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ES Coverage: 2007 Training Camp - Day 2 - Morning (Final)


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Good Morning Everybody!

JimmiJo on the scene. I was up late and up early and we are looking at a long day today with the first two-a-day of camp. I am here and waiting for TheMurf.

What kind of world are we living in when a man who lives 50 miles away makes it in before a guy living 15 minutes away? Is that justice - I ask you?

Those who attended yesterday witnessed the dust storm that blew through about 4:30PM. This won't happen today as it finally rained overnight. The sun is up, the sky is clear, and soon I will be on the sidelines watching the team work out.

I will be on for about 20 minutes so for anyone not completely hung-over to ask questions or make requests.


11:10AM Update

Just back in from the fields. The football was grueling today - it went a full two hours in blazing sunlight and there was a lot of contact. Stand by for audio and write-ups.

For anyone intersted, Murf is still glistening...

Injury Report: Two players were carted off the fields today - H.B. Blades and Tyler Ecker



To listen to Casey Bramlet click HERE

To listen to Andre Carter click HERE

To listen to Phil Daniels click HERE

To listen to Kili Lefotu click HERE

To listen to Clinton Portis click HERE

To listen to Chris Samuels click HERE

To listen to Todd Wade click HERE

To listen to Marcus Washington click HERE

To listen to William Whitticker click HERE



Day 2: Morning Training Camp #1


Day 2: Morning Training Camp #2


Day 2: Morning Training Camp #3



JimmiJo's Corner

Today was a bit brutal as the Sun was beaming and the coaches wrung every drop out of practice that they could. The session went a full two hours and involved a lot squad drilling, inter-squad drilling, and then practice.

This camp is already different than last year in terms of physical play. While there was contact during camp last year, this year it seems like guys are more willing to unload on each other. I asked guys about it and they seem to indicate that the coaches want to see intensity this year. An example of this was at one point during 7-on-7s I noticed the O and D lines off to the side running what amounted to an Oklahoma drill with two linemen facing off one-on-one while surrounded by players waiting to participate.

The defense looked good but did not dominate as much as last night. One player who stood out was Sean Taylor who had no less than two interceptions today. The first came on a seam-route pass from Jason Campbell. We could not see who threw the second one because we had a wall of players in between but we believe it was Brunell.

As with last night, there were not a lot of deep balls thrown or caught during practice.

One of the more noteworthy items today was Phil Daniels playing a lot of tackle instead of end and mostly inside of Marcus Washington on the left side. I asked him about it and he said this is something he did a bit last year and more in Chicago. He said he expects to be featured more at tackle this season than in the past.

Jason Campbell today may have had his worst day this year (and this includes OTAs and Mini-Camp). He seemed to be overthrowing a lot of guys. He did have one of the plays of the day (see below) but in the overall he was nowhere as sharp as we have been seeing.

Brunell looked pretty good today and Collins was serviceable. Bramlet looked ok but it is hard to tell as little work as he gets. Palmer has yet to impress.

The running backs looked solid today with Betts seeming to get the most work during practice. He was responsible for our other play of the day (below). Portis, Cartwright, and Blaylock all played as well.

The receivers looked good when the ball was close enough to catch. Moss continues to look sharp. Randle El, Lloyd, and Espy also looked good today.

Well, Al Saunders is supposed to give us an interview shortly and oh yea, we get to do this all over again in about 4 and ½ hours. I’ll be on if there are questions.

Plays of the day

Jason Campbell to Chris Cooley on a seam route for a TD - evoking oohs and aahs from the offense and a very excited Al Saunders shouting approval.

Betts in the flat put a move on Andre Carter that left him flatfooted and forgotten. This had both offense and defense razzing Carter.

Quotes of the Day

“What’s up Youngblood?” – Greg Blache to Sean Taylor

“Just giving the people what they want coach.” – Fred Smoot to Greg Blache after being named to return punts during coverage drills and Blache ribbing him about it.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, have birthday dear Chris, happy birthday to you.” – Coach Gibbs and the entire team singing Happy Birthday to Chris Samuels

“You get to practice twice today.” – Al Saunders to Chris Samuels after Samuels asked if got to have practice off for his birthday

“Let’s get some water and get ready. I want to have a rock and roll practice. I don’t want to have to get on anyone’s ass for not finishing today.” – Greg Blache to the defensive line

“Every time you got to be alert. Every rep.” – Danny Smith to the kickers

“There you go! Now you look like a runner!” – Ernest Byner to unidentified running back

“Hey Ade, get there. You don’t have to get the ball but you gotta get there. Get jets in your butt.” – Steve Jackson to Ade Jimoh

“Chris that’s the patience we are looking for! That was awesome!” – Al Saunders to Chris Cooley following a TD reception

“Oh S***!” – Unidentified DB as he realized the tight end was open on the under route


1:50PM Update

Just a tidbit or two. Murf's Internet is acting up so he can't get me his writeup just yet (I know what you are saying, how is it he left his duty station to go home and rest? Weak, pure weak). The other thing is Al Saunders just gave a long, very informative interview that I am sure will be up on Redskins.com soon. If you are interested in offensive football and how it works I strongly urge you to watch.


Injury News

Blades suffered from cramps and should be good-to-go this afternoon.

Ecker on the other hand has a pulled groin and it could be serious.


Murf's Take

Because I spent a bulk of my time yesterday around the running backs I wanted to focus on a different area today. The lucky winners ended up being the wide receivers, who were treated to both myself and Al Saunders watching them in action this morning. I was standing about 15-10 yards away from them while they were working on individual drills, so I got to hear everything Saunders.

On one drill while he had them working on using their body to shield the defensive back, Saunders shouted “Anyone can catch it on the inside!” Two seconds later, when Corey Bradford made a nice catch he said, “Nice catch Corey -- you must have played in Detroit!” Then, when the WRs were working on out routes, he was really vocal – shouting “The sideline’s not gonna move! Don’t look down! Keep your eye on the ball!” I hate using exclamation points, but they’re mandatory when quoting the energetic Saunders during practice.

For those interested, the order when the wide outs go through individual drills goes as follows: Santana Moss, Antwaan Randle El, Brandon Lloyd, Mike Espy, James Thrash, everyone else. Speaking of Moss and Lloyd, they seem to have a good rapport. They’re always joking, laughing and dancing in between drills. When Moss had to hit the ground to snag an underthrown ball he immediately turned to Lloyd and shouted “I feel like Jeter, baby.” And then they cracked up. It may be hot out, but these guys were still having a good time.

One last note about the receivers – Carl Berman, Burl Toler and Ryan Hoag were the three no-names who earned the most praise from Saunders during the morning session. Berman specifically got some love from Saunders.

For the second day in a row Joe Theismann was on hand. Today he was hovering around Jason Campbell and the rest of the quarterbacks. I hear he’ll be doing the Redskins preseason games, so I guess he’s doing his homework now.

For the second day in a row, Randy Thomas was present but didn’t actually practice. He was in uniform, but without pads or helmet. All indications are the team is being overly cautious with him for now, and with how important he is to the offensive line I can’t say I blame them.

With Thomas watching from the sidelines, Todd Wade worked on the left side and William Witticker on the right during first team action. Speaking of the line, they were moving at full speed today. They even broke out the good old Oklahoma Drill – giving smash mouth football fans reason to rejoice. Unfortunately, they were on the furthest corner of the field, making it virtually impossible to see which offensive and defensive players were squaring off. The only match-up I saw for sure was defensive end Chris Wilson manhandle tackle Calvin Armstrong. Trust me, I wish I could report more.

The man of the day – no surprise – was Sean Taylor, who picked off two passes this morning. The first was a Campbell pass, while the second came courtesy of Mark Brunell. The only other interception of the day came from Pierson Prioleau on a terrible pass from Jordan Palmer. Yesterday the defense was winning the battles, but did not actually get turnovers. Today, they won the battles and got the ball as well. The offense will need to step it up if they’re going to make this training camp battle competitive. Much like me over JimmiJo, this battle isn’t even close.


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First off..its gonna be sunny out there today so please refrain from describing how The Murf may be rubbing sunscreen all over his body while he glistens.;)

Since you guys were great and got Reed Doughty yesterday here were a few more I'd like to here from if you get the chance.

Anthony Montgomery

Dememtric Evans

Also any Back-up OL players that look like they could have an impact on pushing Wade ( I cant remember the guys name:doh: )

Also a looksy into how our new LB coach is working with that group.

Thanks guys. Great work....blah blah blah....:D :applause: :logo:

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I heard that London Fletcher absolutely LAID OUT Portis on one play yesterday...that would be a good indication of things to come from him. True story?


Pretty much. From where I was it looked like Fletcher read the play quickly and hit the hole hard just as Portis hit it. They collided and Portis went down. Fletcher hit him hard but didn't follow through. Kinda ended up standing there looking down at Portis with his hands out like he had stopped in mid-tackle.

Then the guys around me were saying "Whoa, that was Fletcher?", "I'm glad you're here!", "Please don't hurt him, we need him!" :laugh:

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How does Gibbs look? Refreshed? Happy? Excited? :)
talk to me abuot the receivers~! who is stepping up.
Any updates on Randy Thomas would be appreciated. Also, can you keep an eye on Todd Wade to see how he's doing?

Thanks guys!



Gibbs are friends look good out there. The coaches, as well as the players, have a ton of energy. We were amazed by how many different drills the team did this morning. Randy Thomas was held out again today, and Tyler Ecker and HB Blades were banged up during today's session. Otherwise, it was a good day.

Oh, and I'll mention some of the lesser known wide outs when we get to our write-ups. I spent a good chunk of the morning watching Al Saunders with the WRs.

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