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Dress Code for reporters at training camp?


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I've been given the go ahead to do a radio piece on training camp. I'll give you guys more details as things go forward. I've contacted the Redskins PR department and they are receptive to my pitch, even to the point of saying that they will pull some players and coaches aside so I can have a few minutes of cleaner sound with them.

But, what I'm wondering is this? How does one dress at Redskins' Park?

I know how to dress when I'm interviewing ambassadors and politicians, or artists and theatrical folks and whatnot, but I've never done an interview at Redskin Park on the field, especially in horrifically hot weather. What level of dress is expected of the print or radio types?

What have you seen or noticed? If I'm not sure, I'll certainly err on the side of being more dressed simply out of a sign of respect, but it feels a little odd to go in a suit to a football practice, especially in 90 degree weather.

What have you seen? What do you think?

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Ive seen the "professionals" from TV and radio in shorts and a shirt. I would think a polo type shirt and some Khaki shorts would be appropriate. Redskins gear of course. Even a cap would be ok. If you want a better idea some of JJ and Murfs photos have pic of the reporters in them. One thing for sure...dont show up in these...



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Cool. I'll probably go somewhere inbetween. It just doesn't feel right to do an interview in shorts, but I have done some in jeans. I am glad that common sense seems to rule the dress code. I think I would melt in proper attire. :D

Thanks all.

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Personally, as a former professional journalist myself, Burg, I wouldn't wear Redskins gear. (But I probably don't have to tell you that.) You want to present yourself in a professional manner, not as a fan.

When I covered camp in the mid '90s for the Times-News in Cumberland, I would wear khaki shorts and a polo on most days. Professional, but also comfortable under the circumstances.

It was funny. I covered camp the season Matt Vanderbeek came from Dallas to Washington. It was a particularly hot year in Frostburg, with temps touching triple digits a few times. So I asked him after practice one afternoon if he was doing anything special to help deal with the hot temperatures. He said, "Yeah, I came from Dallas to Washington. This is a piece of cake."

It's all about perspective, I guess.

Enjoy your time at camp Burgold, it's truly an amazing experience. I look forward to hearing your handiwork.

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Wear what you want to. There is no dress code for attending practices. Hell, I've seen JLC show up in flip flops. Seriosly. Dress for the weather.



Incorrect spelling of the word 'Seriously'.

Number IV II I of the Extremeskins Moderators.

2 post penalty.

Continue on with this thread.


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Personally, as a former professional journalist myself, Burg, I wouldn't wear Redskins gear. (But I probably don't have to tell you that.) You want to present yourself in a professional manner, not as a fan.

When I covered camp in the mid '90s for the Times-News in Cumberland, I would wear khaki shorts and a polo on most days. Professional, but also comfortable under the circumstances.

It was funny. I covered camp the season Matt Vanderbeek came from Dallas to Washington. It was a particularly hot year in Frostburg, with temps touching triple digits a few times. So I asked him after practice one afternoon if he was doing anything special to help deal with the hot temperatures. He said, "Yeah, I came from Dallas to Washington. This is a piece of cake."

It's all about perspective, I guess.

Enjoy your time at camp Burgold, it's truly an amazing experience. I look forward to hearing your handiwork.

You learn something new everyday. So, you have writing skills, humor, AND experience.

Sign this guy up for duty. :cheers:

I will look forward to reading your write up. That is, of course, you get the 'job'. ;)

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You learn something new everyday. So, you have writing skills, humor, AND experience.

Sign this guy up for duty. :cheers:

I will look forward to reading your write up. That is, of course, you get the 'job'. ;)

Your $20 is in the mail. :cheers:

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Yeah, I didn't know that about you either, HH. I actually did joke with the Redskins' PR guy that if he managed to get Gibbs for me that I wasn't sure if I could totally maintain professionalism (although, I'm sure in any case my gushing would have wound up in the editting room anyways) An advantage to being your own producer, I suppose. :D

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Yeah, I didn't know that about you either, HH. I actually did joke with the Redskins' PR guy that if he managed to get Gibbs for me that I wasn't sure if I could totally maintain professionalism (although, I'm sure in any case my gushing would have wound up in the editting room anyways) An advantage to being your own producer, I suppose. :D

Stand out from the crowd in their shorts and polos. Wear your Deborah Kerr outfit (if it's back from the cleaners).:D

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Ive seen the "professionals" from TV and radio in shorts and a shirt. I would think a polo type shirt and some Khaki shorts would be appropriate. Redskins gear of course. Even a cap would be ok. If you want a better idea some of JJ and Murfs photos have pic of the reporters in them. One thing for sure...dont show up in these...



Cooley forget his practice shorts?!

Like I say in the Sig


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