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Do you Blame the NBA....


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For this gambling mess? I'm watching the news confrence with Stern. And its almost as if he has to defend the NBA. I dont see this as an NBA problem. It may be a problem for the NBA, as it would for any league, but not something they can control. This to me is such a different problem with steroids which was a MLB problem. Am I missing something?:logo:

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He didn't referee the Suns/Spurs game 5, but it makes you wonder. The NBA has pissed me off since the Magic/Bird days. The league sucked in the late 70's. They needed something to turn the league around. So they started giving all the superstars the calls (most of them phantom), the continuation (worst rule ever) and the 6 fouls. It worked as the league boomed.

But I've always wondered, if the refs played it straight up, how many other teams may have won titles. Would Jordan have 6? The Lakers 5? They were great teams, don't get me wrong, but I've always felt the NBA has their "pet" franchises that they want to succeed. 85 Draft Lottery comes to mind when the best player (Ewing) ends up in NY. I think the league has been a farce for 25 years and this just proves it in my opinion.

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I understand your points, but do you think the NBA could have controlled this may be the better question. PJ touched on it a bit, I just dont see how they could have controlled it, unless the KNEW the guys were changing the outcomes of games.:logo:

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I've actually been thinking about how deep this goes. Stern's defensive response leads me to believe he has something to hide - could Stern be involved in game fixing? Maybe that's why he's put so much focus on league image - to distract away from horrible officiating (and now possibly fixed games). It wouldn't be the first sports league to go corrupt. :whoknows:

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I've actually been thinking about how deep this goes. Stern's defensive response leads me to believe he has something to hide - could Stern be involved in game fixing? Maybe that's why he's put so much focus on league image - to distract away from horrible officiating (and now possibly fixed games). It wouldn't be the first sports league to go corrupt. :whoknows:

now see...thats more to my point. The MLB KNEW about steroids and did NOTHING about it. My question is just that...did the NBA know about this and allow it. That to me would be the devastating hit to the NBA, one ref betting isnt in their control.

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Well you gotta let the facts play out

Right now all we know is its one official. However if the NBA knew something was up, and let it slide, then there will be some major issues

I don't think Stern himself was involved in helping fix games at all, or had decreed that superstars get calls

But lots of calls that have happened since the end of the 80s make you wonder

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I do not blame the NBA. When it came to their attention, they investigated, and now justice is being served. Just because the one guy was betting and may have been calling games a little differently doesn't mean others were. Then again, if it comes out that this is an issue with multiple refs, that would be completely different. The league would have some serious explaining to do.

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this whole thing is a serious black eye to professional sports, and while this chapter is about the NBA it casts a shadow on all sports because doubt has been cast and now the conspiracy theorists have something to hang their hat on.

The NBA needs to tread very carefully, and they need to let all the facts be known, because if there is any sense of a cover-up then the integrity of the game will be blown. IMO this is worse than any player point shaving scheme.

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I do not blame the NBA. When it came to their attention, they investigated, and now justice is being served. Just because the one guy was betting and may have been calling games a little differently doesn't mean others were. Then again, if it comes out that this is an issue with multiple refs, that would be completely different. The league would have some serious explaining to do.

This is a great point. The NBA found out, investigated, and is now acting. Give them a freaking minute to figure out how far it goes.

I dont think this is any way compares to MLB and steroids. MLB turned the other way because steriods and the resulting home run orgy brought the league back to prominence (McGuire/Sosa race) when it desperately needed it (after alienating most fans with the strike).

Another question to consider: How far can a league go to scrutinize the personal lives of its referrees?

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Coach Thompson said it the best, maybe this will give the players/coaches/media the ability to question the referees after games about certain calls and situations publicly now. The policy of not allowing the referees to be questioned, and then fining players/coaches/owners (Mark Cuban) when they did question the refs, made it seem like that the refs were above the game. Maybe this will help in that, because if you question them, it may make them be a little more conscious of their actions. They are the only officials in sports that can take and put points on the board by their calls.

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Now that the facts are coming out it is obvious that Donaghie (sp?) was altering the outcomes of games on a massive scale. I mean, please, how is it possible that 57% of the games he reffed over the past two years were over the Vegas line (that is statistically impossible!!!). It is so obvious that the NBA should have known. Simple statistical analysis can show which refs are cheating and which ones are not. So, yes, I do blame the NBA because they should have known that this guy was a cheat long ago! The NBA never adressed the problem just like the MLB did with steroids. The NBA had to know something was going on because most people in Vegas seemed to know.

now see...thats more to my point. The MLB KNEW about steroids and did NOTHING about it. My question is just that...did the NBA know about this and allow it. That to me would be the devastating hit to the NBA, one ref betting isnt in their control.

They must have known or they are REALLY slow. Please see above ^^^

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Guest sith lord

If they knew something as early as January and they continued to let him ref games, then yes, the NBA does share a lot of blame.

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Now that the facts are coming out it is obvious that Donaghie (sp?) was altering the outcomes of games on a massive scale. I mean, please, how is it possible that 57% of the games he reffed over the past two years were over the Vegas line (that is statistically impossible!!!).
This is the stat that bloggers are all quoting, but I'm not sure I buy it.

50% of all games should be over, so 57% doesn't really stand out to me as statistically imposssible. The blogger guy who came up with this number claims that this could only happen due to chance 5% of the time, but what did he use as his standard deviation? I wish he would explain his methods a little better.


That analysis seems pretty weak to me, and there's a lot more he could do with that data. If the theory is that he's calling more fouls to raise the score, why don't we just actually look at how many fouls he's calling?

Looking at the number of games that went over the over/under line just seems like a pretty convoluted way of getting to the real answer here ... it would be cool if someone would release the dataset online and everyone could pore over it to find anomalies.

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Its also a possibility that Michael Jordan is an alien from outer space. But theres no evidence.

It is also possible that an official refereed games he bet on, and fixed the results. Is it that hard to believe that a few palms were greased so that the NBA looked the other way? Or that there aren't more officials on the take?

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It is also possible that an official refereed games he bet on, and fixed the results. Is it that hard to believe that a few palms were greased so that the NBA looked the other way? Or that there aren't more officials on the take?

Its easier to believe that one guy with a gambling addiction made some bad choices and got mixed up with the wrong people.

Statistics tracking referrees calls are VERY new. They only came about when Uber-geek (and my hero) Mark Cuban insisted upon it (and paid for it).

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