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Should I quit my job to play poker professionally?


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I've been winning a lot lately, and the laws have changed here in florida for the land casinos.

Now you can play a 1-2$ no limit game.

That game is super easy with loads of fish and over aggressive bluffing idiots.

My first week (short week) I'm up 650$.

Then there is my online game.

I've won more than 6000$ (all profit) in the past 2 or 3 months.

I'm ranked 36th on Ultimatebet.com, and I have the second highest winning percentage I have ever seen on that site.

I win 3% of all tournys I enter, with an average field of over 300.

My job is totally in the way.

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Frankly I would never tell anyone not to pursue something they REALLY want to do. That being said, I would, like with any chance you take, have a back-up plan. There are guys out there that make a living FISHING, CARD PLAYING, hell even playing MINITURE GOLF. So why not poker? That being said, I would weigh all the factors involved and have a plan as to goals, what you would call being successful, etc.:2cents: :logo:

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If you are in a possition to be able to do it, I say go for it. You don't get a lot of chances like this. As long as your not putting the wellfair of kids and family at risk and if you have the financial ability to fall back if things go wrong, why not.

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Here's the thing, Sunstone. I knew a guy who was a great chess player in HS and still is and teaches kids chess now, rather than his other 'normal job' but he DOES have a job that pays him.

He has earned over half a mill playing poker, is my age and he still hasn't quit his job. I can see CHANGING jobs but do not quit working altogether. That would be a mistake until you've built your bankroll through work AND playing.

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Well, you only live once... but if poker doesnt work immediately, that one time you live, may be as a homeless man. If you are single, dont have any kids, or a mortgage, or a lot of bills then i say do it, but work at it like a dog for a solid year. If you havent won a legitamate tourney on the WSP circuit, then I say go back to your day job. If you have won one on the WSP circuit, then you will probably get a sponsor and you will have cash either way. Its the best plan I got if you are serious about something so risky. The bottom line is that you only live once, and those "I should have" memories are always harder to swallow then the "What was I thinking?!" memories.

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As a rule of thumb, you should have 3X whatever your starting bankroll will be as back up so that you won't be hurt if you lose it all.

If you are gonna start out with 50,000 you should have 150,000 saved away so you won't be hurt financially.

If you decide to do it, GOOD LUCK!

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I've been winning a lot lately, and the laws have changed here in florida for the land casinos.

Now you can play a 1-2$ no limit game.

That game is super easy with loads of fish and over aggressive bluffing idiots.

My first week (short week) I'm up 650$.

Then there is my online game.

I've won more than 6000$ (all profit) in the past 2 or 3 months.

I'm ranked 36th on Ultimatebet.com, and I have the second highest winning percentage I have ever seen on that site.

I win 3% of all tournys I enter, with an average field of over 300.

My job is totally in the way.

Those players should be super easy to trap.

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I certainly wouldn't make this kind of life decision based on results at 1-2 no limit. Its going to be real hard to make a living playing 1-2. For every hot streak there is a cold one. I actually went thru this same thought process back in 2005, in the midst of a tremendous hot streak, winning @ 5-10 limit & 1-2NL on party poker for months. I was also making 2-3 day treks to the Taj playing 1-2 & 2-5NL and coming home a winner everytime. It was hard to go to work everyday knowing I could make a weeks pay tax-free in one evening online.

However, I never properly bankrolled myself, and even if I did @ those limits it would still be hard to make a living, not to mention there is no healthcare and retirement. I'm definitely glad I opted out of that decision and came back to reality. I'm still waiting for another one of those hot streaks.

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I certainly wouldn't make this kind of life decision based on results at 1-2 no limit. Its going to be real hard to make a living playing 1-2. For every hot streak there is a cold one. I actually went thru this same thought process back in 2005, in the midst of a tremendous hot streak, winning @ 5-10 limit & 1-2NL on party poker for months. I was also making 2-3 day treks to the Taj playing 1-2 & 2-5NL and coming home a winner everytime. It was hard to go to work everyday knowing I could make a weeks pay tax-free in one evening online.

However, I never properly bankrolled myself, and even if I did @ those limits it would still be hard to make a living, not to mention there is no healthcare and retirement. I'm definitely glad I opted out of that decision and came back to reality. I'm still waiting for another one of those hot streaks.

one thing I know...after reading this poet... I should DEFINTELY not try to be a professional poker player! I have no idea what your talking about. (not into poker at all):laugh: :logo:

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My job sucks, it's only a serving job, I can get another job.

The money I have can carry me for months.

I'm going to cut my hours back, and go from there.

If I keep winning and build a nest, I'll quit and go full time poker.

I don't have a family or anyone else depending on me.

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I say go for it. If anything, at least you can say you tried.

My father always told me that it doesn't matter what I choose to do, as long as it's legal, makes me happy, and is fulfilling. I know guys who make a great living playing poker. Just don't let it change your betting style because you're playing with the rent money.

Things change, life changes. Maybe you play poker for a couple years, then decide to make another change. It sounds to me like you really love poker, so just go for it. Plus, it doesn't matter what anyone else says. Show me a 9-5 working stiff and I'll show you a guy who dreams about quitting his job to play games all day. If you don't have a family to worry about, then what is stopping you?

You only live once. Why not spend time doing what you love to do?

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My observation is that even if you manage to stay afloat, it's a hollow existence. I've seen professional poker players on TV who openly say they have come to hate poker, and would never play again if they didn't have to.

In addition, you are taking money from other people. There is no end product in gambling. You are simply defrauding other people out of what they have, with their permission.

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I have been having the same thoughts for a good six months now. I have a plan though. I plan on saving enough money to enter higher stakes casino tournaments to see where I stand. Then, play in a smaller WSOP event or WPT event. Hopefully, at the WSOP or WPT I can get to a final table and get sponsored. Once you have a sponsorship you are set.

Good Luck Bro! I wish you the best and hopeto see you at a card table in the near future.

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You win 3% of the tourney's you enter ?

Shouldn't it say, you lose 97% of the Tourney's you enter ?

Playing online is totally different from going to the casino and sitting down playing for more than some guys $20 buy in. The Florida casinos used to have a $10 (or was it 20) max pot ? I used to go all the time and just play mindlessly. Either you have the cards or you don't, there was only the occasional idiot who bothered with bluffing for $10 bucks.

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