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I'm leaving...you can keep the viruses with you!


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But this thread isn't for Mac or Windows bashing.

Yet the title is "I'm leaving...you can keep the viruses with you."

Windows ain't my primary OS but I didn't try other OSes cause of viruses. If you been on it for 10 years and are getting viruses then wtf where you doing those 10 years?

I can not justify buying a Mac. I'm looking at notebooks and for what the MBP offers I could get equal specs for cheaper. Also if you know where to go you can run OSX on a PC. (http://www.osx86project.org) Went back to XP, I must have just not get it.

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Let me ask a question about this, do you think people don't write viruses simply because Mac's aren't the majority? I think the last figure I heard was that Mac's made up around 20-25% of the market share. Now, one of Mac's selling points is that they don't get viruses. However, there are thousands of people in the world who write viruses, are you telling me that one of them wouldn't say to themself "Let me prove that Mac's aren't infalliable" and write a virus. I think there aren't Mac viruses because it is much harder to write those viruses then to write a Windows virus. As I said earlier, the most dangerous virus for Mac has to be manually downloaded and installed, and even then it didn't always work.

20-25%? You're very misinformed. Even Vista has already passed the of OS X base in 6 month.


Apple isn't even a top 5 PC vendor in the world.

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That is currently the most hardcore virus out there. And yes, there is a learning curve on Mac, it took me all of 20 minutes to get comfortable with it. Also, my MBP is more computer then my Dell is (Smaller, lighter, built in iSight, more memory, faster process, bigger and faster HD, more energy efficient, backlit keyboard), and I paid less money for the Mac.

and i'm guessing (actually, flat out stating) the dell is older than the mac. big surprise, newer systems are faster for cheaper.

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Actually, you can put anti-virus software on Mac, there is just no need.

Actually that is not 100% true anymore. Lets face it the reason why Windows is attacked so much is because 90% of people and businesses are using it. Recently we have seen a jump in viruses that are for only macs, and that number will be getting larger.

To be honest if you have a PC, have decent antivirus/firewall software do not visit sites you shouldn't and do not open up emails you shouldn't then there is no reason why you should ever get a virus.

from msnbc in 2006:

Apple’s iconic status, growing market share and adoption of same microprocessors used in machines running Windows are making Macs a bigger target, some experts warn.

Apple’s most recent wake-up call came last week, as a Southern California researcher reported seven new vulnerabilities. Tom Ferris said malicious Web sites can exploit the holes without a user’s knowledge, potentially allowing a criminal to execute code remotely and gain access to passwords and other sensitive information.

Ferris said he warned Apple of the vulnerabilities in January and February and that the company has yet to patch the holes, prompting him to compare the Cupertino-based computer maker to Microsoft three years ago, when the world’s largest software company was criticized for being slow to respond to weaknesses in its products.

“They didn’t know how to deal with security, and I think Apple is in the same situation now,” said Ferris, himself a Mac user.

Apple officials point to the company’s virtually unvarnished security track record and disputed claims that Mac OS X is more susceptible to attack now than in the past.

Oh Jrock and Major you two need to get a room :)

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Yeah, but wouldn't it be nice to have a computer that you wouldn't have to have antivirus and spyware software for? ;)

just stay away from the porn and you won't need that stuff. i haven't ever had a virus on my computer, the anti-virus is just a safeguard incase something were to happen. i don't worry about viruses because they aren't a problem for me.

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Lol, the windows lovers are funny in this thread.

BTW, your reasoning that there aren't viruses for the Mac because of it's market share is like saying terrorists would never attack Chicago because of how much bigger new york and L.A are.

Virus writers have tried, but it ain't really working out for them.

To the OP, get your mac, get word and excel to do your school work if you want or get Iwork, and enjoy.

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and i'm guessing (actually, flat out stating) the dell is older than the mac. big surprise, newer systems are faster for cheaper.

my current dell is older. however, I priced a computer with similar specs it was still more expensive, and that doesn't even include stuff like the built in camera and backlit keyboard because Dell does not offer that.

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My guess is a lot of you that had issues with your PC don't know the first thing about maintaining one...Those of you that get viruses, guess what? You probably deserved it...For those of you with painful boot times, again this is self inflicted...No unfortunately the PC is not idiot proof, you do have to use your brains occasionally.

So, if I want to use a PC, I need to pay close attention to the way I use the machine so that it doesn't break down on me. But if I don't want to put any thought into maintaining a computer, I should just buy a mac. Is that the gist of it?

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So, if I want to use a PC, I need to pay close attention to the way I use the machine so that it doesn't break down on me. But if I don't want to put any thought into maintaining a computer, I should just buy a mac. Is that the gist of it?

that's right. I did zero mantenance on my last mac G4 (7 years trouble free) in fact it's going to the mountians for occasional use.

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Any programs/software I should get? Anything else I need to know?

I liked my mac when I first got it, but it took me some time to really appreciate the differences. For the first couple of weeks, I was still thinking like a pc user. The way the workflow operates was much less rigid on a mac, but it felt strange to use a computer that way. Now, I think of my work space in 3 dimensions with layers of functions operating at once, dragging and dropping projects from one program into the other.

As for software, it depends on what you're doing. I've bought Microsoft Word, Adobe CS2, Transmit, Quicktime Pro, and iWork. Handbreak is a free download that is just awesome. Everything else I use on a regular basis (address book, font book, iDVD, iMovie, iTunes, iPhoto, iWeb, Safari, Garageband, and Dashboard) came pre-installed.

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Those of you that get viruses, guess what? You probably deserved it. In my time working in IT the majority of virus infection has been self inflicted by the user. Either they were visiting bad sites, installing bad software, or downloading from a P2P client(kazaa,limewire) and instead of getting an mp3, got a Trojan. And people, people people...do not use symantec, or mcafee, they're AWFUL in a home environment. Get AVG.

For those of you with painful boot times, again this is self inflicted. Either your hardware is not up to par with what the O/S needs, you have a ton of crap that starts on boot up or you simply do not clean up after yourself (i.e. temp files, temp internet files, fragmentation on the hard drive, etc...)

I had my notebook for nearly two years before I decided to get anti-virus software on it. I wish I would have saved myself the money. I bought it and ran it. ZERO spyware or viruses. Why? I primarily use Firefox and Opera and I don't do any of the other stuff that gets you a virus.

All of my PC's (3) boot in well less than a minute also. I build my own and in cases like my notebook where I purchased retail I wiped the hard drive as soon as I got it and reinstalled Windows without all the HP crapware they send on computers you buy.

So, what I am saying is that you hit the nail right on the head. Most complaints people have about PC's are self inflicted. It's like saying "My car is terrible. I drive the crap out of the thing and haven't changed the oil in 75,000 miles and I still have factory tires on it. I hate Dodge."

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So, if I want to use a PC, I need to pay close attention to the way I use the machine so that it doesn't break down on me. But if I don't want to put any thought into maintaining a computer, I should just buy a mac. Is that the gist of it?

So people buy AppleCare just for the fun of it?

my current dell is older. however, I priced a computer with similar specs it was still more expensive, and that doesn't even include stuff like the built in camera and backlit keyboard because Dell does not offer that.

Give me your MBP specs and price.

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I had my notebook for nearly two years before I decided to get anti-virus software on it. I wish I would have saved myself the money. I bought it and ran it. ZERO spyware or viruses. Why? I primarily use Firefox and Opera and I don't do any of the other stuff that gets you a virus.

All of my PC's (3) boot in well less than a minute also. I build my own and in cases like my notebook where I purchased retail I wiped the hard drive as soon as I got it and reinstalled Windows without all the HP crapware they send on computers you buy.

So, what I am saying is that you hit the nail right on the head. Most complaints people have about PC's are self inflicted. It's like saying "My car is terrible. I drive the crap out of the thing and haven't changed the oil in 75,000 miles and I still have factory tires on it. I hate Dodge."

again, all things that are not required of mac users.

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So people buy AppleCare just for the fun of it?

Give me your MBP specs and price.

Apple does like everyone else and sells an extended warranty. That does not mean you need it.

My 7 year old G3 laptop still runs fine and my five year old super mod desktop G4 is just as fast as a brand new, cheap PC.

On the other hand my one year old Compaq laptop is a brick. And thats what I got for listening to people like you. :laugh:

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Apple does like everyone else and sells an extended warranty. That does not mean you need it.

My 7 year old G3 laptop still runs fine and my five year old super mod desktop G4 is just as fast as a brand new, cheap PC.

On the other hand my one year old Compaq laptop is a brick. And thats what I got for listening to people like you. :laugh:

And I'm sure these people didn't think thing like this could happen after listening to Apple Kool-Aid drinkers.

http://www.macbookrandomshutdown.com/ or even this http://www.mac-forums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=69226

It's a computer people. Stop making it sound like it can do no wrong.

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Lol, the windows lovers are funny in this thread.

BTW, your reasoning that there aren't viruses for the Mac because of it's market share is like saying terrorists would never attack Chicago because of how much bigger new york and L.A are.

Virus writers have tried, but it ain't really working out for them.

To the OP, get your mac, get word and excel to do your school work if you want or get Iwork, and enjoy.

its closer to saying they wouldn't attack Titusville, Pennsylvania because New York is so much bigger.

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So after 10+ years as an exclusive Windows user and supporter, I decided to purchase a MacBook Pro as my computer for college. While the Vista seemed pretty damn cool, I just couldn't justify buying something that borrowed so much from Mac. But this thread isn't for Mac or Windows bashing, because honestly, both have their advantages and disadvantages...this thread is simply a question...

What things should a Windows vet know when switching to a Mac?

Any programs/software I should get? Anything else I need to know?

Thanks in advance...

First thing I would say is look at the share ware offerings for your non critical apps. Do a google search for Mac shareware/freeware. Also look on the Apple downloads page. They have links to all kinds of software, dont forget to check out the widgets. :D

I'm not sure what type of work you are doing on it but if you pm me I will try to help.

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Wow...the PC hate is astounding. My guess is a lot of you that had issues with your PC don't know the first thing about maintaining one.

Hah, MACs don't get viruses written for them because the MAJORITY of the WORLD uses a PC. It's pretty simple. If MACs (god forbid) were the most used platform, they would have the same issues.

Those of you that get viruses, guess what? You probably deserved it. In my time working in IT the majority of virus infection has been self inflicted by the user. Either they were visiting bad sites, installing bad software, or downloading from a P2P client(kazaa,limewire) and instead of getting an mp3, got a Trojan. And people, people people...do not use symantec, or mcafee, they're AWFUL in a home environment. Get AVG.

For those of you with painful boot times, again this is self inflicted. Either your hardware is not up to par with what the O/S needs, you have a ton of crap that starts on boot up or you simply do not clean up after yourself (i.e. temp files, temp internet files, fragmentation on the hard drive, etc...)

My PC is over 3 years old, boots in under a minute, has never been infected with a virus, windows never crashes (windows and driver updates peoples) and can absolutely do anything a MAC can and in most cases can do it better.

No unfortunately the PC is not idiot proof, you do have to use your brains occasionally.

Now THIS is a classic Windoze tec support response. Translation: "the computer is fine; you are an idiot."

Crap like this just ticks me off. Excuse me but I want a computer that works the way I do. I was not put on earth to service my computer, thank you very much.

And oh, yeah... my 5 year old desktop with a processor that is 3 generations old (g4 1.8ghz) STILL runs the latest and greatest version of OSX with no problem and starts up faster than my brand new 2.something ghz PC at work.

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And I'm sure these people didn't think thing like this could happen after listening to Apple Kool-Aid drinkers.

http://www.macbookrandomshutdown.com/ or even this http://www.mac-forums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=69226

It's a computer people. Stop making it sound like it can do no wrong.

Shall we start pulling up complaints about every PC made and compare? Are macs perfect? No. Little bugs pup up now and then. But I have used both platforms and I will take a Mac over a PC any day. (FYI - I still have my first PC wrapped in plastic... a 7mhz Commadore PC10 that ran DOS)

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And oh, yeah... my 5 year old desktop with a processor that is 3 generations old (g4 1.8ghz) STILL runs the latest and greatest version of OSX with no problem and starts up faster than my brand new 2.something ghz PC at work.

and i'm sure your work PC has programs on it that slow it down as its trying to start up. also, frequency isn't everything when it comes to a processor. a core2 duo at 1.8Ghz is gonna be a ton faster than a Pentium4 at 2Ghz.

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