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Fred Smoot. Most definitely. Chat complete. Enjoy.


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I wish nothing but success for SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT. If he's having success, then our Defense is having success. If our Defense is having success, then our Offense will have more opportunity for success. If our Offense is more successful, then our team will be more successful and make the playoffs. So you see, one thing can effect all things.

Go Skins. :wavetowel :jump: :excited: :peaceout:

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His great attitude will always make him a fan favorite. Having someone like that laughing and carrying on would make your job more fun. I'm sure he's having that affect on our locker room.

Just imagine how the conversations with Smoot who has a southern accent, Jason Campbell, and Carlos sound. You'd have no clue what they were laughing and carrying on about.

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I know that this is kind of corny, but I just wanted to say thanks for getting my question in. It was kind of long and I didn't think that you could fit it in with all of the others. :cheers:

Turns out, he couldn't have given a more perfect answer to envoke more confidence from me in his determination/enthusiasm to help our team win this season.

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Depending on my mood and the mood around the team a mix of harder or softer questions get asked. This was pretty soft :). I personally think these chats are fun when you can make the guy have fun with the questions. The balance for Smoot was how loved he was by the fans. That's what was conveyed to him.

Fair enough.

But it would have been more appropriate:

"Hey Smoot. Would you like to buy all us fans a Christmas tree?"


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How are the crowds/fans different in Washington compared to Minnesota?

Fred Smoot

I guess Freddie doesnt follow baseball all that much? The expos? hehe

Of course its different , no one goes to expos games.... anymore :laugh:

Good chat tho! :applause:

Smooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot HTTR!

and i thought JC was kuntry :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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Great read. You gotta love Smoot. He just loves life.

BTW, who handled the Smoot-to-English translation? :silly:

That would be me and, indeed, Smoot is a hard one sometimes. He accents portions of words that have no business being accented :).

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