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Did Comcast fire Czaban?


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I wonder if there was pressure from comcast do that because the Redskins didn't like his commentary and Mr. Snyder threatened to give comcast the Washington Post treatment. Besides they are getting those pre season games on Comcast Sportsnet, that means if they had to get rid of Czabe, I guess that what they thought was best. I do like Czabe though.

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Czabe is funny, he's a realist and he's also a fan. So many homers around here, but ya'll crack me up.

1. Czabe is NOT funny. At all.

2. Czabe is NOT a realist. He is always negative. He's basically the polar opposite of a homer, which is just as bad as a homer. Neither he nor a homer could be classified as a realist. A realist is somewhere in between a Larry Michael and a Czabe.

3. Czabe is NOT a fan. If the Skins do well, he has no content and he is rendered irrelevant.

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1. Czabe is NOT funny. At all.

2. Czabe is NOT a realist. He is always negative. He's basically the polar opposite of a homer, which is just as bad as a homer. Neither he nor a homer could be classified as a realist. A realist is somewhere in between a Larry Michael and a Czabe.

3. Czabe is NOT a fan. If the Skins do well, he has no content and he is rendered irrelevant.

Quotes from Czabe during the '05 season (when there was actually something positive to talk about):

On the 35-7 drumming of Dallas

What can you say about the effort? It was sensational. From the get-go, it was clear that the Redskins came with balled fists. Griffin, doggedly tracking that pop-up like he was Willie Mays.

That’s hunger. That’s saying: “Just batting that pass is NOT enough.” Killer instinct. And it just kept coming…

Cooley’s ridiculous catch for the first TD. Marcus Washington button-holing Jason Witten in a very much worth it 15 yard penalty. Portis churning. Pulling out the stops with flea-flickers. Getting over the top to Santana Moss. Ladell Betts knocking over Terrence Newman from behind while rumbling for yards. Brunell on point. Gregg Williams sending in the hounds, play after play after play. 77 and 66 rollin’ out on toss-sweep, looking for chumps to bury.

And the destruction on the Cowboys side. Keyshawn yelling at his kicker. Aaron Glenn getting toasted A-GAIN! Witten knocked stupid. Shanked punts. Bledsoe turtling up at the first sign of pressure. Fox’s halftime crew saying to Dallas: “Better start looking for a new quarterback now.”

The only thing missing, was a shot of Jerry Jones choking on a shrimp!

All in all, f’ing beautiful. F’ing BEE-yuet-i-FUL!

Go home Santa, you’ve done just fine here in Redskinland.

On our playoff berth:

Above all, it’s good to be back.

What else can one say about making the playoffs in the NFL, other than it feels good. Really, reeeeeaaallly good. It means that for at least one week, every football fan in America, every talking head, every announcer, every wise guy ready to bet some cash on the games, will be THINKING about your team.

Oh sure. They might be dissing your team. But they WILL be talking about it. And that brings a deep satisfaction as a fan that is hard to put in words. In short, it makes your team RELEVANT.

Which is precisely what my Redskins have NOT been since 1999. But the master Joe Gibbs has done it again.

Full credit to him, and let me be the first one to say how happy I am to have been wrong, dead wrong, about the prospects for this season. Many of you think that I am some kind of anti-Redskin media type, who enjoys knocking the team, and is disappointed when they do well.

Nothing could be further from the truth. I am a Redskin FAN, first and foremost. By birth, by upbringing, by years and years of joy and frustration.

I just analyze the team for a living. Don’t confuse the two.

Certainly, I was not in the minority when I thought that Mark Brunnell was utterly SHOT as a QB in this league (ding!) and that his acquisition via 3rd round pick was Gibbs’ greatest folly. No, that was a SAFE opinion.

One that has been demolished. And good for Gibbs, even better for Brunell. I am truly happy for both. Funny though, when you close your eyes and think back to late August, just a week before the season opener against a Bears team that nobody thought much of either.

At that time, Patrick Ramsey was the starter, nobody in their right mind thought Santana Moss could go through a whole year without getting hurt, the defense was going to be a shell of it’s former self without Pierce and Smoot, and we had no idea how much, if any, Gibbs had evolved.

Now, look at view.

Gibbs took an unpopular move and ran with it to replace Ramsey (one that, let the record show, I fully ENDORSED when it happened). Brunell responded with leadership, toughness, big throws, a career best 23 touchdowns, few INTs, and countless key scrambles.

Santana Moss was electric in every way, and singlehandedly slayed the hated Cowboys at their place in an action movie like “last breath” revenge killing. He finished with a team record in yards, was 2nd in the NFL, and oh by the way, didn’t miss a series. A series!

Clinton Portis, while a bit of a flake, gave the Redskins rush game a toughness that was their hallmark. He didn’t miss a game. He finished 4th in the league in rushing. He found the endzone on three ultra-key moments down the stretch. 1. To start the St. Louis game. 2. By riding Sellers bumper in Arizona. 3. With the coup de grace against the Eagles.

The defense found a way under Gregg Williams, despite some rough spots and injury. Confidence in Lemar Marshall to take over Pierce’s spot, was rewarded. Marcus Washington dominated all year. Taylor was a beast. Springs played at an elite level despite injuries. And when Griffin was in up front, everything gelled.

Best of all, when the season was at its darkest following a crushing OT loss to the Chargers, there had been enough character built up not to fold. A lockeroom bond, the likes of which we haven’t seen here since maybe Marty – except he had hardly the talent to use. The kind of bond in the NFL that makes SEASONS.

Thank you Redskins, and thank you Joe Gibbs and staff. You gave us a wonderful season, and everything from here out is house money. We’ll see you in Tampa. Now deal.

On the Win in Tampa:

I do love winning dirty. No shame in the ‘Skins 17-10 steal against the Bucs. None at all. To quote Al Davis: “Just win, baby.”

I love winning like this, because it will make Bucs fans just SICK about it for months. And you can call it luck all you want, just make sure to dial 206 when you call, cause we’ll be in Seattle.

Should you win a game when your QB throws for 41 yards? Hell no.

Should you win a game when you are outgained in yards and first downs almost 2-1? Hell no.

Should you win a game when your offense has just 122 yards, and gets beat in TOP by almost 10 minutes? No, no, no.

But they did. So suck on it, Bucs fans.

Gregg Williams earned his entire $8 million extension in one week. He managed to beat a team, without any offensive support, and without key players like Shawn Springs, Sean Taylor, and Renaldo Wynn. He correctly rope-a-doped Chris Simms by preventing anything over the top.

Well, except once. And thank YOU Idell Sheppard for dropping it. The game closed the circle for us in a karmic sense. Sheppard beat us last time, now he’s the goat. Replay failed to save us last time on the Alstott 2-pointer, it failed to save Tampa this time.

I never thought an ugly, borderline lucky, win could feel so damn good. But it does, and I’m still smiling.

I personally find him hilarious. One of the things I miss most about moving from the DC area is his radio show.


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0mega, if we clobber Dallas 35-7 and make the playoffs, he had better be positive. And he knows that. You and I will probably never see eye to eye on this, but he just takes too much delight in picking apart every perceived deficiency of the team and organization on a daily basis. And he often doesn't even get his facts right.

I recall him blasting the trade we made to get into position to draft Jason Campbell on probably a dozen occasions, and every time he overstated what we gave up to draft Campbell. Czabe always says we gave up two first rounders to move up to draft Campbell, which is simply not the case.

We gave Denver a 2005 3rd-rounder, a 2006 1st-rounder, and a 2006 4th-rounder. In return, Denver gave us their 2005 first-rounder. So the two firsts essentially cancel each other out, meaning all we gave up is a 3rd and a 4th. We already had our own 2005 first-rounder, which is why we were able to select Carlos Rogers and Jason Campbell in the same round.

He's been called on this several times, including on this board, yet he still preaches his inaccurate information because it suits his purposes, which is to make the team look bad.

Look at what the Browns gave up to move back into the first round of the '07 draft to get Brady Quinn, and we got a steal on Campbell by comparison. They gave up their '07 second-rounder and their '08 first-rounder, which may very well end up being the first overall pick in next year's draft.

That's the cost of jumping back into the first round after you've already made a pick there. If Czabe thinks giving up a third and a fourth was too much to give to get into position to draft Campbell, well he's entitled to his opinion. But when he distorts the facts by saying we gave up two firsts over and over again, he shows his bias.

This is just one example, but it's one that has always aggravated me. If the team is as screwed up as he always tries to claim it is, you'd think he could point to facts to support his claims rather than inaccuracies.

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From his blog on Monday:

For those who care – and I think that’s a relatively small number – I am not doing the Comcast Post Game show for one reason – location. That’s it. Nothing else nefarious, no grudges, no agendas. I was happy that Comcast got the rights to broadcast live from FedEx Field on home games. Good for them. Deal killer for me, though. I need to be in my nerve center on Sundays as much as possible, thus killing a whole day traveling to the “House That Jack Kent Cooke Hastily Built” is not possible for me. I wish them the best. And of course, I am now enjoying my chance to watch Chick, Ray, and B-Mitch. Of course, if I knew that we could wear golf shirts, I might have signed on anyway!

I think Bubba & Czabe should have a beer together one day. They'd be best friends by the next round.

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Czabe is funny, he's a realist and he's also a fan. So many homers around here, but ya'll crack me up.

I don't mind a dissenting opinion. But when he gets personal and goes around calling Gibbs Joey Boy then he's lost me for good. No call for making it personal. Especially when that coward would not say that to someone's face. Easy to hide behind a microphone.

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