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The future of Todd Collins...?


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I think I may have covered this in an earlier thread, but I stand by it. Collins needs to be released ASAP. Of course this depends on Brunelle's recovery, but Collins was brought in because he was familiar with the Saunders system. Now that everyone (aside from Palmer) has a year under their belt, it's time to say bye-bye to Collins. Make him a coach or send him packing.

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Again, based on early reports, I think it's too soon to cut Collins. I mean, if Brunell can do little more than throw a five yard pass accurately at this point... well we need to wait and see how he heals up before we cut Collins.

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I think that we are going to keep Todd Collins until we find out about Brunell's health and progress. I think that we will release him during or right after preseason, if Brunell is healthy and shows he can be the backup. If not we keep him as insurance which will spell doom for one of the three young QB's. Bramlet is performing in NFLE and is a strong candidate for the Third string job. Palmer and Hollenbach are the two that will be fighting for the Practice squad spot.

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On a similar note, whatever happened to Gibran Hamden?

I think he lasted a while in the NFL.

Shows that Spurrier did know a thing or two about QBs.

As for Hamdan, he's been bouncing around training camp rosters the last few years and maybe got into a game or two with the 'Hawks but I don't think he's spent a full season as a backup QB yet.

Hammy signed with Miami.

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Bramlet is more than likely going to enter the season as our #3 in my opinion.

Who our #2 is going to be is completely up in the air to me. Brunell or Collins. I could live with Bramlet at 2. At least he's shown flases of success as recent as now (yes, I know, against weaker competition than the NFL has) but Brunell has showed squat in the minis and I can't remember the last time I saw Collins throw a good ball...

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Collins = Brunell. Both are capable backups. Collins knows Saunders game better, and Brunell is tough and can play with an injury (although not very well) and does not blow games. Cut the one that is best for the cap and bring up the most promising of the young guys for #3. Except for an emergency fix, the #3 guy should always be a kid in grooming. Spend the money where we really need it.

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I just was wondering what the fans perspective was on Todd Collins. Personally I do not think we need him as a player; I think he would be a better fit to retire and offer him a job as QB coach and assistant to Al Saunders (we already have enough assistant coaching titles, so I am sure the Skins front office can come up with another name for one :laugh: )

Anyways, just was wondering if anyone has heard anything about Jordan Palmer or Sam Hollanbach. With these new young guys competing in camp, could one of them potentially push Collins out the door and into retirement, or is Al Saunders too much of an obstacle for this to happen...?

Just weigh in as you see fit.


:point2sky :dallasuck

I'm very glad that you made this post. I've always felt that Collins was a bad decision and that he could better serve the skins in another capacity. I would like to see the skins bring Bramlett to training camp and give him an opportunity to perform and show what he "brings to the table".
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Bramlett is tearing up NFL Europe. I don't know if that necessarily translates into success, but I think that he should be at least allowed to compete for the third slot. By the way, I don't think that Todd Collins was all that great of an acquisition. It would have been better had we been able to get trent green. Given our current quarterback situation, it wasn't going to happen. I don't have a problem if he wants to be coach. We already have a quarterback coach in bill lazor. So I don't know where they could put todd collins?

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I think he will be released when they get a Cooley deal in place. He would save over $1M in cap space which would be used for Chris.

That and I think Bramlet tearing up Eupopa deserves a shot at the #3 QB spot. Let's face it neither Brunnell or Collins are going to be with the team in 08, and we will need backup QBs. Keeping Collins around this year would mean we cut or trade Bramlet for a ham sandwich. I hope he can translate some of that success to the NFL so we can have 2 young promising QBs on the team.:logo:

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I think the FO is waiting to see if Bramlet makes it through the World Bowl w/o injury before they make any cuts. But as soon as Bramlet finishes his NFLE season (this weekend at WB XV). Then Collins will be asked to retire, join the staff, or move on. And that all depends on Brunell's shoulder situation (possible IR, and placing Collins as #2). As for Palmer and Hollenbach, I think they are fighting for PS slot and #3 next year.


I'm with the folk who think that if Brunell doesn't show some real recovery soon, he might go from first to the unemployment line. Heck of a drop.

Still, can Collins be made a coach *and then play* if someone gets hurt? Assuming JC, Brunell, [young'un], I bet they want Collins as a safety valve in case of injury.

Hammy signed with Miami.

Hrm. They did that with ole Sage too, right? Wasn't there another (not counting Gus)?

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I take it you never watched any MD games, Hollanbach is a waste of space, he needs to be cut...He's only there because the skins need 4 quarterbacks to even the passing drills out.

Actually I watched all of the MD games... In the later half of the season, he really started getting hot and made plays to put his team in position to win. If anything at all, I think the kid is a winner...

We'll just have to see how he cuts it in camp and in preseason...

Go Skins!


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With Bramlett tearing up NFLE and Palmer having "potential", I see JC the Unquestioned Starter, Brunell The Aging Veteran Backup and either Bramlett or Carter as the Unheralded Rookie. Collins is the "Didn't That Guy Play Fooseball Or Something" also-ran.

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I've been watching things as closely as a random fan with no connection to the inside possibly can. From what I've seen and read, this is the current depth chart:

1. Jason Campbell, secure starter

2. Mark Brunell, pending recovery

3. Todd Collins, insurance for Brunell, will be cut if Brunell can play

4*. Casey Bramlet, NFLE roster exempt

5. Jordan Palmer, reported as ahead of Hollenbach

6. Sam Hollenbach, reportedly not getting any reps since Palmer moved up

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