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I'm leaving...you can keep the viruses with you!


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jrock, your knowledge of every subject ever thought of on this board is astounding. :2cents:

Why thank you Major. I mean I know you're a computer expert who just teaches elementary school gym class for fun and all, but its nice of you to throw me a bone on this subject. :)

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My ex-gf's roommate had a Mac. I tried using it to check emails and whatever, and it was horrible. I know there is an adjustment period, but PCs are awesome - why would I want to switch anyway? :silly:

Now? Mac. 2 or more years ago? Nobody gave a **** about Macs except those in the graphics industry. ;)

PCs will continue to be the main target because they are more powerful, and are the backbone for all the major systems in this country. But as Macs grow in popularity, there will be viruses for them - you can count on it.

That is currently the most hardcore virus out there. And yes, there is a learning curve on Mac, it took me all of 20 minutes to get comfortable with it. Also, my MBP is more computer then my Dell is (Smaller, lighter, built in iSight, more memory, faster process, bigger and faster HD, more energy efficient, backlit keyboard), and I paid less money for the Mac.

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So after 10+ years as an exclusive Windows user and supporter, I decided to purchase a MacBook Pro as my computer for college. While the Vista seemed pretty damn cool, I just couldn't justify buying something that borrowed so much from Mac. But this thread isn't for Mac or Windows bashing, because honestly, both have their advantages and disadvantages...this thread is simply a question...

What things should a Windows vet know when switching to a Mac?

Any programs/software I should get? Anything else I need to know?

Thanks in advance...

My sister just got a MacBook (switched over from Windows) and she loves it. I saw her at our family reunion a few weekends ago and got a chance to mess with it a bit. I thought it was a cool little computer, especially once you get used to the subtle differences that you're used to with Windows.

I don't know if it's enough to make me switch though, I haven't done a lot of reading on the MacBook, I just know from what I got out of it by playing around with it. Having said that, I'm satisfied with Windows so I don't really have a desire to change, I've got a Gateway now and I love it, no complaints at all.

I will say that Apple is leading the pack in computers and MP3 players though. I've got a few friends who refused to buy iPods at first, both of them trying brands like Samsung and some other brands and both of them have settled with iPods after lots of problems and dissatisfactions with the other brands.

Superman's only weakness is Kryptonite. Chuck Norris laughs at Superman for having a weakness.

And Chuck Norris checks under his bed at night for Fedor Emelianenko.

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That is currently the most hardcore virus out there. And yes, there is a learning curve on Mac, it took me all of 20 minutes to get comfortable with it. Also, my MBP is more computer then my Dell is (Smaller, lighter, built in iSight, more memory, faster process, bigger and faster HD, more energy efficient, backlit keyboard), and I paid less money for the Mac.

Took you 20 minutes, Spiff 3 weeks, it probably takes others even longer to adjust. I didn't spend much time on it at all. The point is, I'm happy with my PC, so there's no reason to switch. I've got antivirus and spyware software, so those aren't a problem either. And yes, my PC "just works."

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Took you 20 minutes, Spiff 3 weeks, it probably takes others even longer to adjust. I didn't spend much time on it at all. The point is, I'm happy with my PC, so there's no reason to switch. I've got antivirus and spyware software, so those aren't a problem either. And yes, my PC "just works."

Yeah, but wouldn't it be nice to have a computer that you wouldn't have to have antivirus and spyware software for? ;)

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So after 10+ years as an exclusive Windows user and supporter, I decided to purchase a MacBook Pro as my computer for college. While the Vista seemed pretty damn cool, I just couldn't justify buying something that borrowed so much from Mac. But this thread isn't for Mac or Windows bashing, because honestly, both have their advantages and disadvantages...this thread is simply a question...

What things should a Windows vet know when switching to a Mac?

Any programs/software I should get? Anything else I need to know?

Thanks in advance...

It comes on the Mac already, but Front Row is awesome for watching videos, listening to music, playing DVD's or viewing photos. iPhoto is awesome, as is iDVD and iCal. I have never been happier with a computer.

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Yeah, but wouldn't it be nice to have a computer that you wouldn't have to have antivirus and spyware software for? ;)

1) IN MY OPINION (happy Maj?) I think its only a matter of time before viruses hit Macs, and with no anti-virus software to speak of for Macs, most users will be caught with their pants down.

2) Since I got rid of Norton, I've had zero problems with my antivirus and spyware software. The antivirus scans automatically while I'm asleep, and I run the adware scanner once a week or so right before I leave for work, and its done hours before I get home at night. No problem at all. :)

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Wow...the PC hate is astounding. My guess is a lot of you that had issues with your PC don't know the first thing about maintaining one.

Hah, MACs don't get viruses written for them because the MAJORITY of the WORLD uses a PC. It's pretty simple. If MACs (god forbid) were the most used platform, they would have the same issues.

Those of you that get viruses, guess what? You probably deserved it. In my time working in IT the majority of virus infection has been self inflicted by the user. Either they were visiting bad sites, installing bad software, or downloading from a P2P client(kazaa,limewire) and instead of getting an mp3, got a Trojan. And people, people people...do not use symantec, or mcafee, they're AWFUL in a home environment. Get AVG.

For those of you with painful boot times, again this is self inflicted. Either your hardware is not up to par with what the O/S needs, you have a ton of crap that starts on boot up or you simply do not clean up after yourself (i.e. temp files, temp internet files, fragmentation on the hard drive, etc...)

My PC is over 3 years old, boots in under a minute, has never been infected with a virus, windows never crashes (windows and driver updates peoples) and can absolutely do anything a MAC can and in most cases can do it better.

No unfortunately the PC is not idiot proof, you do have to use your brains occasionally.

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1) IN MY OPINION (happy Maj?) I think its only a matter of time before viruses hit Macs, and with no anti-virus software to speak of for Macs, most users will be caught with their pants down.

2) Since I got rid of Norton, I've had zero problems with my antivirus and spyware software. The antivirus scans automatically while I'm asleep, and I run the adware scanner once a week or so right before I leave for work, and its done hours before I get home at night. No problem at all. :)

Actually, you can put anti-virus software on Mac, there is just no need.

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Actually, you can put anti-virus software on Mac, there is just no need.

Well as the above poster so eloquently put it, most viruses are self-inflicted. How people still get viruses from opening email attachments is beyond me. And you can put it on there, but depending on the virus, there's only so much that can be done once its in effect. :whoknows:

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Hah, MACs don't get viruses written for them because the MAJORITY of the WORLD uses a PC. It's pretty simple. If MACs (god forbid) were the most used platform, they would have the same issues.

Let me ask a question about this, do you think people don't write viruses simply because Mac's aren't the majority? I think the last figure I heard was that Mac's made up around 20-25% of the market share. Now, one of Mac's selling points is that they don't get viruses. However, there are thousands of people in the world who write viruses, are you telling me that one of them wouldn't say to themself "Let me prove that Mac's aren't infalliable" and write a virus. I think there aren't Mac viruses because it is much harder to write those viruses then to write a Windows virus. As I said earlier, the most dangerous virus for Mac has to be manually downloaded and installed, and even then it didn't always work.

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Let me ask a question about this, do you think people don't write viruses simply because Mac's aren't the majority? I think the last figure I heard was that Mac's made up around 20-25% of the market share. Now, one of Mac's selling points is that they don't get viruses. However, there are thousands of people in the world who write viruses, are you telling me that one of them wouldn't say to themself "Let me prove that Mac's aren't infalliable" and write a virus. I think there aren't Mac viruses because it is much harder to write those viruses then to write a Windows virus. As I said earlier, the most dangerous virus for Mac has to be manually downloaded and installed, and even then it didn't always work.

Vista installs are already larger in number than the entire install base of the Mac OS. Mac has about 6.5% market share. Insignificant when you look at the numbers of installs. I suspect that Virus Writers are mostly anti Microsoft geeks. But if Mac ever got a signifigant share of the market, they'd get targeted.

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