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So where is the intelligent Redskins discussion going on these days?


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Because I know it drifted away from Extremeskins.com in the past few years.

All we get here now are fan polls on who we want to make up our greatest Redskins teams, or threads about how we should sign this guy or this other guy.

Drunk Eli and Paloffs were the 2 best threads of the past 2 years because 99.99999% of all the other threads were garbage.

I'd hate to say it but 90% of the posters who have something to say that is worth reading have gone somewhere else.

I also know the former ES staff hates what this has turned into. So where is the new ES?

Thats all I'm asking.

This place looks more like a 3rd grader chatroom than what I came here for in the first place.

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Because I know it drifted away from Extremeskins.com in the past few years.

All we get here now are fan polls on who we want to make up our greatest Redskins teams, or threads about how we should sign this guy or this other guy.

Drunk Eli and Paloffs were the 2 best threads of the past 2 years because 99.99999% of all the other threads were garbage.

I'd hate to say it but 90% of the posters who have something to say that is worth reading have gone somewhere else.

I also know the former ES staff hates what this has turned into. So where is the new ES?

Thats all I'm asking.

This place looks more like a 3rd grader chatroom than what I came here for in the first place.

I dont consider myself a Vet around here...yet, so I dont think I fall into the category your asking where they went, but I do know the threads you are talking about because I was around when they were started. I think the offseason is just that. And the "quality threads" show up, just not as frequently. I think ES may be a bit of a victim of its on success. Its gotten pretty big and from what I have read from everyone can be a bit hard to handle sometimes. I think a few just needed a break and have chosen to stay away, especially during the offseason. Some interesting conversations go on in the stadium. Right now no one has anything thoughtful to say because nothing is really happening,,,hence the Tank Johnson thread.;) Hey, everyones looking for a good football thread. If you have one....please please please start it!:D :2cents: :logo:

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there have been a few quality threads "two back set" and "another defensive line thread" are two that i have been going to regularly. They are around but with nothing going on with the team....the same goes for the discussion from the fans.

It's kind of hard to talk about something when there's nothing to really talk about

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DOOG, so true I am sitting here at my internship doing absolutely nothing as usual. I find myself not only searching for a good thread but also thinking about good ideas for a new thread, and what it comes down to is there is nothing going on. Previous years we have had "spicy" off seasons in which we are involved in blockbuster trades, giving us something to talk about. This season all we have; has JC improved, how will the runs be split next yr, is Carlos really this bad, and extremely ridiculous trade rumors such as Betts for Boldin (I really don't know how that even became a rumor). Since all of these have been discussed in about 10 different threads each we are left with nothing so you have the non-sense you find today.

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Hey, if you can't see the merit in threads about things like drafting DJ Strawberry or signing every all-pro free agent for the vet. min + incentives, then maybe you don't know what intelligent Redskins discussion is.

seriously though, I'm hoping the good threads will begin when training camp does. Although, its almost a blessing in disguise b/c I can log on, glance at a page of threads that look uninteresting and move on with my life.

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Because I know it drifted away from Extremeskins.com in the past few years.

All we get here now are fan polls on who we want to make up our greatest Redskins teams, or threads about how we should sign this guy or this other guy.

Drunk Eli and Paloffs were the 2 best threads of the past 2 years because 99.99999% of all the other threads were garbage.

I'd hate to say it but 90% of the posters who have something to say that is worth reading have gone somewhere else.

I also know the former ES staff hates what this has turned into. So where is the new ES?

Thats all I'm asking.

This place looks more like a 3rd grader chatroom than what I came here for in the first place.

lets take a look at some of the threads on the front page.

debate whether carlos rogers (1st round pick and potential future of our CB corp) will turn out well.

a joke thread about how bad our defensive line was during our 5-11 2006 season.

discussion on whether tank johnson (a proven nfl stud at a position where we struggle) would be a good addition to this team.

whether or not ladell betts 5 good games of 06 will have an effect on our franchise runningback. also a debate on which one is more valuable to the team.

updates on current redskins related programs (replay of last game of 06, recap of our 91 season)

a betts for boldin trade rumor thread and people discussing why or why not boldin would be a good addition and would the loss of betts be a blow to our team.

the effectiveness of gregg williams defensive schemes and why his defenses seem to create less turnovers than other teams.

since you seem to be above all of the aforementioned topics, id like to know what you think is a worthy topic for the site.

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I agree with you to an extent as most of the treads I don't even open anymore, I find myself fishing for the actual news and such.

I am curious to what kind of threads you are talking about or what they should be based on to be considered "intelligent". I think we have thoroughly worn out the the problems with the team and the FO.

The problem is if you bring up new ideas half of the posters just like to post NNT for you and/or just bash for the heck of it. I personally think no idea is that dumb or doesn't deserve a thoughtful rebuttal. I think the NNT has only worked to suppress new topic lines or ideas not mentioned or backed up with a link (btw those know all links are also the ideas of the same people most on here claim are idiots anyways), so by definition original thought and discussion are suppressed to a degree. I am sure a lot of people who read this site would like to post thoughtful threads but don't do it out of fear of having their ideas criticized. I am more tired of reading and shifting through the NNT and other dumb*** remarks then reading the "unintelligent" or less then thought out ideas of some.

Anyways just my opinion

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I think your energy would be better served attempting to create an intelligent thread your self, that provokes the kind of conversation you want. This thread is kinda worthless in it's own right.

exactly, dude sounds like some elitist, scoffing at pretty much everyone. i happen to think theres a ton of intelligent conversations happening on the board currently, just because theres a few silly threads doesnt mean the board has turned to garbage.

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I agree with D-Day the "self-policing" that goes on in these forms has really been taken to another level. Rather then give advice to newer members on the board, many members sit their and make a cluster **** of pointless comments that are usually very off topic. Not to name any names Califan

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I dont want to speak for him, but I dont think anyone thinks all the posts are "unintelligent", but seems to be geared more to "quality" over quantity issues.

And yes, when people feel the need to say "dont bash me for saying this", that can be a problem.

The good thing about ES (and I say this with all due respect), it allows good and bad and the members have the right to post/not post, read/not read the site. Its in their hands to change it.

If someone posts a REALLY good thoughtful thread, people will respond. What people need to learn is to not bash people, just dont respond to the thread and let it fall off the page, if you respond your justifying the "stupid" threads.

But there is enough good info such as Breaking News, Stadium and Redskins.com content to keep most of us satisfied without every entering the stadium if we didnt want to during the offseason.:2cents: :logo:

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just do a search for the topic you wanna start, if you dont find it (or if you cant see it on the front page), go for it.

the sarcasm wasnt dripping off my post as I hoped :cheers:

point being, if everyone wasnt so worried about being jumped on, I bet some interesting topics would pop up.

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i'm scared to start a thread or I might be NNT'd.

All that is... is an admission that (1) you're too lazy to use the Search function or (2) You're too stupid to use the Search function.

I would expect a 5-year old to understand the simple direction NOT to post the same discussion multiple times.

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I agree with D-Day the "self-policing" that goes on in these forms has really been taken to another level. Rather then give advice to newer members on the board, many members sit their and make a cluster **** of pointless comments that are usually very off topic. Not to name any names Califan

Excuse me, I have some advice to you, considering you're a newer member.

Don't call out another member, especially one that hasn't said anything in this thread yet. It's against the rules.

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All that is... is an admission that (1) you're too lazy to use the Search function or (2) You're too stupid to use the Search function.

I would expect a 5-year old to understand the simple direction NOT to post the same discussion multiple times.

In his defense, the search function only works with 10 or less characters (from my experience). So if you can't find what you want with 10 or less characters, you're screwed.

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Considering Im a newer member, KDawg look past how frequently people post for how long they have been a member here for. Not to mention I have been reading posts on this site since I worked in the Skins store in '02 (all we were aloud to do).

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the sarcasm wasnt dripping off my post as I hoped :cheers:

point being, if everyone wasnt so worried about being jumped on, I bet some interesting topics would pop up.

haha, thats my bad. sometimes picking up that internet slang is tough, especially with posters im not as familiar with. :cheers:

but i would agree with you, im sure there are some posters who get intimidated with the penalties (and threats of penalties) on the site and sometimes a few potential interesting threads go unposted. the search function is pretty easy to use though (when its working).

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