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Oh boy am I in some trouble, health wise


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KoolBlue, you will be amazed how the issues you may be having w/ your back will affect the rest of your well being. Get your back taken care of!!! See an orthopedic surgeon! They are the most qualified to deal w/ your situation. Get the MRI, they couldn't see the proration (herniation) in my discs with just an X-ray, I needed an MRI. Bottom line spend whatever money you have to get your back right.

This is what happened to me last year when I found myself in a similar situation. I was in a car accident and I broke my arm. The car that hit me was an uninsured stolen car. My insurance didn't cover any medical bills and they were adding up.

I was in the same line of work you are in, so needless to say I couldn't work. The Dr told me I could go back to work after 8 weeks in a cast and 8 weeks later there was no way I was going back to work. Finally after my resources had been exhausted, I went to work in another field where I didn't have to use my arm. It caused me to postpone my education for a year, but I had to live.

It took nearly a year after the accident for my arm to be close to 100%. But I stuck it out, accepted help from friends when I needed it. I even asked for help here on Extremeskins and in the long run didn't need it.

Bottm line, you can get through this. It may be a long and challenging road, but a year and a half later I am back on my feet.

Just get it taken care of, now!

Thank you.
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Well, you are one of millions of Americans who are caught in the mess of our health care system. Unfortunately, you are going to end up in a large debt to get yourself fixed. Not knowing your financial situation, here is what I would suggest.

1. You need to get fixed asap, if you don't fix your back, you will live with the pain for the rest of your live, you are only 33 years old, and you have at east 35 more years of work in front of you. Disability is not a grand option for a 33 year old man, so you need to fix the problem.

2. See what the maximum amount of credit you can get is. Pay for your bills and or surgery with your credit cards, and make sure that you get the surgery, and you get better before stopping to see the doctor.

3. Look into filing for bankruptcy. This is where working as a bartender will actually help you out. You may be in the bottom 20% bracket which will still allow you to absolve your debt, without paying it back. Once you are free and clear of debt, you can then start to build back up your credit.

Now, I think your problem is one many in this country are facing, and it is why we should have a nationalized health care plan. You are going to lose 10 years of your life, in your prime income generating years (due to your profession), and you will not be able to get your head above water until your 40s. We have enough money to blow crap up half way around the world, but people like yourself should be taken care of first.

And yes, your Ron Paul signature is quite ironic considering your situation. If he is elected president, he would put you back a good decade in terms of income potential. If on the other hand, a Hillary was elected, and her health care plan passed, you would be covered for all of your medical bills, and you would not end up with a $50K bill to which you can't pay back. Voting for a democrat would be in your best interest, and it could change the way your life is for the next decade. It could mean the difference of upwards of $50K in your pocket.

Here would be my response if I was a republican to your post. . .But then again, who cares about people like yourself, I don't. I have health insurance, so what difference is it to me if you suffer for a decade or two. . .I made the right choices in life, so I have my health insurance taken care of. It is your fault that you have no insurance, so tough it out. I mean I need that $2K tax break on my $100K+ salary a year, because I deserve it. You, on the other hand, just sponge off the system, so you should have to pay for your health insurance.

You see, plans and programs are meant to help the country overall, not hurt it. We are better off if we keep people like yourself employed, healthy, and working. Otherwise, we end up with people like yourself on disability, as they say "sponging off the system we are paying for".

There is a reason for SSI, and other things. The reason is for people like yourself, maybe by going through what you are about to over the next decade or so, you will change your mind about politics, and you will see how foolish you are to have a Ron Paul sig. I don't know if it will change your outlook on life or not, but the bottom line is that a democrat would help you far FAR more than a republican would. That much is certain.

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I am just getting back into bartending so I can go to school during the day and only work 4 nights a week. I have a day job that I gave a months + notice at, not so long ago. Good timing, huh? No insurance at the day job. I switched careers three years ago and this is one of the reasons, health insurance, stability, money. It hasn't worked out and I'm in the begining of regrouping and trying again. The timing for this is a little off.

can you get cobra with that old day job?

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And yes, your Ron Paul signature is quite ironic considering your situation. If he is elected president, he would put you back a good decade in terms of income potential. If on the other hand, a Hillary was elected, and her health care plan passed, you would be covered for all of your medical bills, and you would not end up with a $50K bill to which you can't pay back. Voting for a democrat would be in your best interest, and it could change the way your life is for the next decade. It could mean the difference of upwards of $50K in your pocket.

Chom first off this is not the thread to tell someone who they need to vote for. If only you and Hillary had a clue on the COST alone on a national healthcare system would you think differently. I know I work in healthcare I know the challenges we have and fully understand a full national healthcare plan will not work the way they think it will.

If he had insurance at his previous job then he shoud be able to get Cobra coverage for at least a year.

The major problem with healthcare is the lack of knowledge of everyone understanding it. The first step is educating everyone on it and I am not talking about WebMD.

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I'd take the advice of some of the others and get the procedures done. You may rack up a huge debt, but whatever happens I think you would prefer to be healthy and in debt than hurt (or dead) and not in debt.

And yes, as someone else pointed out, this is another example of the broken healthcare system in America. It's sad when someone in your situation only has the choice of being in major debt and healthy or being in pain for the rest of your life.

Either way, good luck brother and keep us updated.

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I don't know if someone has suggested this yet- but wouldn't it make sense to get a job where they offer health insurance?

doesn't even Mcdonalds give health insurance? that way you can take care of your medical issues, then go back to being a bartender later

I really don't think McDonald's offers health insurance - franchise-based businesses don't usually have a central benefits program. And even if he could find a job with benefits, insurance companies tend to frown upon pre-existing conditions, and I doubt they would cover this after the fact.

If it were so easy to just go out and get a job that would pay for his medical bills, I'm sure he would do it, but unfortunately there's probably no way to avoid taking on some debt in this kind of situation. It sucks, but when things get this serious the money issues have to become secondary; you can't declare bankruptcy and start over with your health.

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I don't know if someone has suggested this yet- but wouldn't it make sense to get a job where they offer health insurance?

doesn't even Mcdonalds give health insurance? that way you can take care of your medical issues, then go back to being a bartender later

I agree with this, but not in such a coarse way. This came off a little cold. The way I see it, if it something you can live with for three months, then get a government job. They are easy to get, albeit you may have to start at a lower pay scale and work your way up, and after three months you are eligable for health benefits. Make a better life for yourself. If you are truely doing everything on your own (school, work, rent, bills) then you need to re-prioritize. It sounds like you are overworking yourself a bit as well.

You work between 65-80 hours, AND you go to school 4 days a week??? Dude, you're an animal. Thats a little much. I work 45- 50 hrs a week at my office job and only take two classes a semester. Its easy on me, and it spreads the cost of schooling out for me with no burn out. You have some serious drive, and you can make this work. My advice is to finish out the semester you are in (unless you are on summer break right now) and lighten your class load next semester. Quit your job and put your resume on USAAjobs.com or another site to get your foot in the door as a govt employee. It really isnt as hard as it sounds, and it will give you a new lease on life. With that new govt job and benefits, you can assess your health.

It isnt a quick fix answer that I gave you, but i dont think your health issue is a quick fix problem, and I believe it is entertwined with your chaotic schedule. I think you are just burning your candle at both ends and running yourself into the ground. I admire such motivation and drive in a person, but you have to take some time for yourself. Good luck with whatevr course of action you take. :2cents:

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I really don't think McDonald's offers health insurance - franchise-based businesses don't usually have a central benefits program. And even if he could find a job with benefits, insurance companies tend to frown upon pre-existing conditions, and I doubt they would cover this after the fact.

If it were so easy to just go out and get a job that would pay for his medical bills, I'm sure he would do it, but unfortunately there's probably no way to avoid taking on some debt in this kind of situation. It sucks, but when things get this serious the money issues have to become secondary; you can't declare bankruptcy and start over with your health.

It really isnt that hard to get a govt job as long as you arent a drug addict or have other outstanding social problems. I have gotten a few of my friends govt jobs (not working with or for me of course) and it has one of my friends lives. He didnt have good credit, but he's had his job for a few years now and he's going out and buying his first brand new car. My government job is what enabled me to own my own place and i have wonderful health insurance.

DjTj makes a good point though. Do what it takes to get your health fixed, you can always file for bankruptcy, you cant start your health or life over. Either way, this is nothing you cant and wont overcome. You've got this.

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Most insurance companies won't cover pre existing conditions.

I was in the resturaunt biz for 14 or so years, burned out and decided to do something else. Cars are the only thing I knew and the junkyard is the only place that would hire me for a decient wage(much less than i'de been making and still havn't recovered) and consistant hours. I'm getting back into the bar biz, so I can go to school full time, or close to it and do something else productive, so I can provide a better life for myself.

I don't want to "sponge" of anything

I don't think I could get a gov't job, because I made a whole lot of mistakes growing up that I don't realy feel comfortable going into. I'm looking into exspongments, but again, thats a few grand I don't have.

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And Chom, there is no possible way I will ever vote for Hillary. I don't trust her to do anything she says and personally feel she is from the same camp thats been part of the decline of our country for 26 years now.

Although I am now and have been a Bill Richardson fan and if Paul doesn't continue to run after losing the primarys, I will fully support him. I don't play bi partisan games. I care to much about the U.S.

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And Chom, there is no possible way I will ever vote for Hillary. I don't trust her to do anything she says and personally feel she is from the same camp thats been part of the decline of our country for 26 years now.

Although I am now and have been a Bill Richardson fan and if Paul doesn't continue to run after losing the primarys, I will fully support him. I don't play bi partisan games. I care to much about the U.S.

I agree with that. I don't trust her either. I remember a while back she was promoting a universal health care system, only to be bought out by the health care industry and lobbyist (we didn't hear a word out her mouth till her new election campaign).


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Most insurance companies won't cover pre existing conditions.

I was in the resturaunt biz for 14 or so years, burned out and decided to do something else. Cars are the only thing I knew and the junkyard is the only place that would hire me for a decient wage(much less than i'de been making and still havn't recovered) and consistant hours. I'm getting back into the bar biz, so I can go to school full time, or close to it and do something else productive, so I can provide a better life for myself.

I don't want to "sponge" of anything

I don't think I could get a gov't job, because I made a whole lot of mistakes growing up that I don't realy feel comfortable going into. I'm looking into exspongments, but again, thats a few grand I don't have.

I hear ya. It sounds like you have a full plate in front of you. I dont know your situation but my advice is to try and get a job working for V-Dot, or the Dept of Transportation in your area. They have positions for people who's job is to help motorists on the highway who are having car troubles, and other positions for people to open and close the highway exit and entrance ramp signs on HOV. Like I said before, they might be lower jobs on the totum pole, but they will secure you benefits and a steady check at forty hours a week. I dont know what you are talking about with not covering pre-exhisting conditions. I recieved my health benefits and treatment from my healthcare provider for a condition i have with my leg that I have been dealing with since 2000. I have only been with this company for four years. If you arent even sure of what you are dealing with right now. If that idea is still no good, then look into Medicade. I know you dont like programs like that but this is the exact kind of thing they are there for, now you are just getting a look from the other side of the coin. They may be able to help you. I wish you luck my friend, and if you need help re-doing your resume in the future Id be glad to help, if there is anything i can do just give me a shout.

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I really don't think McDonald's offers health insurance - franchise-based businesses don't usually have a central benefits program. And even if he could find a job with benefits, insurance companies tend to frown upon pre-existing conditions, and I doubt they would cover this after the fact.

If it were so easy to just go out and get a job that would pay for his medical bills, I'm sure he would do it, but unfortunately there's probably no way to avoid taking on some debt in this kind of situation. It sucks, but when things get this serious the money issues have to become secondary; you can't declare bankruptcy and start over with your health.

McD's does offer healthcare as well as Starbucs etc...

Many companies are now offering it to their employees. Even some of the big restuarant chains like Mikes offers certain benefits etc...

You just have to look for them.

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Most insurance companies won't cover pre existing conditions.

That is correct if you go and try and get insurance on your own. When you get healthcare provided by your company they have agreements with their carrier to still cover pre exisiting. It all depends on how the plan is created through the employer.

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Cute, real cute. For the record, thread jacker, I like Bill Richardsons health care plan the best. However, if Paul could get in and do the things he wants to do, I feel our economy would be able to afford me the costs of my own health care. I hate the idea of the gov't being nessecary to help me get through this financially. I think we all know my personal view of how off track our country is, if Paul could fix it, I would trade my health for the good of the country.

i didn't mean that in a sarcastic way at all. I think its a shame that someone who is working 80 hours a week is not covered by health care, AND i believe you are entitled to lead a healthy life.

i guess you don't think its much, but your vote is a powerful thing and you could help yourself out on this issue by voting for someone who would help you.

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i didn't mean that in a sarcastic way at all. I think its a shame that someone who is working 80 hours a week is not covered by health care, AND i believe you are entitled to lead a healthy life.

i guess you don't think its much, but your vote is a powerful thing and you could help yourself out on this issue by voting for someone who would help you.

and you don't mind if you are paying that?? I don't think people understand exactly how much we would get taxed and the cost if there is universal healthcare, most companies pay a lot now, wait till you want the government to take it over :doh:

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McD's does offer healthcare as well as Starbucs etc...

Many companies are now offering it to their employees. Even some of the big restuarant chains like Mikes offers certain benefits etc...

You just have to look for them.

I know Starbucks does, but I'm pretty sure that McDonald's does not.

In any case, you're definitely right that Koolblue probably shouldn't completely dismiss the possibility of finding insurance through some job. With some research, there could very well be a job out there with a health plan that could help a lot.

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And Chom, there is no possible way I will ever vote for Hillary. I don't trust her to do anything she says and personally feel she is from the same camp thats been part of the decline of our country for 26 years now.

Although I am now and have been a Bill Richardson fan and if Paul doesn't continue to run after losing the primarys, I will fully support him. I don't play bi partisan games. I care to much about the U.S.

I don't expect you to vote for her, and that was not my point. . .what I was trying to say in a long winded answer is that our health care system needs fixing. One party is offering a solution, the other is happy with the status quo. I am like you, I vote what is best for my country as I believe it to be. . .but with that being said, I can also respect a man for voting for his best interest. It is why I hold no contempt for people who have a lot of money that vote for the ® ticket. I would too if I made 7 figures, a year. Financially it makes the most sense to do so.

In your case you do not agree with the platform, which I can also respect. The problem I have is when people vote for a party, yet they have no idea why they are voting for them, and thing certain things about the opposing party because of what they hear on the radio or on TV. They think Colmes is a liberal, yet they have no idea of what the liberal platform is. They vote what they think is in their best interest, even though if they actually looked at the situation inbiased, they would vote the other way.

BYW, you do have another option. You can always move to Mass :) We offer free health care to all of the citizens in our state, and we make sure that everyone can get health care. It is a very good thing!!!!

Best of luck to you man, and I wish you the best. I hope everything works out for you in the long run, but I would definitely get yourself fixed asap!!!!

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Chom first off this is not the thread to tell someone who they need to vote for. If only you and Hillary had a clue on the COST alone on a national healthcare system would you think differently. I know I work in healthcare I know the challenges we have and fully understand a full national healthcare plan will not work the way they think it will.

I did not tell him how to vote, I only stated the obvious. . .and BTW, how much money have we spent on Iraq? Do you think that money could have been spent more wisely? Don't say I have no clue to the cost of the system, and you do because of where you work. You know that BS doesn't hold water here.

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Some of your other symptoms...bell's palsey, numbness, upset stomach could actually be coming from some of those "herbs" that you're taking. Are you taking them in conjunction w/prescription pills or other meds? Those other symptoms didn't start until after you started the herbs right? Some herbs are good for one thing...but cause other problems that you may not have been aware of. I do think you need the MRI...but I understand the financial aspect of things. I think the other symptoms are from something you're taking herbally. But of course I'm no physician. The shoulder,neck, jaw pain could be due to the bulging discs pressing on your subclavian nerve(the nerve the runs thru your shoulder to your brain). I hope you find out what's going on. I'm sure you feel like crap and you're scared to death I'm sure. You need to get help from somewhere. Good Luck

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I did not tell him how to vote, I only stated the obvious. . .and BTW, how much money have we spent on Iraq? Do you think that money could have been spent more wisely? Don't say I have no clue to the cost of the system, and you do because of where you work. You know that BS doesn't hold water here.

Chom. Can you for once STFU about Iraq? Good god man, take it to democratic underground. :doh:

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I've been through this. My first back surgery (I've had three) was when I was in school with no job. It's tough but you will get through.

Contact the hospital about financial aid, explain your financial problems and your health problems. There may be a program that can help. If all else fails keep going back to the ER. They cant turn you away. the main thing is to get to get tested for nerve damage. It sounds like you have some and that can be very bad. Take it from me, my left leg is partialy paralized. But heres the thing, the more serious your problem, the more likely that the hospital will find a way to help you. Just go down there and talk to someone.

Good luck.

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