way, i'd be pretty damn disappointed...

Go BUCS!!!! (and i hope Oakland destroys them in the SB)

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Now that the Jets are out, I'm just rooting against the Raiduhs. I still haven't gotten over the 84 SB, and probably never will unless we get a chance to take them on again in the future.

I think Philly will crush Tampon Bay, but since Oakland is liable to win the AFC, it might be kinda funny to see Gruden vs the Raiduhs.

Most likely scenario: Philly beats Oak for it all.

I really admire Philly's FO- more so than any other in the league, but certain Philly fans (not including the posters here, mind you:cheers: ) are so antagonistic, obnoxious, and on occasion downright violent, that i can't quite bring myself to really root for them. I will take them over the Raiduhs, though.

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Oh please if the Giants had beat the whiners I'd rooted for them instead of the bucs and yeah its a NFC East thing just like when the Big East dominated Basketball

Rooting for the iggles to beat Tampon Bay.

Behind the cowpokes Tampon Bay is battling the whiners and Aints for most hated.

The football gods made sure T Owens didnt make it to the big dance and the iggles and the cold weather will send Tampon home ringless.

My other half is saying it doesn't matter since her Raiduhs can beat either team and I have to agree with her.

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Originally posted by SkinsThug

Thito, thank you elevating the level of discourse on this board.

I appreciate good football -- and that's what the Eagles are playing right now.

i appreciate good football just as much as the next fan -- and having said that, i enjoy watching the Iggles play... but my hatred for them forces me to root against them in any and every game they play...

would you have rooted for Germany in WWII just because you like their soccer team? (ok, bad comparison, but you get the point)

i hate Philly and i will *never* root for them... to each his own -- just a little shocked, that's all...

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Although I live here in Tampa, I am a "die-hard" Redskin fan. I have been to two Bucs games this year (including the 'Skins in pre-season) and the fans are like the "old RFK group". I agree with post comparing Alstott to Riggo, although Riggo was much quicker. Have never liked the "Pheagles" or their obnoxious, so "Go Bucs" this Sundat! HTTR, Link

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I can't find a way to root for either Philly, Oakland or Tampa. That of course only leaves me Tennessee, who I actually like and respect. However, given that they're probably the worst of the four teams remaining in the playoffs, I think it's going to be unhappy times from here on out.

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Originally posted by redman

I can't find a way to root for either Philly, Oakland or Tampa. That of course only leaves me Tennessee, who I actually like and respect. However, given that they're probably the worst of the four teams remaining in the playoffs, I think it's going to be unhappy times from here on out.

I just cant figure out Tennessee. They have won 11 of 12 now and yet they dont appear to be a "great" football team. Any other team that wins 11 out of 12 - they are considered a great football team. But not the Titans.

However, they did rally and beat Philly in week 1 - when McNabb was 100%. Then they decided to tank for 4 weeks in a row before catching fire again.

However, after watching all the games this weekend - the Raiders look like they have the most talent. I was suprised that Vick exposed Philly like he did. I wonder if Gannon will be licking his chops if they get to face Philly.

But give props to the Philly D - they made plays when they had to and limited the Falcons to 6 points. Its a dangerous way to play D (bend not break) - but it worked.

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Heh looks like I'm on my own on this one.

Art I disagree with ya man. I think it's the Titans year. they've got that whole team of destiny thing going, and they are red hot too.

Much as I hate to say it I see Philly and Tennessee in the SB with the Titans taking it all. I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised to see Philly take it though.

Whoever made the comments about Brad under pressure is right on. BJ will get worked bad by Philly pressure. I could see a lot of turnovers.

p.s. was anyone else as amazed as me with how sloppy the Raiders/Jets game got when they had back to back to back TO's? Man talk about going in the crapper fast! I can't remember a turnover sequence quite like that before.

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