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Collins IS the #2 QB...


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didn't Gibbs say that they were gonna rotate or something?

The way I see it Gibbs just threw Collins a bone for the work he put in and for playing as well as he did in preseason. There's no doubt in my mind that Brunell would go with enough time to prepare if Campbell weren't available.

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Maybe you're right, that Bramlett just wasn't good enough. I'm certainly not the expert. But I do think that having an inactive Brunell at #3 every week is an expensive insurance policy, with no angle for the future. We should be doing something more meaningful with our 3rd QB position. And the coaching staff should have planned accordingly.. that being said, its just the 3rd qb spot, so who realy gives a F***.

I like what Gibbs did for this year. It was the right move for one more year.

He respects Brunell and he is a vet who can back up, knows the system and can teach.

Collins is Saunders guy and knows the system and having him at #2 is better for Campbell then having that feeling like Brunell is one step away.

This was the best move for Gibbs, Saunders and Campbell for this year.

Having them in this order was the right move.

With another year under his belt, Campbell will be more trusted to carry the load and we can see how durable his is. When Collen comes in ( statiscally you should see him at some point for at least some snaps ), you can evaluate how you like him at the 2nd position. If you do, then you dump Brunell and bring in a younger 3rd/near future 2nd QB.

Saunders is already comfortable with him a #2.

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Let's hope we never have to see anybody but Jason.

Collins may do fine, if needed. We just don't know. Man has next to nothing as far as real game experience. Mark does. With both being 100% healthy, Mark is the smarter choice, IMO.

I fear Todd Collins is Babe Laufenburg Part II. Preseason demon, real season flop. If we have to find out, I hope I'm wrong. And, unlike fansince62, I think having two vets that know the system, and their teammates, backing up our franchise QB, puts us in great position at QB.

Bottom line, even if fansince62 is our starter before the end of the year, I'll root for him to succeed. That's what fans are supposed to do.

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I have faith in our scouting dept as is. Look at the draft picks since Gibbs has been back. We caught flack for trading draft picks to trade up, but look who we traded up for. Cooley, Campbell & McIntosh. All starters now, and all heavily depended on in their role's.

We kept two of our draft picks this year. Yeah we may not have had many picks, but all we kept were two draft picks, one being our first rounder (duh, of course we are gonna keep him) and then our sixth rounder. N.E. did the same thing, only they had more draft picks, and they still only kept two of their draft picks. So we make our draft picks work, we make the most of the draft picks we are given.I think the quality of our draft's are much better then advertised. We traded up to get what we know was a good player, as exemplified in Cooley, Campbell, and Rocky. Other examples of Gibbs drafting well is seen in Rogers, Golston, and Montgomery. So all the people that knock our draft and our draft strategy, are just riding the same band wagon, IMHO.

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Collins Chosen as Redskins No. 2 Quarterback Ahead of Brunell


Sep 5, 7:39 PM (ET) Email this Story

ASHBURN, Va. (AP) -Todd Collins is the No. 2 quarterback for the Washington Redskins, with Mark Brunell demoted to No. 3.

The news was hardly a surprise, given that Collins has been working with the second-string unit during practice, but coach Joe Gibbs waited until Wednesday to inform his players.

"I was disappointed, but it's coach's decision," said Brunell, a three-time Pro Bowl quarterback who hasn't played third-string since he was with Green Bay in the early 1990s. "It could've gone either way simply because you have two guys that are certainly qualified to be a backup. Weird, maybe a little bit, but that's OK."

Collins, meanwhile, has thrown only 27 passes in the NFL in the last nine years. However, the 35-year-old veteran knows the offense well, having played for assistant coach Al Saunders in Kansas City.

"It won't change my preparation much," Collins said. "I just know I'll be one play away."

Brunell, who turns 37 this month, began last season as the starter, but lost the job to Jason Campbell. Brunell also had shoulder surgery in the offseason.

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Elkabong -- Also, if you are going to say Collins deserved it because he looked better in preseason, than I don't want to see anymore ****ing about Brunell in '05, he looked much better than Ramsey in '05

So, you're arguing that the standards for selecting a starting QB ought to be the same as selecting a #2? Actual performance as a starter should be disregarded?

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Ax...well...as light wrist slaps go.....duly acknowledged!

Don't get me wrong.....I'm up on the Skins. I just find this one issue rather funny...and like many, many others...hope we never, ever have to use TC for a sustained run of games.

if we need mentors....why not hire them as assistants? are two needed? sorry...but this just hits me as funny and bad planning. but it's not the end of the world. plenty other positive things going on in Skins-land to be more than optimistic!

have a great weekend and we'll all be celebrating Sunday night!

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if we need mentors....why not hire them as assistants? are two needed? sorry...but this just hits me as funny and bad planning. but it's not the end of the world. plenty other positive things going on in Skins-land to be more than optimistic!

have a great weekend and we'll all be celebrating Sunday night!

As for the mentors, what's wrong with having them serve a year or two as player/coach? Only one of these guys will be here next year. I guess they want to see if Todd can do it.

I was hoping we would've at least had a young QB on our practice squad this season. Still could I guess. But for now, we make lemonade. ;)

You enjoy the weekend too my friend.

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Really, there was no decision that Gibbs could have made that would appease everyone.

If he makes Brunell #2 (which he should have done), he would be called out for the "love affair" he has with him.

If he picks Collins, everyone says "why do we have Brunell at #3, he's too expensive for a 3rd string qb"

Lose-lose situation for him. And, for people thinking we should get rid of Brunell, that's just nuts. This guy knows the system and has shown he can win big games.

you arent serious are you

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I wanna say after the restructuring, Collins and Brunell are making similar money.

Collins is a million a year player as well.

Anyway, it should be Collins...he looked great in preseason..knows the system perfect...is tall....and probably has the best knees of any 34 year old QB in NFL history.

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So, you're arguing that the standards for selecting a starting QB ought to be the same as selecting a #2? Actual performance as a starter should be disregarded?

No, I'm arguing that the same people who wanted Collins cut, are now singing his praises because of his preseason performance. Brunell did much better than Ramsey in preseason, but people here still say MB sucked in '05, eventhough the stats show it's not true.

And it's obvious performance as a starter wasn't disregarded, as Brunell had better years than Ramsey, and had a year in '05 Ramsey will in all likelyhood never match.

And none of what you said takes away from my original argument anyway.

I guess you are more comfortable with a back-up who's thrown 18 completions in 9 years than an experienced back-up with a probowl-caliber season 2 years ago?

The hate on Mark is unwarranted, always has been here. Sadly, this town will bash any QB if they don't meet their fantasy world requirments of youth and cannon arm. Pretty pathetic to judge a man based on pre-conceived notions, rather than on accomplishemnts which no other QB has reached since the LAST time we were in the playoffs.

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According to Adam Schefter, several teams went with two quarterbacks. If one of these teams qb's has an injury there is a possibility that the Skins or TB could be given a call with a possibility of trading for Brunell or Simms.

Does anyone here think Gibbs would trade Brunell in the middle of the season. I'm not so sure he would do it. There were rumors that the Dolphins wanted to trade for Ramsey in 2005 and it was a decent draft pick, but Gibbs wouldn't trade him.

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Why do people have to spout off untrue bull**** so consistenly, come on? Repeat after me, Brunell is essentially on a one year, vet min deal and will not count against our cap next year should he retire. How does that make him expensive? What did Bramlet show that says he deserved the #3 spot? He got cut by his next team after us too, you know, and isn't on a roster right now.

Unfortunately, salary isn't all the only factor in the determination of what is "expensive". Salary cap figures are really much more telling. According to the Washington Post,

"The Washington Redskins completed a new contract with veteran quarterback Mark Brunell yesterday, creating additional salary cap space and retaining the services of a player regarded highly by Coach Joe Gibbs. Brunell, 36, essentially halved his salary cap cost from its original $6.7 million figure, taking a pay cut to stay with the team for a fourth season."

According to the article, his salary will be in the $820,000 range; as you said, close to the vet minimum. His cap cost though is vastly higher. I can't speak for others, but I'm guessing that is why people think Brunell is expensive for a 3rd string QB.


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